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单词 falsify
释义 falsify /fɔːlsɪfaɪ/ verb [transitive] (falsifies, falsifying, falsified, falsified) to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true 篡改,伪造(文字记录、信息等)◆to falsify data/documents/records 篡改资料/文件/记录◆the directors had falsified the accounts. 董事们伪造了账目。 ▸ falsification /fɔːlsɪfɪkeɪʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the deliberate falsification of the company's records 对公司记录的故意篡改☞ falsify falsify /fɔːlsɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (formal) to change a written record or information so that it is no longer correct篡改,伪造(文字记录或信息)◆she was arrested for falsifying information and obstructing the course of justice.她因篡改资料和妨碍司法公正而被逮捕。falsifysee ⇨ change/not change 10 fal·si·fy /`fɔlsəˏfaɪ; ˈfɔːlsɪfaɪ/v [t]to change a document, report etc so that it contains false information 窜改,伪造[文件、报告等]:◇he was accused of falsifying the company's accounts. 他被指控伪造公司账目。




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