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单词 colour
释义 colour noun¹ 1 (bre) (name color) quality that makes sth red, etc.颜色adjective | ... of colour/color | verb + colour/color | colour/color + verb | colour/color + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bold, bright, brilliant, glowing, iridescent, vibrant, vivid醒目的/鲜亮的/光彩夺目的/鲜艳的/彩虹般灿烂的/明亮的/鲜明的颜色▸➤dark, deep深色◆dark colours suit you best.深色最适合你。➤intense, lush, rich, saturated, strong浓重的/华丽的/浓艳的/饱和的/强烈的色彩◆the intense colour of new leaves新叶子的深色➤faded, light, muted, pale, pastel, soft, subdued, subtle褪去的颜色;浅色;暗色;淡色;柔和的颜色▸➤dull不鲜明的颜色▸➤garish, gaudy, loud, lurid俗艳的/艳丽的/花哨的/耀眼的颜色▸➤autumn, autumnal, earthy, fall, warm秋天的颜色;泥土的颜色;暖色▸➤cool冷色◆cool colours like blue and gray蓝色和灰色之类的冷色➤sombre/somber暗淡的颜色▸➤attractive, beautiful, lovely迷人的/美丽的/俏丽的颜色▸➤good适合的颜色◆green is a good colour on you.绿色很适合你。➤complementary, contrasting互补色;对比色▸➤matching搭配色▸➤basic基本色▸➤primary, secondary原色;次色▸➤indeterminate, neutral模糊色;素净色▸➤natural自然色▸➤blue, red, etc.蓝色、红色等◆the curtains went a strange orange colour when we washed them.窗帘经我们洗后变成了一种怪异的橙色。➤bluish, reddish, etc.浅蓝色、淡红色等▸➤pure, solid, uniform纯色;单一色◆simple patterns and solid colours are particularly effective.简单的图案和单纯的颜色搭配效果特别好。➤full全色◆a 48-page reference section in full colour48 页的全色参考部份◆a 24-page full-colour booklet24 页的全色小册子➤eye, hair, skin眼睛的颜色;发色;肤色◆what is her natural hair colour?她的自然发色是什么色?... of colour/color➤dash, flash, splash少许颜色;一处色斑▸➤mass, riot一大片/绚烂的颜色◆the garden is a riot of colour in spring.春天的花园里五彩缤纷。➤spot, touch一点儿/一抹颜色verb + colour/color➤change变色◆the chameleon changes colour to match its surroundings.变色龙变换颜色以适应环境。➤add添加颜色◆the silk cushions add colour to an otherwise dull room.丝绸垫子给原本晦暗的房间增添了色彩。➤match与颜色匹配◆your shirt matches the colour of your eyes.你的衬衫和你眼睛的颜色很相配。➤wear穿⋯颜色的衣服◆i like to wear bright colours.我喜欢穿得鲜艳。colour/color + verb➤match (sth)颜色配(⋯)▸➤clash颜色不协调▸➤fade颜色褪去▸➤run掉色◆this colour runs, so wash the shirt separately.这颜色会掉,把这件衬衫单独洗。➤range from...颜色的范围包括⋯◆the leaf colour ranges from dark green to almost brown.树叶色彩丰富,从深绿到近乎棕色都有。colour/color + noun➤combination, range, scheme色彩混合/系列/搭配◆we have to choose a colour scheme for the dining room.我们得给饭厅选个搭配的颜色。➤palette调色板➤code, coding色标▸➤illustration, photograph, photography, picture, plate, printing, reproduction彩色插图;彩色照片;彩色摄影;彩色图片;彩色版;彩色印刷;彩色复制▸➤monitor, printer, screen, television彩色监视器;彩色打印机;滤色屏;彩色电视机preposition➤in colour⋯颜色◆the flowers are pale blue in colour.这些花是淡蓝色的。◆is the film in colour or black and white?这部影片是彩色的还是黑白的?◆the book is lavishly illustrated in full colour.这本书里有大量全彩插图。➤in a colour有⋯颜色◆the scarf is available in six different colours.这款围巾有 6 种颜色可供选择。phrases➤a combination of colours, a range of colours颜色的混合;一系列颜色colour noun² 2 (bre) (name color) of a person's skin肤色colour/color + noun | preposition | phrases colour/color + noun➤bar, barrier (name) 肤色障碍preposition➤of colour (especially name) 有色⋯◆people of colour有色人种phrases➤on the basis of colour, on (the) grounds of colour根据肤色◆to discriminate on the basis of colour基于肤色的歧视colour noun³ 3 (bre) (name color) redness in the face气色adjective | verb + colour/color | colour/color + verb adjective➤heightened, high红润的脸色;好气色◆you could tell she was excited by the heightened colour in her cheeks.从她绯红的面颊可以看出她很兴奋。