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单词 schedule¹
释义 sched·ule¹ /`skɛdʒl; ˈʃedjuːl/n 1. [c,u]a plan of what someone is going to do and when they will do it, or a plan of when work is to be done 计划,日程安排; 计划表,日程表:◇i have a very busy schedule this week. 这个星期我的日程排得很满。◇we're on schedule to finish in may. (=we will finish by the planned date) 我们将于五月份按时完成。 2. [c] especially ame a list that shows the times that buses, trains etc leave or arrive 【尤美】 [公共汽车、火车等的]时间表,时刻表; timetable bre 【英】 3. [c] a formal written list 一览表; 细目表:◇a schedule of postal charges 邮资一览表




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