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单词 funny
释义 funny adjective¹ 1making you laugh好笑verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem滑稽;看上去滑稽;似乎滑稽▸➤become, get变得好玩儿◆the movie gets funnier nearer the end.这部电影越到后面越搞笑。➤find sth觉得⋯滑稽adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常有趣▸➤brilliantly, genuinely, hilariously, hysterically, incredibly, laugh-out-loud, outrageously, painfully, riotously, screamingly, side-splittingly, terribly, uproariously, wickedly, wildly, wonderfully令人绝倒;真的好玩儿;令人捧腹;疯狂搞笑;好玩儿之极;使人爆笑;诙谐促狭◆at last, a genuinely funny comedy show!最后,请欣赏非常搞笑的喜剧表演!◆his performance was hilariously funny.他的表演令人捧腹。◆you should have seen it-it was terribly funny!你没看到真是可惜,简直笑死人了!➤surprisingly好笑得令人吃惊▸➤almost几近滑稽➤mildly有点儿滑稽➤not remotely一点儿也不好笑◆he's not even remotely funny.他一点儿也不好笑。➤unintentionally无心的逗乐➤inherently天生滑稽➤darkly冷幽默funny adjective² 2strange古怪verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, smell, sound, strike sb as, taste怪怪的;觉得古怪;看上去古怪;好像古怪;闻起来怪怪的;听起来古怪;让某人感到奇怪;尝起来很怪◆didn't it strike you as funny that adam wasn't there?亚当竟然不在那里,你不觉得奇怪吗?◆this wine tastes funny.这酒味道有点儿怪。➤find sth觉得⋯奇怪◆don't you find it a little funny that she never mentions her husband?她从没提起过她丈夫,你不觉得有点儿奇怪吗?adverb➤rather, very颇为奇怪;非常蹊跷◆helen gave me a rather funny look.海伦有些古怪地看了我一眼。➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/有几分古怪phrases➤funny little古怪可恶◆he's a funny little man.他是个古怪的讨厌鬼。➤funny old稀奇古怪◆it's a funny old world, isn't it?这个世界稀奇古怪,不是吗? funny adjectivefunny ♦︎ amusing ♦︎ entertaining ♦︎ witty ♦︎ humorous ♦︎ comic ♦︎ hilarious ♦︎ light-heartedthese words all describe sb/sth that makes you laugh or smile.这些词均表示好笑的、滑稽的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达好笑的程度humorous ○ light-hearted ○ funny ○ amusing ○ entertaining ○ witty ○ comic ○ hilariouspatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a funny / an amusing / an entertaining / a witty / a humorous / a comic / a light-hearted story◆a funny / an amusing / an entertaining / a witty / a humorous / a light-hearted speech◆a funny / an entertaining / a witty / a humorous / a comic writer◆a funny / an entertaining / a witty / a humorous speaker◆a funny / an amusing / a witty guy / man / woman◆a funny / an amusing / a humorous / a hilarious incident◆a funny / an amusing / a hilarious joke◆to find sth funny / amusing / entertaining / witty / humorous / hilarious■ funny that makes you laugh好笑的;滑稽的◆that's the funniest thing i've ever heard.那是我听过的最滑稽可笑的事。◆it's not funny! someone could have been hurt.这不是儿戏!可能会伤到人。◆i was really embarrassed, but then i saw the funny side of it.我确实感到很尴尬,但接着我发现了事情好笑的一面。◆'what's so funny?' she demanded.“什么事这么好笑?”她问道。■ amusing funny and enjoyable逗人笑的;有乐趣的;好笑的◆this can be a very amusing game to play.这种游戏玩起来可能会非常有趣。◆he writes very amusing letters.他写起信来非常诙谐有趣。▸ amuse verb [transitive] ◆my funny drawings amused the kids.我的滑稽图画把孩子们逗乐了。◆this will amuse you.这个会逗你笑的。 ➡ see also amuse → entertain ▸ amusement noun [uncountable] ◆she could not hide her amusement at the way he was dancing.看见他跳舞的姿势,她忍俊不禁。◆much to their amusement i couldn't get the door open.使他们大为好笑的是,我竟然打不开门。■ entertaining (rather formal) amusing and interesting有趣的;令人开心的;使人愉快的◆it was a very entertaining evening.那是一场非常令人开心的晚会。◆she found him a charming and entertaining companion.她觉得他是个富有魅力、令人愉快的同伴。  ➡ see also entertain → entertain ■ witty clever and amusing; able to say or write clever and amusing things机智的;巧妙的;言辞诙谐的;妙趣横生的◆somebody made a witty remark about needing a forklift truck.有人拿需要叉车的事讲了一句俏皮话。◆he was much in demand as a witty public speaker.作为一个机智幽默的演说家,他非常抢手。 ➡ see also wit → humour ■ humorous funny and entertaining; showing a sense of humour滑稽有趣的;有幽默感的◆it's a humorous look at the world of fashion.那是对时装界幽默的审视。◆she had not intended to be humorous.她本无意故作幽默。 ➡ see also humour → humour ■ comic /kɒmɪk; name kɑːmɪk/ that makes you laugh好笑的;滑稽的◆many of the scenes in the book are richly comic.这本书里的许多场景都非常滑稽可笑。◆she can always be relied on to provide comic relief (= sth to make you relax and laugh) at a boring party.在沉闷的聚会上总能指望她爆出笑料。ⓘ comic also means 'connected with comedy'(= entertainment that is funny and makes people laugh); in this meaning it is only used before a noun. * comic 另有“喜剧的”之义,表达此义时只用在名词前◆a comic opera滑稽歌剧◆a very fine comic actor优秀的喜剧演员  ➡ see also comedy → humour note 辨析 funny, amusing, humorous or comic? amusing is the most general of these words because it includes the idea of being enjoyable as well as making people laugh and can be used to describe events, activities and occasions. * amusing 在这些词中含义最广,既表示好笑的,也表示有趣的、好玩的,可用以形容事情、活动和场合◆an amusing party / game / evening充满乐趣的联欢会/游戏/晚会◆a funny/humorous/comic party/game/evening humorous is not quite as strong as funny or comic and is more about showing that you see the humour in a situation, than actually making people laugh out loud. comic is used especially to talk about writing and drama or things that are funny in a deliberate and theatrical way. it is not used to describe people (except for comic writers). funny can describe people, jokes and stories, things that happen, or anything that makes people laugh. * humorous 语气不如 funny 或 comic 强,多表明意会到情景中的滑稽之处,而非实际使人大笑。comic 尤指作品、戏剧、事物等有意营造的戏剧性的滑稽可笑,但不用以描述人(comic writer 例外)。funny 可形容人、笑话、故事、发生的事情以及任何使人发笑的事物。■ hilarious /hɪleəriəs/ extremely funny极其滑稽的;令人捧腹的◆lynn found the whole situation absolutely hilarious.林恩觉得这一切实在是太滑稽了。◆do you know pete? he's hilarious.你认识皮特吗?他风趣得很。■ light-hearted intended to be amusing or easily enjoyable rather than too serious轻松的;愉快的◆she gave a light-hearted speech that was just right for the occasion.她发表了轻松愉快的讲话,很适合当时的场合。 opp serious → serious 2 funnythat makes you laugh好笑的;滑稽的◆that's the funniest thing i've ever heard.那是我听过的最滑稽可笑的事。◆it's not funny! someone could have been hurt.这不是儿戏!可能会伤到人。◆i was really embarrassed, but then i saw the funny side of it.我确实感到很尴尬,但接着我发现了事情好笑的一面。◆'what's so funny?' she demanded.“什么事这么好笑?”她问道。funny (rather informal, especially spoken) strange and difficult to understand奇怪的;难以理解的◆that's funny-he was here a moment ago and now he's gone.真怪 - 他刚才还在这儿,现在就没影了。◆the engine's making a very funny noise.发动机正发出一种非常奇怪的声响。◆i'm pleased i didn't get that job, in a funny sort of way.我没有得到那份工作,但我有一种说不清楚的高兴。ⓘ in this meaning funny is a more informal way of saying strange, but it does not suggest that sth is slightly frightening, as strange sometimes does. * funny 表达此义时是 strange 的一种较非正式的说法,但它没有令人有点害怕的意思,strange 有时含有这样的意思。▸ funnily adverb◆funnily enough, i met her only yesterday.说来也巧,昨天我才碰见她。funny/ˈfʌni ||; ˈfʌnɪ/adj (funnier;funniest) 1. that makes you smile or laugh 滑稽的;好笑的: ◇a funny story 一个滑稽的故事◇he's an extremely funny person. 他这个人非常滑稽。