➤faint淡淡的红晕verb + colour/color➤have有气色◆you have a little more colour in your cheeks now.现在你的脸色好一点儿了。➤bring使红润◆the walk brought colour to her face.散步使她脸上有了红晕。➤be drained of, drain of, lose(脸色)苍白;失去血色◆his face drained of all colour.他面无血色。colour/color + verb➤flood sth, rise, rush(面色)红润;泛起红晕◆colour flooded her cheeks.她两颊通红。◆the colour rose in his face.他脸泛红晕。◆i could feel the colour rush to my cheeks.我感觉到我的脸刷地红了。➤drain失色◆the colour drained from her face when she saw him.她看见他时脸色变得苍白。➤come back, return气色恢复◆gradually the colour returned to his cheeks.他的双颊慢慢恢复了血色。colour noun⁴ 4 (bre) (name color) interesting or exciting details有趣或精彩的细节adjective | verb + colour | phrases adjective➤local地方色彩◆a journalist in search of a bit of local colour在搜寻一点儿地方特色的记者verb + colour➤add, give sth, lend增添色彩;使⋯生色◆his asides lent colour to the story.他即兴插入的话使故事生动了许多。phrases➤full of colour丰富多彩colour verb (bre) (name color) adverb➤heavily, strongly严重/强烈影响◆his opinions are heavily coloured by his own experiences.他的观点深受个人经历的影响。➤naturally自然地影响colour (bre) (name color) noun 1➤the colour of the sky天空的颜色➤people of colour有色人种的人colour ♦︎ shade ♦︎ hue ♦︎ tint ♦︎ tingethese words all describe the appearance of things, resulting from the way in which they reflect light.这些词均表示颜色、色彩。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a shade / tinge of blue, green, etc.◆a bluish / greenish, etc. colour / shade / hue / tint / tinge◆a warm / rich colour / shade / hue / tint◆a bright / vivid / vibrant / dark / deep colour / shade / hue◆a pale / pastel / soft / subtle / delicate colour / shade / hue◆a light / strong / neutral / natural colour / shade◆to have a colour / shade / hue / tint / tinge■ colour (name color) [countable, uncountable] the appearance that things have, resulting from the way in which they reflect light. red, green and blue are colours.颜色;色彩◆what's your favourite colour?你最喜欢什么颜色?◆the paint is available in 12 different colours.有 12 种不同颜色的油漆可供挑选。◆the colour of the sky天空的颜色◆her hair is a reddish-brown colour.她的头发是棕红色的。◆these flowers certainly give the room a bit of colour.这些花无疑为房间增添了一点儿色彩。ⓘ colour also means the use of all the colours, not only black and white. * colour 还表示彩色的,非黑白的◆a colour tv in every room每个房间里一台彩电◆colour photography / printing彩色摄影/印刷◆a full-colour brochure全彩手册◆do you dream in colour?你的梦是彩色的吗? opp black and white ■ shade [countable] a particular form of a colour, especially when describing how light or dark it is. sky blue is a shade of blue.(颜色的)浓淡深浅;色度◆her eyes were a delicate shade of green.她的眼睛是淡绿色的。◆use different shades of the same colour, rather than lots of different colours.使用同一种颜色的不同色度,而非多种不同颜色。■ hue /hjuː/ [countable] (literary or technical术语) a colour; a particular shade of a colour颜色;色度;色调◆her paintings capture the subtle hues of the countryside in autumn.她的油画捕捉住秋天乡村的微妙色调。◆his face took on an unhealthy, whitish hue.他的脸上透出一丝病态的苍白。■ tint [countable] a shade or small amount of a particular colour; a faint colour covering a surface色调;淡色彩;(一层)淡色◆leaves with red and gold autumn tints金秋时节略呈红黄色的树叶◆the brownish tint of an old photo旧照片的淡褐色  ➡ see also tint → paint verb ■ tinge /tɪndʒ/ [countable, usually singular] a small amount of a colour少许,一丝,几分(颜色)◆there was a pink tinge to the sky.天空略带一点淡淡的粉色。  ➡ see also tinge → element 2 note 辨析 tint or tinge?you can say可以说◆a reddish tint / tinge略带一点淡红色or或◆a tinge of red略带一点淡红色but not但不说◆a tint of red tint is often used in the plural, but tinge is almost always singular. * tint 常用作复数,但 tinge 几乎总是作单数◆reddish tints淡红色◆a reddish tinge淡红色colour (bre) (name color) noun 2➤the colour of the sky天空的颜色➤people of colour有色人种的人colour ♦︎ colouring ♦︎ pigment ♦︎ complexion ♦︎ colorationthese are all words for the colour in the appearance of plants, animals or people.这些词均表示植物表面的颜色,动物或人的肤色。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a dark colouring / pigment / complexion / coloration◆a fair colouring / complexion◆to have a dark / fair, etc. colouring / pigment / complexion / coloration■ colour (bre) (name color) [uncountable, countable] the colour of a person's skin, when it shows the race they belong to(人种的)肤色◆discrimination on the grounds of race, religion or colour was outlawed.以种族、宗教信仰或肤色为理由的歧视是违法的。◆ (especially name) a person / man / woman of colour (= who is not white) 有色人种的人/男子/女子  ➡ see also of colour → black adj. ■ colouring (bre) (name coloring) [uncountable] the colour of a person's skin, eyes and hair; the colours that exist in sth(人的皮肤、眼睛和头发的)颜色;天然色;色彩◆their colouring was identical: white skin, black hair and very dark eyes.他们的颜色都相同:白皮肤、黑头发以及黝黑的眼睛。◆monarch butterflies, with their spectacular black, brown and orange colouring君王斑蝶,身上是奇美的黑色、褐色和橙色■ pigment [countable, uncountable] a substance that exists naturally in people, animals and plants and gives their skin, leaves, etc. a particular colour色素◆melanin is the dark pigment responsible for brown eyes and dark hair.黑色素是棕色眼睛和黑头发的成因。■ complexion /kəmplekʃn/ [countable] the natural colour and condition of the skin on a person's face面色;肤色;气色◆a dark / pale / healthy complexion晦暗的/苍白的/健康的面色◆her auburn hair and blue eyes, together with a fine complexion, made her extremely attractive.她那赤褐色的头发和蓝色的眼睛,再加上健康的肤色,使她迷人极了。note 辨析 colouring or complexion? complexion describes only a person's skin; colouring describes their skin, hair and eyes. * complexion 仅指人的肤色,colouring 可指人的皮肤、头发和眼睛的颜色。■ coloration (bre also colouration) /kʌləreɪʃn/ [uncountable] (technical术语) the natural colours and patterns on a plant or animal(动植物的)自然色彩,自然花纹◆many insects have bright coloration, which has evolved as a protection against predators.许多昆虫有鲜艳的自然花纹,这是防御捕食者的一种进化。 colour (bre) (name color) [transitive] to have an effect on sth, especially sb's opinion or attitude, often in a negative way(尤指消极地)影响(观点或态度)◆the experience moulded and coloured her whole life.这次经历影响了她一生。◆don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings.不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。 colour (name color) [countable, uncountable] the appearance that things have, resulting from the way in which they reflect light. red, green and blue are colours.颜色;色彩◆what's your favourite colour?你最喜欢什么颜色?◆the paint is available in 12 different colours.有 12 种不同颜色的油漆可供挑选。◆the colour of the sky天空的颜色◆her hair is a reddish-brown colour.她的头发是棕红色的。◆these flowers certainly give the room a bit of colour.这些花无疑为房间增添了一点儿色彩。ⓘ colour also means the use of all the colours, not only black and white. * colour 还表示彩色的,非黑白的◆a colour tv in every room每个房间里一台彩电◆colour photography / printing彩色摄影/印刷◆a full-colour brochure全彩手册◆do you dream in colour?