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单词 dictatorship
释义 dictatorship nounadjective | verb + dictatorship | preposition adjective➤communist, fascist共产党专政;法西斯独裁▸➤left-wing, right-wing左派专政;右派独裁▸➤military军事独裁▸➤totalitarian极权主义独裁▸➤brutal, repressive残酷的/严厉的专政▸➤benevolent仁慈的专政verb + dictatorship➤establish, set up建立独裁统治◆the generals established a military dictatorship.将军们建立了军事独裁统治。➤support支持独裁统治▸➤overthrow推翻独裁◆they succeeded in overthrowing the fascist dictatorship.他们成功推翻了法西斯独裁统治。preposition➤during a/the dictatorship在独裁统治期间◆the atrocities that took place during his dictatorship在他独裁期间发生的暴行➤under (a/the) dictatorship在独裁统治之下◆these men had all lived under dictatorship.这些人都曾经生活在独裁统治之下。dictatorship /dɪkteɪtəʃɪp; name dɪktərʃɪp/ [countable, uncountable] government by a dictator (= a ruler who has complete power); a country ruled by a dictator独裁;专政;独裁国家◆they had lived for almost 50 years under a fascist dictatorship.他们已在法西斯独裁统治下生活了近 50 年。◆a military dictatorship军事独裁◆the commission will investigate the atrocities which took place during his dictatorship.委员会将调查他独裁期间发生的暴行。 ➡ see also dictator → dictator dictatorshipsee ⇨ government 4 dic·ta·tor·ship /dɪk`tetəˏʃɪp; dɪkˈteɪtəʃɪp/n [c,u]a system in which a dictator controls a country 独裁统治




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