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单词 fur
释义 fur nounadjective | verb + fur | fur + noun | preposition adjective➤thick厚厚的毛▸➤matted缠结的毛◆the cat's fur was matted with blood.这只猫的毛被血粘成一团。➤silky, soft丝质的/柔软的毛皮➤shaggy粗糙蓬乱的毛➤warm暖和的毛皮▸➤real真毛皮▸➤fake, faux, fun, synthetic假毛皮;人造毛皮;仿毛皮织物;合成毛皮➤animal动物毛皮▸➤fox, rabbit, etc.狐皮、兔皮等verb + fur➤be wrapped in, wear裹在毛皮里;穿着毛皮衣物◆she was wearing her fur.她穿着毛皮衣服。➤be lined with, be trimmed with用毛皮作衬里/装饰◆a cloak lined with fur毛皮衬里的披风fur + noun➤industry, trade毛皮业;毛皮贸易➤trader, trapper毛皮商人;为获得毛皮而捕捉动物的人▸➤farm毛皮动物饲养场➤farming毛皮动物饲养➤product毛皮产品➤coat, hat, jacket, stole毛皮大衣;皮帽;毛皮夹克;毛皮披肩➤collar, trim毛皮领子/饰物◆the coat was orange with a fur trim.这件大衣是橘色的,有毛皮饰边。preposition➤in a/your fur (= wearing a fur coat, etc.) 身着毛皮衣服◆elegant women in furs身着毛皮衣服的优雅女人➤of fur毛皮做的⋯◆a collar of fur毛皮领子fur/fɜ:(r) ||; fɝ/noun1. [u] the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals (某些动物身上)又软又厚的毛 ☞picture on page c1 见c1页插图 2. [c,u] the skin and hair of an animal that is used for making clothes, etc; a piece of clothing that is made from this 毛皮;毛皮衣物: ◇a fur coat 毛皮大衣 fur /fɜ; fɜː/n 1. [u] the thick soft hair that covers the bodies of some animals such as dogs and cats [狗、猫等动物的]浓密软毛 2. [c,u] the fur-covered skin of an animal, used especially for making clothes, or a piece of clothing made from furs [尤指用于做衣服的]毛皮; 毛皮衣物:◇a fur coat 裘皮大衣 ☞ fur




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