◇that's the funniest thing i've heard in ages! 那是我好久以来听到过的最滑稽的事! 2. strange or unusual; difficult to explain or understand 怪异的;难以解释的;难以理解的: ◇oh dear, the engine is making a funny noise. 咦,发动机的声音好怪呀。◇it's funny that they didn't phone to let us know they couldn't come. 他们来不了也不给我们挂个电话,真奇怪。◇ that's funny -- he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. 真奇怪,他方才明明在这儿,现在却不见了。◇can i sit down for a minute? i feel a bit funny(= a bit ill). 我有点不舒服,可以坐一会儿吗? ☞look at the note at fun ². 参看fun^2的注释。funny1 when something or someone makes you laugh2 a funny film, play etc3 when the opposite of what is expected happens4 how you feel when you think something is funny5 the quality in someone or something that makes them funny6 the ability to realize when something is funnyrelated wordsunusual or strange 不寻常的或奇怪的 strange,see alsojoke,laugh,smile,serious,1. when something or someone makes you laugh 某事或某人使人发笑 funny /ˈfʌni/ [adjective] something or someone that is funny makes you laugh 滑稽的;可笑的 it was the funniest story i'd ever heard. 这是我听过的故事中最好笑的一个。 he can be pretty funny when he's had a few drinks. 他几杯酒下肚以后会很风趣。 the goat was chasing mark round and round the field - it was so funny. 那只山羊追着马克在田里转着圈子跑,真是好笑。look funny you look really funny in that hat. 你戴那顶帽子看起来很滑稽。hilariously/hysterically funny did you like ‘notting hill’? i thought it was hilariously funny. 你喜欢《诺丁山》这部电影吗?我觉得这片子好笑极了。 make somebody laugh /ˌmeɪk somebody ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase not in passive] to make someone laugh, for example by telling a joke or doing something funny 引人发笑 i must tell jerry what you said - it'll make him laugh. 我一定要把你的话说给杰里听,他会觉得好笑的。 charlie chaplin was a great actor with a wonderful ability to make people laugh. 查利·卓别林是位伟大的演员,他具有令人难以置信的逗乐天才。 it always makes me laugh when you look at me like that. 你那个样子看着我总是会让我发笑。 amusing /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ [adjective] especially written funny and entertaining enough to make you smile 【尤书面】有趣的,逗人发笑的 i like a newspaper with one or two amusing articles, as well as all the serious stuff. 我喜欢那种在刊登所有严肃东西的同时又有一两篇趣味文章的报纸。 he was a really special person, gentle and amusing at the same time. 他是个很特别的人,既温文尔雅同时又妙趣横生。find something/somebody amusing mrs denton didn't find it amusing when i spilt all the paint on the floor. 我把油漆都洒到地上时,登顿太太并不觉得好笑。highly amusing my mother was embarrassed, but i found the situation highly amusing. 我妈很窘,可我觉得这场面很有趣。 humorous /ˈhjuːmərəsǁˈhjuː-, ˈjuː-/ [adjective] intended to be amusing - use this especially about stories, descriptions, songs, and other things that people write 幽默的,诙谐的[尤用于故事、描述、歌曲等] the book is a humorous account of a young man's travels in south america. 这本书幽默地讲述了一位年轻人在南美洲旅行的故事。 it was a brilliant speech - clear, precise and humorous. 这次演说很精彩,它清楚、简洁又幽默。 humorous birthday cards 幽默的生日贺卡 witty /ˈwɪti/ [adjective] using words in a clever and amusing way 说话风趣的 sam is intelligent, witty, and great fun to be with. 萨姆聪明风趣,跟他在一起很有意思。 i enjoyed the play - it had a clever plot and a very witty script. 我喜欢这部戏,它情节巧妙,对话非常风趣。 hilarious /hɪˈleəriəs/ [adjective] extremely funny - use this about situations, jokes, and stories, but not about people 极其滑稽的[情况、笑话和故事] our attempts at dancing were hilarious - we all kept tripping over each other. 我们努力跳舞时的举动真是笑死人了,我们一直相互绊来绊去的。 