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单词 contact
释义 contact noun¹ 1meeting/talking/writing to sb会见;谈话;通信adjective | verb + contact | preposition adjective➤close密切联系◆she is still in close contact with sarah.她仍然同萨拉联系密切。➤constant, daily, frequent, regular持续不断的/每天的/经常的/定期的联系▸➤direct, personal直接的/亲自的接触◆have you had any direct contact with the director of the company?你同公司董事有过直接的接触吗?➤face-to-face, visual面对面的接触▸➤email, radio, telephone电子邮件/无线电/电话联系➤human与人的接触◆she was deprived of all human contact for three weeks.她曾被剥夺与所有人的联系达 3 个星期之久。verb + contact➤be in, have有联系▸➤come into, establish, get in, initiate, make开始接触;建立联系;联系上;着手联系;进行联系◆in his job he comes into contact with many different people.他在工作中接触到各种各样的人。◆we first established contact with the organization in 2002.2002 年,我们首次同这个机构建立了联系。◆when i arrive delhi i'll get in contact with him.我到达德里后会跟他联系。➤put sb in使某人建立联系◆i put my cousin in contact with a friend who works at the company.我让表妹同一位在那家公司工作的朋友联系。➤keep, maintain保持联系◆maintaining contact after many years can be difficult.许多年后还保持联系可能会很困难。➤keep in, remain in, stay in保持联系◆let's try to stay in contact!咱们设法保持联系!➤break off中断联系▸➤lose失去联系preposition➤contact between⋯之间的联系◆there has been no contact between them for several years.他们有几年没联系了。➤contact with与⋯的联系◆i have very little contact with simon now.我和西蒙现在很少联系。contact noun² 2person you know who can help you关系adjective | verb + contact adjective➤good, useful, valuable有用的关系▸➤business, personal业务/私人关系verb + contact➤have有熟人◆he has a lot of good contacts in the music industry.他在音乐界很有人脉。➤build up, develop, make建立关系◆it takes time to develop contacts.建立关系需要时间。◆i made a lot of useful business contacts at the conference.在这次大会上我建立了不少有用的业务关系。➤provide提供关系▸➤use利用关系◆he used his contacts to get his son a publishing job.他动用自己的关系给儿子找了一份出版业的工作。contact noun³ 3when people/things touch/see each other接触adjective | verb + contact | preposition adjective➤physical, sexual身体接触;性接触◆the disease is transmitted through physical contact.这种疾病通过身体的接触传播。➤eye目光接触◆he never makes eye contact with me.他从不与我直接对视。verb + contact➤come into接触◆do not let the glue come into contact with water.不要让这种胶水碰到水。➤avoid, prevent避免/防止接触preposition➤in contact处于接触状态◆for a brief moment their lips were in contact.他们的嘴唇有瞬间的接触。➤on contact一经接触◆the light will go out on contact with water.一碰到水,这灯就会熄灭。➤contact between⋯之间的接触◆there should be no contact between the separate samples.分开的试样之间不应该有任何接触。➤contact with同⋯的接触contact verbadverb | phrases adverb➤immediately立即联系▸➤initially一开始接触▸➤directly直接联系▸➤personally亲自联系▸➤by email, by phone, by telephone通过电子邮件联系;通过电话联系◆he can be contacted by phone on the number given below.用下面所给的电话号码就能与他联系上。phrases➤do not hesitate to contact sb请随时与某人联系◆please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.如果有任何问题,请随时和我联系。contact /kɒntækt; name kɑːn-/ noun1. [uncountable] the act of communicating with sb, especially regularly (尤指经常地)联系,联络◆i finally made contact with (= succeeded in meeting) him in frankfurt. 我终于在法兰克福和他取得了联系。◆they put us in contact with (= helped us to meet) an investment banker. 他们帮我们联络上一位投资银行家。◆my contact details are on my business card. 我的名片上有我的联系方式。  ➡  eye contact ⨁ to get into / make contact with sb与某人联系 ⨁ a contact address / name / number联系地址/姓名/电话 2. [countable] a person that you know, especially sb who can be helpful to you in your work (尤指工作上的)熟人◆she has some good business contacts. 她有一些很好的商界熟人。◆building up a network of contacts 建立一个社会关系网⨁ to build up / have / make contacts建立/拥有社会关系;结交有用的人 ⨁ a business / good / personal / useful contact商业/好的/个人的/有用的关系  ➡  idiom at point nouncontact /kɒntækt; name kɑːn-/ verb [transitive] to communicate with sb, for example by telephone or letter (用电话或信件)联系,联络◆i've been trying to contact you all day. 我整天一直在设法联系你。◆you can contact me on/at the following number … 你可以拨打下列号码和我联系。☞ contact☞ contact contact [uncountable] the act of communicating with sb, especially regularly(尤指经常的)联系,联络◆have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)?你和大学里的朋友还保持联系吗?◆she's lost contact with (= no longer sees or writes to) her son.她和儿子失去了联系。◆i finally made contact with (= succeeded in speaking to or meeting) her in paris.我最终在巴黎和她取得了联系。◆in her job she often comes into contact with (= meets) lawyers.她在工作中常和律师打交道。◆the organization put me in contact with other people in a similar position (= gave me their addresses or phone numbers).