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单词 streak
释义 streak noun¹ 1thin mark条纹adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤dark深色条纹◆there were dark streaks down her cheeks where she had been crying.她刚刚哭过,脸颊上有几道深色的泪痕。➤faint, pale淡淡的/浅浅的条纹➤bright明亮的条纹➤blond, golden, grey/gray浅黄色/金色/灰色条纹preposition➤streak of⋯的线条◆the last streaks of light faded from the sky.天空中最后几缕光线消失了。phrases➤a streak of lightning一道闪电◆a streak of lightning forked across the sky.一道闪电划破了天空。➤a streak of red, white, etc.一缕红、一缕白等◆she had a few streaks of white in her black hair.她的黑发里夹杂着几缕灰白的头发。streak noun² 2aspect of sb's character性格的一面adjective | verb + streak | preposition adjective➤strong强势的个性▸➤hidden隐藏的个性➤cruel, mean, nasty, ruthless, selfish, vicious, violent残酷的/卑鄙的/恶毒的/无情的/自私的/邪恶的/暴力的性格➤independent, rebellious, stubborn独立的/叛逆的/固执的性格▸➤adventurous, competitive爱冒险的/争强好胜的性格➤puritanical清教徒般的性格verb + streak➤have具有⋯倾向◆most of the players have a strong competitive streak.多数运动员都非常争强好胜。➤reveal, show显露出/表现出⋯倾向◆she suddenly revealed a mean streak in her character.她突然间显露出个性中卑鄙的一面。preposition➤with a streak具有⋯的性格◆trips for those with an adventurous streak适合有冒险精神的人的旅行➤streak of⋯的性格特征◆there was a streak of eccentricity in the family.这个家族的人性格有点儿古怪。streak noun³ 3period of good/bad luck运气好的时期;运气差的阶段adjective | verb + streak adjective➤hot, lucky好运连连▸➤unbeaten, undefeated, winning不败;连胜◆the yankees continued their six-game winning streak.扬基队取得了他们的六连胜。➤losing, winless接连失利;连败◆selby finally ended their five-game winless streak.塞尔比总算终结了他们队的五连败。➤scoreless (name) 连续不进球的阶段verb + streak➤be on, go on (especially name) 处于⋯时期◆the team has been on a winning streak since it won against lazio.自从打败拉齐奥队以后,这支球队连连取胜。➤continue, extend继续/延长⋯时期➤break, end, snap (name) 打断/结束/中断⋯时期 streak /striːk/ noun [countable] a series of successes or failures 运气;手气◆the company has been on a winning streak recently. 这家公司最近运气很好。◆wall street yesterday extended its losing streak to six days. 昨天华尔街股市的下跌已延长到第六天。◆the dow's eight-week streak of gains 道指连续八周的上涨☞ streakstreak /striːk/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to move so fast that it is difficult for you to see it clearly飞奔,疾驰(以致看不清)◆some kind of animal leaped out of the grass and streaked across the meadow.不知是什么动物跃出草丛,飞快地穿过草地。streak /striːk/ [countable] a long thin mark or line that is a different colour from the surface it is on条纹;条痕◆there was a streak of blood on his face.他脸上有一道血痕。◆she had streaks of grey in her hair.她头上已见绺绺白发。◆the sooty rain left dirty streaks on the window.混有煤烟子的雨水在窗户上留下道道污痕。streak¹/stri:k ||; strik/noun[c] 1. streak (of sth) a thin line or mark 条纹;条痕;斑纹: ◇the cat had brown fur with streaks of white in it. 那只猫一身褐毛,间有白色条纹。 2. a part of a person's character that sometimes shows in the way he/she behaves 性情或性格的某一方面: ◇vesna's a very caring girl, but she does have a selfish streak. 维斯娜是个很有爱心的姑娘,但也不乏自私的一面。 3. a continuous period of bad or good luck in a game of sport (体育比赛中)一阵子的运气: ◇the team is on a losing / winning streakat the moment. 该队目前连连败北╱节节胜利。 streak²/stri:k ||; strik/verb [i] (informal 非正式) to run fast 飞跑 streaksee ⇨ character 2 ⇨ fast 4 ⇨ line 2☞ streak¹☞ streak²




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