你的梦是彩色的吗? opp black and white colour (bre) (name color) [uncountable, countable] the colour of a person's skin, when it shows the race they belong to(人种的)肤色◆discrimination on the grounds of race, religion or colour was outlawed.以种族、宗教信仰或肤色为理由的歧视是违法的。◆ (especially name) a person / man / woman of colour (= who is not white) 有色人种的人/男子/女子  ➡ see also of colour → black adj. colour (bre) (name color) [intransitive, transitive] to put colour on sth using coloured pens, pencils, etc.(用彩色笔等)为⋯着色;涂颜色◆the children love drawing and colouring.孩子们喜欢画画和涂颜色。◆i'll draw a tree and you can colour it in (= put colour inside the lines).我来画一棵树,你可以给它涂上颜色。◆a colouring book (= with pictures that you can colour in) 涂色画册 ➡ see also colour → paint verb colour (bre) (name color) [intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) to become red in the face because of embarrassment, shame or anger(因尴尬、羞愧或生气)脸红◆everyone in the room stared at gerry, and he coloured slightly.房间里的每个人都盯着格里看,他的脸微微地红了。◆he grinned at mary, who coloured up instantly.他朝玛丽咧嘴一笑,玛丽的脸一下子红了。▸ colour (bre) (name color) noun [uncountable] ◆colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened.她想起所发生的事,脸涨得通红。◆his face was drained of colour (= he looked pale and ill).他脸上毫无血色。 colour (bre) (name color) [transitive] to add colour to your hair by using a special liquid or substance染(发)◆how long have you been colouring your hair?你染发多长时间了?  ➡ see also colour → draw verb ▸ colour (bre) (name color) noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a semi-permanent hair colour that lasts around six washes经得起约六次洗发的半永久性染发剂colour (bre) (name color) noun [uncountable] ◆colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened.她想起所发生的事,脸涨得通红。◆his face was drained of colour (= he looked pale and ill).他脸上毫无血色。colour (bre) (name color) noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a semi-permanent hair colour that lasts around six washes经得起约六次洗发的半永久性染发剂colour (bre) (name color) noun [uncountable] ◆colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened.她想起所发生的事,脸涨得通红。◆his face was drained of colour (= he looked pale and ill).他脸上毫无血色。colour (bre) (name color) noun [countable, uncountable] ◆a semi-permanent hair colour that lasts around six washes经得起约六次洗发的半永久性染发剂colour¹/ˈkʌlə(r) ||; ˈkʌlɚ/(us 美 color) noun 1. [c,u] the fact that sth is red, green, yellow, blue, etc 颜色: ◇‘what colour is your car?’ ‘red.’ “你的汽车是什么颜色的?”“红色。”◇what colours do the swedish team play in? 瑞典队的队衣是什么颜色的?◇a dark/deep colour 深色;浓色◇a bright colour 鲜艳的颜色◇a light/pale colour 浅色;淡色◇those flowers certainly give the room a bit of colour. 那些鲜花令房间生色不少。 we say that a thing is a certain colour, not that it has a colour. 说某物是某种颜色用is,不用has。 2. [u] the use of all the colours, not just black and white 彩色: ◇all the pictures in the book are in colour. 书中的插图都是彩色的。◇a colour television 彩色电视机 3. [u] a red or pink colour in your face, particularly when it shows how healthy you are or that you are embarrassed 血色: ◇you look much better now, you've got a bit more colour. 你现在看上去好多了,面色也红润一些了。◇colour flooded her face when she thought of what had happened. 她想起发生的事,脸上就泛起红晕。 4. [u] interesting or exciting details 活力: ◇it's a busy area, full of activity and colour. 这是个繁华的地区,十分热闹,充满生气。 