这家机构为我提供了其他和我情况相似的人的联系方法。◆he carefully avoided eye contact (= looking directly at sb else's eyes).他小心翼翼避免与人目光接触。▸ contact verb [transitive] ◆i've been trying to contact you all day.我一整天都在设法和你联系。 contact [countable] a person that you know, especially sb who can be helpful to you in your work熟人;(尤指)社会关系◆i've made some useful contacts in journalism.我在新闻界结交了一些有用的人。◆it takes time to build up good contacts.建立社会关系网很花时间。contact [countable, usually plural] (especially business尤用于商业) an occasion on which you meet or communicate with sb; a relationship with sb联系;交往;关系◆we have good contacts with the local community.我们与当地社区关系不错。◆the company has maintained trade contacts with india.这家公司和印度一直保持着贸易往来。contactverb [transitive] ◆i've been trying to contact you all day.我一整天都在设法和你联系。contactverb [transitive] ◆i've been trying to contact you all day.我一整天都在设法和你联系。contact¹/ˈkɒntækt ||; ˈkɑntækt/noun1. [u] contact (with sb/sth) meeting, talking to or writing to sb else 联络;联系;接触: ◇they are trying to make contact with the kidnappers. 他们正设法与绑架者接触。◇we keep in contact with our office in new york. 我们与纽约的办事处保持联系。◇it's a pity to lose contact with old schoolfriends. 跟老同学失去联系是一件很遗憾的事。 2. [u] contact (with sb/sth) the state of touching sb/sth 挨着;碰着;接触: ◇this product should not come into contact with food. 这种产品不应接触食物。 3. [c] a person that you know who may be able to help you 可以提供协助的相识: ◇business contacts 业务上有用的相识 4. [c] an electrical connection 接触(器);触点: ◇the switches close the contacts and complete the circuit. 开关闭合接触器,电路便通了。 ☞picture at bulb 见bulb插图 contact²/ˈkɒntækt ||; ˈkɑntækt/verb [t] to telephone or write to sb 联络;联系: ◇is there a phone number where i can contact you? 能不能给我一个电话号码,以便同你联络? contact1 to write to, talk to, telephone etc someone2 to regularly telephone, write to, email etc someone3 to succeed in contacting someone by telephone4 when people write, speak etc to each other5 to no longer speak to or write to someonerelated wordssee alsotalk,write,telephone,letter,message,computers/internet/email,1. to write to, talk to, telephone etc someone 给某人写信,与某人交谈,给某人打电话等 get in touch with /ˌget ɪn ˈtʌtʃ wɪð/ [verb phrase not in passive] to write to, telephone, email etc someone, especially someone you do not see very often 与…联系[尤指不经常见面者] i really ought to get in touch with paula. it's been months since we last spoke. 我真该与葆拉联系一下,我们上次说话至今已好几个月了。 i've been trying to get in touch with my sister for several days. 几天来,我一直想与姐姐联系上。 you can get in touch with me at home, or at the office if necessary. 你可以在家联系上我,如果必要,办公室也行。 contact /ˈkɒntæktǁˈkɑːn-/ [transitive verb] to write to, phone, email etc someone especially for the first time, in order to give or ask for information [为提供或询问信息]与…联络[尤指初次联系] i was given the names of three government officials to contact. 我获得了三位可联系的政府官员的名字。 after they received the bomb threat, school officials immediately contacted the police. 校方接到炸弹威胁后,立即与警方联系。 get onto /get ˈɒntuː/ [transitive phrasal verb not usually in progressive] british spoken to phone, write to, email etc someone in order to complain, explain, or ask for something 【英口】[为投诉、解释或要求得到某物]与…联系 i'm afraid i can't help you. you'd better get onto the foreign office. 恐怕我帮不了你,你最好与外交部联系。 i'll get onto eddy and see if i can find out what's going on. 我要问问埃迪,看我能不能弄清楚到底发生了什么事。 make contact with /ˌmeɪk ˈkɒntækt wɪðǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to succeed in contacting someone, especially when this is difficult 与…取得联络[尤指好不容易] the pilot finally managed to make contact with the control tower. 飞行员最后总算和控制塔联系上了。 i've managed to make contact with most of the people on the list. 我设法与名单上的大多数人联系上了。 approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ [transitive verb] to contact someone that you do not know or have not contacted before, in order to offer them something or ask them for something [为向某人提供某物或要求得到某物而]初次接洽,打交道 nash has already been approached by several pro football teams. 几支专业足球队已经与纳什接洽过。approach somebody about something the company confirmed that it had been approached about a merger. 该公司证实关于合并的事有人同他们接触过。2. to regularly telephone, write to, email etc someone 经常给某人打电话、写信、发电邮等 be in contact /biː ɪn ˈkɒntæktǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to regularly telephone, write to, email etc someone so that you quickly find out about any news 经常联系 harrison maintains that the pair were not in contact for over 10 years. 