the hilarious bbc comedy series ‘absolutely fabulous’ 滑稽到极点的英国广播公司的系列喜剧《妙不可言》 comical /ˈkɒmɪkəlǁˈkɑː-/ [adjective] especially written funny in a strange or unexpected way, although not always intended to be 【尤书面】古怪可笑的,滑稽的 carlo looked so comical, striding along in a coat which nearly touched the ground. 卡洛看上去很滑稽,穿着一件几乎拖地的外套大踏步地走着。 the puffin is an unusual sea bird, and there is something almost comical about the way it moves and looks. 海鹦是一种不寻常的海鸟,它的动作和长相有点近乎滑稽。 lizzie, bouncing along on the donkey, made a comical sight. 莉齐在驴背上一路颠簸,看上去很滑稽。 comically [adverb] he bowed comically and asked my sister to dance. 他样子滑稽地欠欠身并请我妹妹跳舞。 light-hearted /ˌlaɪt ˈhɑːʳtə̇d◂/ [adjective] funny in a gentle way, and often about a subject that is usually serious 轻松愉快的;风趣的[对待通常较为严肃的话题] we always try to keep our newsletter light-hearted, so that people will enjoy it. 我们总努力把通讯写得轻松,让大家读得愉快。 the light-hearted way in which the author has approached this book should take some of the hard work out of trying to lose weight. 作者写这本书的风趣笔调可使读者减轻一些减肥的辛苦。take a light-hearted look at something the film takes a light-hearted look at life in prison. 这部电影采取了一种轻松、风趣的手法描写监狱生活。 light-heartedly [adverb] somehow, moore manages to deal light-heartedly with subjects such as death and illness. 莫尔以某种轻松的手法处理了死亡和疾病这一类的主题。 be a laugh /biː ə ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase] informal if a person or activity is a laugh, they are amusing and give you a lot of fun 【非正式】[人或活动]引人发笑;有趣 there were about 100 people there and it was a laugh from beginning to end . 那里约有100人,从开始到结束都是笑声不断。a real laugh spoken wait until you meet tony. he's a real laugh. 等到你见了托尼吧,他这人非常有趣。be a laugh a minute be very amusing 非常有趣 we all had to sleep in one tent and it was a laugh a minute. 我们大家都得睡在一个帐篷内,真是好玩极了。 be a hoot /biː ə ˈhuːt/ [verb phrase] informal if a person, situation, performance, film etc is a hoot, they are very funny and enjoyable 【非正式】非常可笑 the movie has a script that is smartly funny, and hugh grant is a hoot! 这部影片的对白妙趣横生,休·格兰特真叫人笑痛肚子! at the end of the day, there was the moms’ soccer match, which was a hoot! 那天的最后一项活动是一场妈妈足球赛,那才叫笑死人呢!2. a funny film, play etc 滑稽有趣的电影、戏剧等 comedy /ˈkɒmɪdi, ˈkɒmədiǁˈkɑː-/ [countable noun] a film, play, tv programme etc that is intended to entertain people and make them laugh 喜剧 ‘one fine day’ was a romantic comedy with george clooney and michelle pfeiffer. 《一日钟情》是一部浪漫喜剧片,由乔治·克鲁尼和米歇尔·法伊弗主演。comedy programme/series/show a comedy show on channel 4 第四频道播出的喜剧节目black comedy one that is funny about things such as death 黑色喜剧 the movie's a black comedy about a pair of junkie musicians who are trying to kick the drug habit. 这影片是部黑色幽默片,讲述了一对有毒瘾的音乐家想要戒毒的故事。 comic /ˈkɒmɪkǁˈkɑː-/ [adjective only before noun] intended to entertain people and make them laugh 滑稽的,喜剧的 streep provided one of the best comic performances of her career. 斯特里普演出了她演艺生涯中最优秀的喜剧片之一。comic writer/actor/performer etc one who writes or performs things that make you laugh 喜剧作家/演员/表演者等 like all comic writers, shaw was fascinated by the gap between appearance and reality. 肖伯纳与所有幽默作家一样,也被表面与实际之间的差距强烈地吸引住了。comic verse/song that entertains you and makes you laugh 滑稽诗/歌曲 then gertie got up on the stage and delighted us all by singing a comic song. 然后格蒂走上舞台,唱了一首滑稽歌曲来逗我们开心。comic relief something funny in a serious story [严肃故事中的]喜剧性调剂 in shakespeare's henry iv, the character of falstaff provides us with a little comic relief. 