off colour ill 不舒服 with flying colours→flyingcolour²/ˈkʌlə(r) ||; ˈkʌlɚ/(us 美 color) verb [t] 1. to put colour on sth, for example by painting it 着色: ◇colour the picture with your crayons. 用蜡笔给这幅图画着色。◇the area coloured yellow on the map is desert. 地图上的黄色部份是沙漠。 2. to influence thoughts, opinions, etc 影响(思想、意见等): ◇you shouldn't let one bad experience colour your attitude to everything. 不该因一次不顺心就改变自己对所有事物的态度。 colour sth in to fill a shape, a picture, etc with colour using pencils, paint, etc 填色: ◇the children were colouring in pictures of animals. 孩子们正把动物图画填上颜色。 colour1 a colour2 to be a particular colour3 brightly coloured4 light colours5 dark colours6 having no colour7 photograph/film/television8 to change the colour of something9 to lose colourrelated wordssee alsopaint,1. a colour 颜色,色彩 colour british /color american /ˈkʌləʳ/ [countable/uncountable noun] what's your favourite colour? 你最喜欢什么颜色? i like nice bright colours like yellow and pink 我喜欢黄、粉红等好看鲜艳的颜色。 what colour is his hair? 他的头发是什么颜色? look carefully at the rear door. it's not quite the same colour as the rest of the car. 仔细看一下后车门,它与车子其他地方的颜色不太一样。 the chameleon is able to change colour to protect itself. 变色龙能够变换肤色保护自己。 shade /ʃeɪd/ [countable noun] a particular type of one colour, which is darker or lighter than other types of the same colour 色调 when buying make-up, choose the right shade to match your skin. 购买化妆品时;要选择适合自己皮肤的色调。shade of blue/green etc valerie's eyes are a beautiful shade of blue. 瓦莱丽的双眼是好看的蓝色。 in the fall, the woods are full of countless shades of brown, yellow and orange. 秋天,树林里到处是深浅不一的褐色、黄色和橙色,多得无穷无尽。 tint /tɪnt/ [countable noun] a small amount of a particular colour in something that is mostly another colour [某物的主色外的]淡淡的色泽 the sun shining on her head gave her hair an attractive red tint. 太阳照在她头上,使她的头发呈现出一种迷人的红色。 the glass had a bluish tint to it, like ice. 那块玻璃带点儿蓝色,像冰一样。 it was october, and the leaves had begun to take on their warm autumn tints. 10月了,叶子开始呈现秋季的暖色调。 vivid /ˈvɪvɪd, ˈvɪvəd/ [adjective] a vivid colour is very bright and noticeable, especially in a way that is attractive 鲜艳的 a vivid blue sky 碧蓝的天空 a cloud of vivid yellow butterflies 一大群鲜黄色的蝴蝶 hue /hjuː/ [countable noun] a colour or a shade of a colour 颜色,色彩;色调,色度 the prince wore majestic robes of a rich purple hue. 王子穿着色彩浓重的华贵紫袍。 colouring british /coloring american /ˈkʌlərɪŋ/ [uncountable noun] the colour of a person's or animal's hair, skin, or eyes [人的头发或动物毛、皮肤或眼睛的]颜色 this lipstick is perfect for your coloring. 这支口红很配你的肤色。 people with very light colouring need to protect themselves from the sun as they burn easily. 肤色很浅的人容易被太阳灼伤,所以要保护自己免受太阳直射。 many poisonous animals have distinctive coloring that is easily recognized. 许多有毒的动物颜色独特,易于识别。2. to be a particular colour 是某种颜色 be /bi strong biː/ [verb] be red/green etc the japanese flag is white with a red circle in the middle. 日本的国旗为白底红日图案。 frogs are green, toads are brown. that's how you tell the difference. 青蛙是绿色的,蟾蜍是棕色的。你可以借此来区分。 ‘what colour is your car?’ ‘it's black.’ “你的车子是什么颜色的?”“黑色。” coloured british /colored american /ˈkʌləʳd/ [adjective usually before noun] having one or more colours and not black or white 彩色的 the front door was painted blue and had a coloured glass panel in it. 前门被漆成蓝色,上面镶着一块彩色玻璃。 you can make christmas decorations from almost anything -- beads, colored ribbons, sea shells -- anything. 