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单词 distinguishable
释义 distinguishable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be可区分▸➤become变得可辨别adverb➤clearly, easily, readily可清楚辨别;容易辨别▸➤barely, hardly, scarcely勉强可以辨别;几乎不能辨别preposition➤by通过⋯可以识别◆the animal is easily distinguishable by the black stripes above its eye.这类动物很容易通过其眼睛上方的黑色条纹识别出来。➤from与⋯可辨别◆the male bird is barely distinguishable from the female.雄鸟和雌鸟几乎无法辨别。distinguishable /dɪstɪŋgwɪʃəbl/ that can be identified as different from sth else that is similar; that can be seen可区别的;可辨别的;能看清的◆the male bird is easily distinguishable from the female.这种鸟很容易辨认雌雄。◆the coast was barely distinguishable in the mist.薄雾中很难看清海岸。 opp indistinguishable → equal  ➡ see also the entry for visible另见 visible 条distinguishable/dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃəbl ||; dɪˈstɪŋgwɪʃəbḷ/adj1. possible to recognize as different from sb/sth else 可区别的: ◇the male bird is distinguishable from the female by the colour of its beak. 从喙的颜色可区别雄鸟和雌鸟。 2. possible to see, hear or recognize with effort 看得清;听得见;认得出: ◇the letter is so old that the signature is barely distinguishable. 信是很久以前的,签名几乎难以辨认。 [opp] indistinguishable 反义词为indistinguishable distinguishableadj




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