在莎士比亚的剧本《亨利四世》中,福斯塔夫这一角色为我们提供了一点喜剧性调剂。3. when the opposite of what is expected happens 与原来的期望相反的事发生 ironic /aɪˈrɒnɪkǁ-ˈrɑː-/ [adjective] something that is ironic is funny, but in a sad or strange way, because it is the opposite of what you would expect 具有讽刺意味的;令人啼笑皆非的 ‘i've heard that dan's really upset about the divorce.’ ‘how ironic. he was always the one who was against them getting married in the first place.’ “我听说丹让这桩离婚闹得很烦恼。”“这可真让人哭笑不得。他一直反对他俩结婚的。” it was an ironic situation, the two men in her life meeting like that. 这真是令人啼笑皆非的场面。她生命中的两个男人那样相见了。it is ironic that it's ironic that the most important people in the country often have so little understanding of how ordinary people live. 这国家最重要的人物经常对普通人的生活情况了解得那么少,太具有讽刺意味了。 ironically [adverb] ironically, the government ended up harming the very people it was trying to help. 令人啼笑皆非的是,政府结果伤害了他们想要帮助的那些人。 irony /ˈaɪərəni/ [countable/uncountable noun] something that is funny, but in a sad or strange way, because it is the opposite of what you would expect 具有讽刺意味的事;令人啼笑皆非的事 life is full of ironies, some hilarious, some tragic. 生活中充满了讽刺,有些可笑,有些却可悲。irony of the irony of the situation was obvious -- if i told the truth, nobody would believe me! 这个情况的荒唐之处显而易见—如果我说实话,没有人会相信我!the irony is that the irony is that some of the poorest countries have the richest natural resources. 具有讽刺意味的是有些最穷的国家拥有最丰富的自然资源。4. how you feel when you think something is funny 你觉得某物有趣时的感觉 amused /əˈmjuːzd/ [adjective not usually before noun] if you are amused by something, you think it is funny and it makes you smile 被逗乐的 when i told him what had happened, he sounded amused rather than annoyed. 我把发生的事告诉他时,他似乎感到开心,而不是生气。amused by/at they seemed amused at his embarrassment. 对他的窘迫他们好像很开心。greatly/highly amused my grandmother seemed to be highly amused by my remarks. 祖母看上去被我的话逗得非常开心。amused expression/smile/grin she stood watching them with an amused expression on her face. 她站着看他们,脸上挂着开心的表情。 amusement /əˈmjuːzmənt/ [uncountable noun] the feeling that you have when you think something is funny 乐趣,兴味 this story is bound to cause some amusement in the anti-campbell campaign. 这则故事肯定会在反对坎贝尔的运动中引起一些乐趣。watch/listen/notice etc with amusement everyone was watching the little dog with interest and amusement. 大家都兴致勃勃,满怀乐趣地看着那条小狗。amusement at gloria couldn't hide her amusement at what the children were saying. 格洛丽亚听着孩子们的话,忍俊不禁。in amusement ‘you must be joking!’ mum said, her lips curling in amusement. “你一定是开玩笑吧!”妈妈说道,嘴唇兴味十足地撅起着。(much) to somebody's amusement making them feel very amused 使某人感到好笑 suddenly, the teacher's chair collapsed, much to everyone's amusement. 老师坐的椅子突然塌了,大家感到非常有趣。5. the quality in someone or something that makes them funny 某人或某物具有的有趣特性 humour british humor american /ˈhjuːməʳǁˈhjuː-, ˈjuː-/ [uncountable noun] the quality or thing in a situation, book, remark etc that makes it funny 幽默 everyone laughed except dad, who obviously didn't appreciate the humour of the situation. 大家都笑了,只有爸爸没笑,他显然没弄懂这一情形的幽默之处。 the most popular children's books are ones that have plenty of humor in them. 最受欢迎的儿童书是那些有大量幽默的作品。black humour about things such as death and violence 黑色幽默 tom lehrer's black humor offended some people, who found jokes about such subjects as nuclear war unacceptable. 汤姆·莱勒的黑色幽默冒犯了一些人,他们觉得拿核战争这样的话题来开玩笑令人无法接受。 