你几乎可以用任何东西来做圣诞装饰品—珠子、彩带、海贝壳—什么都行。brightly coloured the cages were full of brightly- coloured tropical birds. 那些笼子里有很多颜色鲜艳的热带鸟。 tinted /ˈtɪntɪd, ˈtɪntəd/ [adjective] glass that is tinted has a slight colour, so that people cannot see through it, so that light does not shine too brightly through it [玻璃]着色的 the limousine had tinted windows, so we couldn't see who was inside. 那辆豪华大轿车装有浅色玻璃,因此我们无法看见谁在里面。blue-tinted/green-tinted etc she wore a pair of pink-tinted glasses. 她戴着一副粉红色的眼镜。3. brightly coloured 色彩鲜艳的 bright /braɪt/ [adjective] a bright colour is strong and very easy to notice 鲜艳的 the artist clearly loved bright colours. 那位画家显然喜欢鲜艳的颜色。 if you are cycling at night, always wear something bright. 晚间骑车务必穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。bright blue/red/yellow etc the front door was painted bright red. 前门漆成了鲜红色。 a bright yellow van 一辆鲜黄色的小货车 brightly [adverb] a brightly painted boat 一条色彩鲜艳的小船 brightly coloured balloons 色彩鲜艳的气球 colourful british /colorful american /ˈkʌləʳfəl/ [adjective] having a lot of different colours, especially bright colours 多彩的;颜色鲜艳的 the garden was full of colourful and fascinating flowers. 花园里盛开着许多色彩鲜艳的美丽花朵。 that's a really colourful tie you're wearing. 你戴的那条领带真是色彩鲜艳。 stunning tropical fish swim in and out of the colorful rock formations. 漂亮的热带鱼在色彩绚丽的岩石中间游进游出。 brilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ [adjective usually before noun] brilliant white/blue/green etc so bright that it almost hurts your eyes to look at it 明亮的白色/蓝色/绿色等 a brilliant blue sky 碧蓝的天空 the room was painted a brilliant white. 房间被粉刷成了刺眼的白色。 multicoloured british /multicolored american /ˈmʌltiˌkʌləʳd/ [adjective usually before noun] having several different colours, especially bright colours 多色的,彩色的,鲜艳的 a giant multicoloured flag waved in the midday sun. 在中午的阳光下,一面巨大的彩旗迎风招展。 a group of women sat around talking, their multi-coloured dresses radiant. 一群女士坐着聊天,她们穿的衣服色彩缤纷,令人眼花缭乱。 gaudy /ˈgɔːdi/ [adjective] something that is gaudy has too many different colours or is too brightly coloured, with the result that it looks cheap and in bad taste 华丽而俗气的,俗艳的 i didn't like the decorations - they looked rather gaudy. 我不喜欢那种装饰—看上去相当俗艳。 she smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery. 她身上有廉价香水的味道,穿着俗艳的衣服,戴着仿真首饰。 garish /ˈgeərɪʃ/ [adjective] too brightly coloured in a way that is unpleasant to look at 色彩过于鲜艳的,花哨的 her hair had been dyed a garish shade of red. 她的头发染成了一种过于鲜艳的红色。 the streets are lined with garish neon signs. 街道两旁全是炫目的霓虹标志。 the traditional designs have been replaced by much more garish colours. 传统的图案已经被花哨的颜色所替代。 vibrant /ˈvaɪbrənt/ [adjective] vibrant colours are very bright and strong - used when you like these colours very much [颜色]鲜明的,明亮的[用于喜欢这些颜色时] the vibrant reds and oranges of the leaves in autumn 秋季树叶明亮的红色和橘色 the streets of the capital are vibrant with color. 首都的街道色彩鲜明。 lurid /ˈlʊərɪd, ˈlʊərəd, ˈljʊərə̇d‖ˈlʊərɪd/ [adjective] lurid colours are too bright and look very unattractive - used when you dislike these colours [颜色]俗艳的[用于不喜欢这些颜色时] the carpets were a lurid shade of green. 地毯是俗艳的绿色。4. light colours 浅的颜色 light /laɪt/ [adjective] light colours are closer to white than to black 浅的;淡的 they both have brown hair, but tina's is slightly lighter. 