哈里森坚称他们俩已超过十年没联系了。be in contact with we're in close contact with the italian division of the company. 我们与该公司的意大利分公司来往密切。 john is no longer in contact with his family. 约翰不再与家人联系。 keep in touch/stay in touch /ˌkiːp ɪn ˈtʌtʃ, ˌsteɪ ɪn ˈtʌtʃ/ [verb phrase] to continue to see, speak to, or write to someone when you are no longer working with them, living near them etc [不再共事或分开等之后]继续保持联系 linda and i stay in touch by sending occasional postcards. 我与琳达偶尔寄张明信片来保持联系。 have a safe trip back. don't forget to keep in touch. 祝你平安到家,别忘记保持联系。keep in touch/stay in touch with i haven't kept in touch with any of the people i went to school with. 我没有和任何同学保持联系。 keep in contact /ˌkiːp ɪn ˈkɒntæktǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to continue to write to, telephone, email etc someone although you are far away from them 保持联系[尽管相距遥远] we keep in contact, but i rarely see them. 我们保持联系,但难得见面。keep in contact with i've kept in contact with several of my army buddies. 我与几位战友保持着联系。keep in contact by teenagers keep in contact by text messaging on their mobile phones. 青少年发手机短信来保持联系。 communicate /kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt, kəˈmjuːnəkeɪt/ [intransitive verb] to exchange information or have a conversation with someone, by telephone, letter etc, or by seeing them 通讯;通话;交往 communicate by phone/email/letter etc now that we live in different cities, we communicate by e-mail. 现在我们住在不同的城市,用电邮联络。communicate in writing they couldn't communicate in writing, because william was illiterate. 他们无法书面联络,因为威廉不识字。3. to succeed in contacting someone by telephone 通过电话联系上某人 get hold of /ˌget ˈhəʊld ɒv/ [verb phrase] to succeed in contacting someone by telephone after trying several times 打电话找到[某人] where have you been? i've been trying to get hold of you all week. 你去哪儿了?整整一周我都在打电话找你。 it's no use trying to phone linda at work -- she's impossible to get hold of. 工作时间给琳达打电话没有用——找不到她的。 get through /ˌget ˈθruː/ [intransitive phrasal verb] to succeed in contacting someone by telephone, especially after a delay or technical problem [尤指经过延误后或技术问题解决之后]打通电话 i finally got through, but it took several minutes. 我最终打通了电话,但花了几分钟时间。get through to somebody by the way, did you get through to sharon? 顺便问一下,你打通电话找到沙伦了吗? i hate dealing with the bank over the phone. it takes ages to get through to the right person. 我讨厌在电话上同银行打交道,找对人要花很长时间。 reach /riːtʃ/ [transitive verb] to contact someone by telephone - use this especially when you are saying whether you can or cannot contact them 与…电话联系[尤用于指是否可以联系得到] you can reach me here through friday. i leave for denver saturday. 直到星期五你可以打电话到这里与我联系,我星期六起程去丹佛。 have you been able to reach neil? 你能打电话联系上尼尔吗?4. when people write, speak etc to each other 相互写信、交谈等 communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃən, kəˌmjuːnəˈkeɪʃən/ [uncountable noun] the activity or process of speaking, writing, or sending messages to other people 通信;沟通,交流,联系 good communication is vital in a large organization. 良好的沟通在大机构中至关重要。 there were some communication problems during the first phase of the project. 该计划的第一阶段存在一些沟通问题。means of communication radio was the pilot's only means of communication. 无线电是飞行员唯一的通讯工具。 contact /ˈkɒntæktǁˈkɑːn-/ [uncountable noun] communication between two people or groups - use this especially when you are talking about people who do not speak to each other very often 交流,联系[尤用于形容相互间不常说话的人] contact between we need better contact between staff and management. 员工和管理部门之间需要更好的沟通。contact with ‘have you had any other contact with him?’ asked the lawyer. “你和他有没有其他联系?”律师问道。5. to no longer speak to or write to someone 不再和某人说话或通信 lose touch /ˌluːz ˈtʌtʃ/ [verb phrase not in passive] to not speak to, write to, or see someone for a long time, so that finally you do not know where they are or what they are doing 失去联络 it's sad, but wendy and i have lost touch. 说来伤心,我和温迪失去了联络。lose touch with after jason moved to utah, i lost touch with him. 贾森搬去犹他州后,我便与他失去了联系。 lose contact /ˌluːz ˈkɒntæktǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to no longer be able to contact someone by radio or electronic signals, as a result of technical problems [发生技术问题]失去联络,联络中断 lose contact with air traffic control say they've lost contact with the plane. 空中交通管制中心称,他们与那架飞机失去了联系。☞ contact¹☞ contact²




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