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单词 scope
释义 scope noun¹ 1opportunity机会adjective | verb + scope | preposition adjective➤full充分的余地◆in her new house she had full scope for her passion for gardening.在新房子里,她有充分的空间释放自己对园艺的热情。➤ample, considerable, enormous, great, huge, tremendous充分的机会;相当大的余地;极大的空间▸➤limited有限的空间verb + scope➤have有余地▸➤allow (sb), give sb, leave (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with)(给某人)留有余地;给予某人机会;(向某人)提供机会◆these courses give students more scope for developing their own ideas.这些课程给学生提供了更多机会来完善自己的想法。➤increase, reduce增加/减少机会preposition➤scope for⋯的机会◆there is limited scope for creativity in my job.我的工作发挥创造力的空间有限。scope noun² 2range/extent范围adjective | verb + scope | scope + verb | preposition adjective➤broad, wide广阔的/宽广的范围➤epic, vast宏大的/浩瀚的范围◆this is a novel of epic scope and grand passions.这部小说场面宏大,气势磅礴。➤global, international, national全球/国际/全国范围➤sheer宏大规模◆the sheer scope of the project was impressive.项目的宏大规模令人惊叹。➤limited, narrow有限的/狭窄的范围◆the scope of the exhibition is disappointingly narrow.展品的范围很窄,令人失望。➤proper合适的范围◆the proper scope of the criminal law刑法的适用范围➤geographic, geographical地域范围◆the geographical scope of product markets has widened since the war.战后产品市场的地理范围扩大了。verb + scope➤broaden, enlarge, expand, extend, increase, widen拓展范围;扩大范围;延伸范围▸➤limit, narrow, reduce, restrict限制/缩小/减小/约束范围▸➤define, determine界定/确定范围◆these criteria were used to determine the scope of the curriculum.这些标准用以确定课程范围。scope + verb➤broaden, expand, extend, increase范围拓宽/扩大/延伸/加大preposition➤beyond the scope of, outside the scope of超出⋯的范围◆the subject lies outside the scope of this book.这个题目超出了本书的范围。➤in (sth's) scope在(⋯)范围上◆the survey is too limited in (its) scope.调查的范围太窄了。➤within the scope of在⋯范围之内◆these disputes fall within the scope of the local courts.处理这些纠纷属于地方法院的职权范围。 scope /skəʊp; name skoʊp/ noun [uncountable] 1.the opportunity or ability to do or achieve sth 机会;能力◆the group believes there is scope for up to 150 stores. 该集团相信有能力开设多达 150 家商店。◆the extra money will give us the scope to improve our facilities. 有了这笔额外的资金,我们就能改进设施了。◆her job offers very little scope for promotion. 她的工作获得晋升的机会很小。◆first try to do something that is within your scope. 首先做你力所能及的事情。 syn potential 2.the range of things that a subject, an organization, an activity, etc. deals with 范围◆our powers are limited in scope. 我们的权限不大。◆we have broadened the scope of our market research. 我们拓宽了市场调研的范围。☞ scopescope nounscope ♦︎ room ♦︎ marginthese are all words for the opportunity to do sth, the possibility of sth happening, or the extra time, space, money, etc. needed for this.这些词均表示机会、可能性或时间、空间、金钱等方面的余地。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆scope / room / margin for sth◆to have scope / room for sth◆to give / allow sb scope / room for sth■ scope [uncountable] the opportunity or ability to do or achieve sth(做或实现某事的)机会,能力◆her job offers very little scope for creativity.她的工作没有什么可发挥创意的地方。◆the extra money will give us the scope to improve our facilities.有了这笔额外资金我们就能提升设备了。◆first try to do something that is within your scope.你先试着做一些自己力所能及的事。 ➡ see also scope → range 2 ■ room --> [uncountable] (always used with for or to + infinitive总是与 for 或带 to 的不定式连用) the possibility of sth existing or happening; the opportunity to do sth(某事存在或发生的)可能性;机会◆he had to be certain. there could be no room for doubt.他必须确信无疑,不能有任何的疑惑。◆there's some room for improvement in your work (= it is not as good as it could be).你的工作还有改进的余地。◆it is important to give children room to think for themselves.给孩子独立思考的机会是很重要的。■ margin /mɑːdʒɪn; name mɑːrdʒən/ [countable, usually singular, uncountable] an extra amount of sth such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that sth is successful(时间、空间、金钱等的)余地◆the equipment has been designed to give an increased safety margin.这台设备在设计中增加了安全系数。◆the narrow gateway left me little margin for error as i reversed the car.门口很狭窄,我倒车时稍有差错都不行。scope [uncountable] the range of things that a subject, organization or activity deals with(题目、组织或活动的)范围◆our powers are limited in scope.我们的权限不大。◆these issues were outside the scope of the article.这些问题不属本文论述范围。◆the police are broadening the scope of their investigation.警方正在扩大调查的范围。 ➡ see also scope → scope scope [uncountable] the opportunity or ability to do or achieve sth(做或实现某事的)机会,能力◆her job offers very little scope for creativity.她的工作没有什么可发挥创意的地方。◆the extra money will give us the scope to improve our facilities.有了这笔额外资金我们就能提升设备了。◆first try to do something that is within your scope.你先试着做一些自己力所能及的事。 ➡ see also scope → range 2 scope/skəʊp ||; skop/noun1. [u] scope (for sth/to do sth) the chance or opportunity to do sth 机会: ◇the job offers plenty of scope for creativity. 那项工作有许多发挥创造力的机会。 2. [sing] the variety of subjects that are being discussed or considered (讨论或考虑的)范围: ◇the government was unwilling to extend the scope of the inquiry. 政府不愿扩大调查范围。 scopesee ⇨ limit 3     • • •• ⇨ room/scope scope /skop; skəʊp/n 1. [singular 单数] the scope of a book, discussion etc is the range of subjects that it deals with [书、讨论等所涉及的]范围:◇environmental issues are beyond the scope of this inquiry. 环境问题不在这次调查的范围之内。 2. [u] the opportunity to do or develop something [做某事或发展某事的]机会,天地,余地:◇an attractive old house with a lot of scope for improvement 一所有很大改进余地的漂亮的旧房子




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