他们俩都是棕色头发,但是蒂娜发色稍淡些。light blue/green/orange etc this is a nice jacket and we also do it in a light green. 这是件漂亮的夹克。这种式样的我们还有淡绿色的。 pale /peɪl/ [adjective] very light in colour 非常浅的,淡的 there were dark rings under her eyes and her skin was paler than usual. 她有黑眼袋,肤色比平时苍白。pale pink/green/blue etc her dress is pale pink, with a small flowery pattern. 她的裙子是淡粉红色的,有小花卉图案。 the old man's pale blue eyes moved from the dartboard to the bar and then back again. 那老人浅蓝色的眼睛在圆靶和吧台之间来回扫视着。 fair /feəʳ/ [adjective] use this about the colour of people's hair and skin [皮肤]白晰的;[头发]金色的 someone with fair skin like you should probably use a stronger sunscreen. 皮肤像你那样白的人应该用更强效的防晒霜。fair-haired/fair-skinned the indians were at first frightened of the fair-skinned europeans. 起初,印第安人对白皮肤的欧洲人感到害怕。 pastel /ˈpæstlǁpæˈstel/ [adjective only before noun] pastel colours, especially pink, yellow, green or blue, are soft and light and not at all bright 淡的,色彩柔和的[尤指粉红色、淡黄色、淡绿色或淡蓝色] before the baby was born jenny bought some pretty, pastel baby clothes. 孩子出生以前,珍妮买了一些色彩柔和的漂亮婴儿服。 mrs singh preferred saris in pastel colours, such as salmon pink. 辛格太太偏爱淡色的莎丽,比如浅橙色。 pastels [plural noun] pastel colours: 柔和的色彩 white, cream, and pastels suit me better than dark colours. 白色、米色等柔和的色彩比深色更适合我。 faded /ˈfeɪdɪd, ˈfeɪdəd/ [adjective] if something is faded, it is a lighter colour than it was originally because of being affected by the sun, washing, or age 褪了色的;变暗淡的 the woman wore a faded blue dress and old brown sandals. 那女人穿着一件褪了色的蓝裙子和一双棕色的旧凉鞋。 joe dropped a faded newspaper picture on woodward's desk. 乔把一张褪了色的报纸图片扔在伍德沃德的桌子上。5. dark colours 深的颜色 dark /dɑːʳk/ [adjective] dark colours are closer to black than to white 深色的 she has beautiful dark brown eyes. 她长着漂亮的深褐色眼睛。 if you're going to have such dark walls i really think you should have a pale carpet. 如果你想把墙壁刷成这样的深色,我真的认为你的地毯应该铺浅色的。 ‘what do you think of this blouse?’ ‘it's a bit dark -- navy doesn't really suit you.’ “你觉得这件衬衫怎么样?”“颜色稍深了一点儿—藏青色并不太适合你。” deep /diːp/ [adjective usually before noun] deep colours are strong, dark, and attractive 浓色的,深色的 i'm looking for a deeper shade of purple to paint the bedroom. 我在找一种更深的紫色来粉刷卧室。deep blue/red/purple etc she looked into his eyes. they were deep blue. 她凝视着他的双眼,那是一双深蓝色的眼睛。 in the lounge hung long curtains of luxurious deep red velvet. 休息室里挂着豪华的深红色丝绒长窗帘。 rich /rɪtʃ/ [adjective] dark and giving a pleasant feeling of comfort and warmth 色彩富丽的,浓的 i admired the warm, rich colors of her persian rugs. 我喜欢她的波斯小地毯那种富丽的暖色。 the horse had a rich chestnut coat. 那匹马长着深栗色的皮毛。6. having no colour 无色的 colourless british /colorless american /ˈkʌləʳləs/ [adjective] carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas. 一氧化碳是一种无色无味的气体。 he stared out the window at the colorless sky. 他凝视着窗外苍白的天空。7. photograph/film/television 照片/影片/电视 colour british /color american /ˈkʌləʳ/ [adjective] showing pictures in all colours, not just in black, white, and grey 彩色的 you need a colour television to fully appreciate nature programmes. 你需要一台彩色电视来尽情观赏描述大自然的节目。 does your new computer have a colour monitor? 你的新电脑配有彩色显示器吗? the outstanding feature of this book is its 45 full-page color photographs. 这本书的出众之处在于其45页全页彩照。in colour showing all the colours 彩色的 all the pictures are in color. 所有图片都是彩色的。 