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单词 jail
释义 jail noun (bre also gaol) adjective | verb + jail | jail + noun | preposition adjective➤city, county, local市监狱;县监狱;地方监狱▸➤➤high-security, maximum-security, top-security (all especially bre) 戒备森严的监狱;实行最高级别警戒措施的监狱▸➤private私设的监狱▸➤overcrowded过度拥挤的监狱verb + jail➤go to入狱◆he's gone to jail for fraud.他已因诈骗罪入狱。➤put sb in, send sb to, throw sb into把某人关进/把某人送进/把某人投入监狱▸➤keep sb in把某人关在狱中➤keep sb out of避免让某人入狱◆his lawyer worked hard to keep him out of jail.为了帮他免除牢狱之灾,他的律师付出了很大努力。➤be freed from, be out of, be released from, get out of获释出狱;出狱◆she could be out of jail in two years.她可能在两年后出狱。➤escape from越狱▸➤threaten sb with使某人面临入狱的危险◆he was threatened with jail if evidence of a hoax was discovered.如果发现他欺诈的证据,他就会有入狱的危险。➤face面临入狱▸➤avoid, escape避免入狱;逃脱牢狱之灾◆she avoided jail by pleading insanity.她以有精神病为由而免于入狱。jail + noun➤sentence, term, time监禁判决;刑期➤cell牢房preposition➤at a/the jail在监狱◆riots at strangeways jail发生在斯特兰奇韦斯监狱的暴乱➤in (a/the) jail坐牢◆how long has she been in jail?她坐牢多久了?◆there was a fire in the jail last night.昨夜监狱里发生了火灾。 jail verbjail ♦︎ detain ♦︎ hold ♦︎ imprison ♦︎ lock sb up/away ♦︎ intern ♦︎ send sb to prison ♦︎ incarceratethese words all mean to keep sb in a place and prevent them from leaving.这些词均表示囚禁、关押。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to jail sb / detain sb / hold sb / imprison sb / lock sb up / intern sb / send sb to prison for sth◆to detain / hold / imprison / lock sb up / incarcerate sb in sth◆to jail / detain / hold / imprison sb without trial / charge■ jail [transitive, usually passive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to put sb in a prison for committing a crime监禁(犯人)◆he was jailed for life for murder.他因犯谋杀罪被终身监禁。 ➡ see also jail → prison ■ detain /dɪteɪn/ [transitive] (rather formal) to keep sb in an official place, such as a police station, prison or hospital, and prevent them from leaving拘留;扣押;监禁◆one man has been detained for questioning.一名男子被拘留审问。▸ detention noun [uncountable] ◆police powers of arrest and detention警方的逮捕和拘留权■ hold (held, held) [transitive] to keep sb and not allow them to leave拘禁;拘留◆police are holding two men in connection with last thursday's bank raid.警方拘留了两名与上周四银行抢劫案有关的男子。◆he was held prisoner for two years.他被囚禁了两年。■ imprison /ɪmprɪzn/ [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to put sb in a prison for committing a crime; to keep sb in a place from which they cannot escape监禁(犯人);关押;扣留◆they were imprisoned for possession of drugs.他们因藏有毒品而被监禁。◆ (figurative) some young mothers feel imprisoned in their own homes.有些年轻的母亲觉得待在家里如同坐牢。 ➡ see also prison → prison ▸ imprisonment noun [uncountable] ◆he was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder.他因犯谋杀罪被判终身监禁。■ lock sb up ■ lock sb away -->phrasal verb (informal) to put sb in prison or a mental hospital, often because they are dangerous将(具有危险性的人)关进监狱(或精神病医院)◆you ought to be locked up!你应该被关起来!◆after what he did, they should lock him up and throw away the key.鉴于他的所作所为,他们就该把他关起来,然后把钥匙扔掉。■ intern /ɪntɜːn; name ɪntɜːrn/ [transitive, often passive] to put sb in prison during a war or for political reasons, although they have not been charged with a crime(战争期间或由于政治原因未经审讯)拘留,禁闭,关押◆they were interned by the government for the duration of the war.战争期间他们被政府关押了起来。▸ internment noun [uncountable] ◆the internment of suspected terrorists对可疑恐怖分子的拘留◆an internment camp拘留营■ send sb to prison -->phrasal verb(sent, sent)to cause sb to be put in prison for committing a crime, especially when this is done by a court(尤指法院)判某人入狱◆the judge sent her to prison for seven years.法官判她七年监禁。  ➡ see also prison → prison ■ incarcerate /ɪnkɑːsəreɪt; name ɪnkɑːrsəreɪt/ [transitive, usually passive] (formal) to imprison sb, especially when this is felt to be wrong in some way, because it is unfair or because conditions are too harsh监禁,关押,禁闭(尤指做法有失公正或条件过于恶劣)◆thousands were incarcerated in labour camps.成千上万的人被关进了劳改营。jail [transitive, usually passive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to put sb in a prison for committing a crime监禁(犯人)◆he was jailed for life for murder.他因犯谋杀罪被终身监禁。 ➡ see also jail → prison jail (bre also gaol) /dʒeɪl/ [uncountable, countable] a prison, especially a small or local prison(尤指小型或地方的)监狱◆he will be freed from jail automatically after serving half the term.他将于刑期服满一半后自动获释。◆woman faces jail for animal cruelty (= newspaper headline).一名女子因虐待动物或遭监禁。  ➡ see also jail → jail verb note 辨析 prison or jail?in british english there is very little difference between these words. prison is also used to talk about the system of keeping people in prisons, as well as the building or institution itself.在英式英语中,这两个词差别极小。prison 除了表示监狱建筑或机构,还表示监狱体系◆the prison service / system监狱部门/体系◆the jail service/system in the us a prison is usually a place where people are sent for a long time after they have been found guilty of a crime. a jail is usually a place where people are locked up for a short time, especially until it can be decided what should be done with them next.在美国,prison 通常指罪犯被定罪之后长期服刑的地方,jail 通常指临时性关押地,尤其是尚未决定接下来如何处置拘留者时◆he was held overnight at the county jail.他整夜被羁押在县看守所。 jails are usually smaller than prisons and are usually operated by the local county; prisons are larger and are operated by the state or the us government. however, the terms in prison and in jail are used in exactly the same way. * jail 通常比 prison 规模小,且通常由县级地方政府管理; prison 较大,由州政府或美国政府管理。但是 in prison 和 in jail 用法完全相同。jail¹/dʒeɪl ||; dʒel/noun [c,u] (a) prison 监狱: ◇she was sent to jail for ten years. 她被监禁十年。 ☞look at the note at prison. 参看prison的注释。 jail²/dʒeɪl ||; dʒel/verb [t] to put sb in prison 监禁: ◇she was jailed for ten years. 她坐了十年牢。 jailsee ⇨ prison 1,2     • • •• ⇨ be in prison/jail• ⇨ put sb in prison/jail• ⇨ throw sb in jail☞ jail¹☞ jail²




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