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单词 digit
释义 digit nounadjective | ... of digits | phrases adjective➤binary, decimal二进制数字;十进制数字◆the decimal digits 0 to 9从 0 到 9 的十进制数字➤double, single两位数;个位数◆double-digit inflation两位数的通货膨胀... of digits➤sequence, series, set, string一组数字;一串数字◆a sequence of binary digits一组二进制数字phrases➤three, four, etc. digits long三位数、四位数等◆the number can be up to eight digits long.这个数字可达八位数。 digit /dɪdʒɪt/ noun [countable] 1.any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9 数字;数位◆a seven-digit telephone number 七位数电话号码2.used with a number or an adjective to describe an amount of money or the amount by which a number has increased or decreased 与数字或形容词连用表示金额或数字增减的幅度◆sales have grown from six digits (=$100 000 or more) to $6 million (= seven digits) since 2001. 销售额自 2001 年起从六位数(100 000 元或以上)增长到七位数(600 万元)。◆ double-digit rises (= 10% or more) in sales and earnings 销售额和收益有两位数的增长(10% 或更多)◆(especially name) an increase in the mid-single digit range (= about 4–6%) 在一位数中间范围的增长(约为 4%-6%)⨁ double / single / triple digits两位数/一位数/三位数 ⨁ high-single / low-single / mid-single digits高端一位数/低端一位数/中间一位数 ☞ digitdigit /dɪdʒɪt/ [countable] any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9(从 0 到 9 的任何一个)数字,数位◆the number 57306 contains five digits.数字 57306 是个五位数。◆ (name) inflation is now in single / double digits.通货膨胀率现在是一位数/两位数。ⓘ in british english use in single/double figures.在英式英语中用 in single/double figures。note 辨析 figure or digit? figure is used to talk about amounts of money, but digit is usually used with 'number', when it means a series of figures to identify sth, not an amount. * figure 用于指金钱的数额; digit 通常与 number 一词连用,用于指识别事物的一串数字,而不是某个数量◆the deal has been signed for a seven-figure sum.这笔涉及七位数金额的交易已达成。◆she dialled the four-digit extension number.她拨了四位数的分机号。either word can be used to talk about an increase, although digit is more common than figure in american english.这两个词均可用于表示增加,但在美式英语中 digit 较 figure 常用◆the company is currently experiencing double figure / digit growth.该公司目前正经历两位数的增长。 digit is used more often than figure in texts about the use of technology and numbers appearing on equipment such as radio alarm clocks, calculators, cash machines, etc.与 figure 相比,digit 较常用于有关技术应用的文本里;此外,收音机闹钟、计算器、自动取款机之类的设备上所显示的数字的位数亦较常用 digit 表示。digit/ˈdɪdʒɪt ||; ˈdɪdʒɪt/noun [c] any of the numbers from 0 to 9 由0到9的任何一个数字: ◇a six-digit telephone number 六位数字的电话号码 digitsee ⇨ number 1 di·git /`dɪdʒɪt; ˈdɪdʒɪt/n [c] 1. a single number 个位数(字):◇a seven-digit phone number 七位数电话号码 2. technical a finger or toe 【术语】 手指; 脚趾




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