black and white /ˌblæk ən ˈwaɪt/ [] black and white television/photograph/film etc one that has a black, white, and grey picture, not colours such as blue, red and yellow 黑白电视机/照片/电影等 black and white tv sets are now very cheap to buy. 现在购买黑白电视机非常便宜。 i love the old black-and-white movies. 我喜欢古老的黑白影片。 an exhibition of black and white photos 黑白照片展览!in black and white showing only black, white, and grey 黑白的 ‘is the film ‘casablanca’ in colour?’ ‘no, it's in black and white.’ “《卡萨布兰卡》这部影片是彩色的吗?”“不,是黑白片。” monochrome /ˈmɒnəkrəʊmǁˈmɑː-/ [adjective] technical monochrome pictures have no colour, and use only black, white, and shades of grey 单色的,黑白的 there were some beautiful monochrome pictures of yosemite. 有一些约塞米蒂国家公园的黑白照片,很漂亮。in monochrome mccullin still prefers to shoot in monochrome. 麦库林还是喜欢拍黑白照片。8. to change the colour of something 改变某物的颜色 colour british /color american /ˈkʌləʳ/ [transitive verb] to put colour into something 给…着色[染色] last time i tried to colour my hair it turned red! 上次我想染头发,结果弄成红色的了! marigold petals were once used for colouring butter and cheese. 万寿菊的花瓣曾被用来给黄油和乳酪染色。colour/color something in colour inside the lines of a picture 给画着色 josie sat at the table coloring in her picture while her father made the dinner. 乔茜坐在桌子旁给画涂色,她爸爸则做晚饭。 dye /daɪ/ [transitive verb] to change the colour of material or hair by using a special coloured liquid 给[物料或头发]染色,染 i'm bored with this skirt. i'm going to dye it. 我穿腻了这条裙子。我想给它染色。 wool and silk are the materials that are easiest to dye. 羊毛与丝绸是最易染色的料子。dye something blue/yellow/red etc she's dyed her hair red -- it looks so unnatural. 她把头发染成了红色—看上去很不自然。 dyed [adjective] the boy wore a headdress of dyed ostrich feathers. 这个男孩戴着一顶由染过色的鸵鸟毛做成的头饰。 bleach /bliːtʃ/ [transitive verb] to use chemicals to make the colour of material or hair lighter [用化学品]使[颜色]变淡,把…漂白 to play the part, kensit had to bleach her hair and gain 20 pounds. 为了扮演那个角色,肯西特必须使头发颜色变淡并增重20磅。 i'm going to bleach these curtains and see if i can get the stains out. 我想把窗帘漂白一下,看看是否能除掉污渍。 bleached [adjective] the beach was full of bleached blondes. 海滩上全是头发染成金色的女人。9. to lose colour 褪色 fade /feɪd/ [intransitive verb] if a colour or coloured material fades, its colour becomes paler, for example because it has been in sunlight for a long time 褪色 over the years the green paint had faded. 经年累月,绿色的油漆已褪色了。 your natural hair colour begins to fade as you grow older, and eventually you go grey. 头发原来的颜色会随着年龄的增长而变淡,最终成了灰白色。 faded [adjective] the curtains that were at one time bright and cheerful were now faded and torn. 一度鲜艳夺目的窗帘现已破旧褪色了。 lose its colour british /lose its color american /ˌluːz ɪts ˈkʌləʳ/ [verb phrase] if a material or object loses its colour, the colour comes out of it, especially because of the effects of washing or sunlight [尤因洗涤或阳光照射而]褪色,掉颜色 will this shirt lose its colour if you wash it? 这件衬衫洗涤后会掉颜色吗? red onions lose their color when cooked. 烹调的时候红洋葱会褪色。 run /rʌn/ [intransitive verb] if the colours run on a piece of clothing when you wash it, some of the colour goes from one part of it and onto another part of it because the water is too hot [衣服洗涤时因水太烫而]渗色 it is usually advisable to wash new clothes separately as they tend to run. 新衣服容易渗色,一般建议单独洗涤。☞ colour¹☞ colour²




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