comedy /ˈkɒmɪdi, ˈkɒmədiǁˈkɑː-/ [uncountable noun] the quality in a book, film, television programme etc that is intended to entertain people and make them laugh [书、电影、电视节目等的]喜剧性;喜剧成分 it was a brilliant play - full of drama, and both sadness and comedy. 这部戏很出色,充满了戏剧性,悲喜的成分兼而有之。 much of the comedy in pratchett's books comes from the clever way he plays around with words and ideas. 普莱切特的著作中大部分喜剧成分来自他巧妙机智的用词和构思。 wit /wɪt/ [uncountable noun] the ability to use words and express ideas in a clever and amusing way, especially when it is shown in conversation or writing 风趣[尤指表现在对话或写作中的] he seemed to have everything you could want in a man -- intelligence, wit, good looks and charm. 一个男人应该具备的他好像都有了一才智、风趣、英俊、魅力。 the wit and irony of the original novel has been lost in the film version. 原小说中的智趣和讽刺性在电影改编中荡然无存。6. the ability to realize when something is funny 能领会到某物有趣的能力 sense of humour british /sense of humor american /ˌsens əv ˈhjuːməʳ/ [countable noun usually singular] your ability to understand and enjoy jokes, funny situations etc 幽默感 mr hardman was a popular teacher, renowned for his sense of humor. 哈德曼先生是位广受欢迎的教师,他的幽默感非常有名。have a (good/great/strange etc) sense of humour i like ann - she has such a good sense of humour. 我喜欢安——她有很强的幽默感。lose your sense of humour maybe i'm losing my sense of humor but i didn't find it at all funny. 也许我的幽默感在消失,可我觉得这一点都不好笑。 can take a joke /kən ˌteɪk ə ˈdʒəʊk/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to be able to laugh and not get angry when other people make jokes about you or do something that makes you look stupid 【尤口】经得起开玩笑 i hope he can take a joke - have you seen what they've done to his car? 真希望他开得起玩笑,你看见他们把他的汽车搞成什么样了吗? you may find army life difficult if you can't take a joke. 如果你开不起玩笑,那么你会觉得军队生活很难捱的。 see the funny side of /ˌsiː ðə ˈfʌni saɪd ɒv/ [verb phrase] to realize that a situation that seems to be bad is also funny 看到…可笑的一面 i explained that it was all my fault and fortunately she saw the funny side of the situation. 我解释那全是我的错,好在她觉得这事其实也很可笑。see the funny side of it as a teacher, things often go wrong, and you have to be able to see the funny side of it. 当教师常常碰到不顺遂的事,你得能看到事情有趣的一面。see the funny side of life a cartoonist's job is all about making people see the funny side of life. 漫画家的工作就是让大家看到生活中有趣的一面。 can laugh /kən ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase] to be able to laugh and joke about your own mistakes and faults or about past experiences which did not seem funny when they were happening 能拿[自己的错误或过去的经历]说笑,一笑置之 we can laugh now, but at the time it seemed like the end of the world. 我们现在可以拿它说笑了,可当时好像是到了世界末日。can laugh at yourself don't take yourself too seriously -- it's a good thing if you can laugh at yourself sometimes. 别自视过高—有时候能自嘲一下也是好事。 fun·ny /`fʌnɪ; ˈfʌni/adj 1. amusing and making you laugh 有趣的; 滑稽的:◇she looks really funny in that hat. 她戴那顶帽子看上去真滑稽。◇a funny story 有趣的故事 2. strange or unusual 古怪的; 不同寻常的:◇what's that funny noise? 那奇怪的声音会是什么呢?◇that's funny! i'm sure i left my keys in this drawer, but they aren't here now. 那真怪了! 我肯定把钥匙放在这个抽屉里,但现在却不见了。 3. slightly ill 不大舒服的:◇i've been feeling funny ever since i bumped my head. 我撞了一下头,至今一直有点不舒服。 4. informal involving tricks or dishonest behaviour 【非正式】 耍花招的,不老实的:◇we don't want any funny business. 我们不想看到谁耍花招。 ☞ funny




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