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单词 individual
释义 individual nounadjective | ... of individuals | verb + individual | individual + verb | phrases adjective➤outstanding, talented杰出的/有天赋的人▸➤key关键人物▸➤powerful有权势的人▸➤creative有创造力的人▸➤average, normal, ordinary一般人;平常人;普通人◆the average individual watches around three hours of television per day.普通人每天大约看 3 小时电视。➤private私人◆he was carrying out his functions as a trustee in the course of his business, rather than as a private individual.他在自己的业务办理过程中是作为受托人而不是个人在履行职责。➤single单个个体▸➤certain, particular某个个人;特定个体◆the motives influencing a particular individual may change from time to time.影响特定个体的动机可能会随时改变。➤autonomous, independent自主的个人;独立个体◆his philosophy is about becoming aware of oneself as an autonomous individual.他的哲学是关于自主个体自我意识的觉醒。➤isolated孤立的个体◆society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships.社会不是一个个孤立的个体,而是由相互关联的人构成的。➤rare, unique罕见的人;独特的人◆she saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality.她认为这位艺术家十分独特,对现实有着深刻的洞察。➤like-minded志趣相投的个人◆a group of like-minded individuals一群志同道合的人➤named称呼了姓名的人◆accusations of racism against named individuals指名道姓的种族主义指控➤qualified符合资格的个人◆we welcome applications from suitably qualified individuals.我们欢迎符合条件的个人提出申请。➤healthy, infected健康的/染病的个体➤wealthy富裕的人◆donations from wealthy individuals富人的捐款➤human人类个体◆we know that all human individuals are unique.我们知道所有人类个体都是独一无二的。... of individuals➤class, group一类/一群独立的个体◆she had taken a group of individuals and made them into a superb team.她接管了个性各异的一组人并把他们打造成了一个卓越的团队。verb + individual➤treat sb as把某人作为独立个体看待◆the teacher should treat each student as an individual.教师应该把每位学生当成一个独立个体对待。individual + verb➤differ, vary个体不同◆although individuals vary widely, the bones of the average female skeleton are smaller and lighter than the male.尽管个体差异很大,但一般来说,女性的骨骼与男性相比更小、更轻。phrases➤no one individual, no single individual没有人;没有一个人◆no single individual had done so much for the development of the motor vehicle.没有哪一个人对机动车的发展作出过如此大的贡献。➤any one individual, any single individual任何个人;任何一个人◆the needs of the community outweigh those of any single individual.群体的需要重于任何个人的需要。➤the freedom of the individual, the rights of the individual个体的自由/权利◆the issue of the freedom of the individual versus the intervention of the state个人自由与政府干涉相对抗的问题➤the individual concerned有关的个人◆it's up to the individual concerned to contact the police.应该由相关人员来决定是否与警方联系。➤the needs of the individual个体的需要◆each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.每门课程都必须根据个人的需要而设计。➤respect for the individual对个人的尊重➤vary from individual to individual因人而异◆eating habits are bound to vary from individual to individual.饮食习惯肯定因人而异。 individual /ɪndɪvɪdʒuəl/ adjective [only before noun] 1.connected with one person; designed for one person 一个人的;供一个人用的◆individual income tax 个人所得税◆individual investors 个人投资者◆we set team and individual goals. 我们制订团队和个人目标。2.considered separately rather than as part of a group 单独的;个别的◆our products are designed for individual markets. 我们专为个别市场设计产品。◆we can't discuss individual cases. 我们不讨论个别情况。 individual /ɪndɪvɪdʒuəl/ noun [countable] a person considered separately rather than as part of a group 个人◆the tests are used to assess the individual's strengths and weaknesses. 这种测试用于评估个人的优势和劣势。☞ individual☞ individualindividual [only before noun] connected with one person; designed for one person一个人的;供一人用的◆respect for individual freedom is a cornerstone of our culture.对个人自由的尊重是我们文化的基石。◆try to measure in individual portions how much people will eat.根据每个人的食量,尽量估算出大伙儿要吃多少。opp communal → common  ➡ see also individual → particular adj. , individual → person noun ▸ individually adverb◆the manager spoke to them all individually.经理和他们每个人逐一谈话。individual [only before noun] considered separately rather than as part of a group单独的;个别的◆we interviewed each individual member of the community.我们采访了每个社区成员。◆the minister refused to comment on individual cases.部长拒绝对个别事件发表评论。 opp collective → common  ➡ see also individual → own ▸ individually adverb◆individually wrapped chocolates独立包装的巧克力individual [countable] a person considered separately rather than as part of a group个人◆the competition is open to both teams and individuals.团队或个人均可参加比赛。◆the teacher should treat each student as an individual.教师应对学生因材施教。◆each course has to be tailored to the needs of the individual.每门课都要针对个别需求而量身订制。◆the school's reputation is being ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals.学校的声誉被少数几个人的恶劣行为破坏了。ⓘ an individual can also be a person of a particular type, especially a strange or unpleasant one. * individual 还可指某一类型的人,尤指性格怪异或令人讨厌的一类◆this scruffy-looking individual wandered into the office.这个脏兮兮的人晃进了办公室。 ➡ see also individual → own adj. individual (usually approving) typical of one particular person or thing in a way that is interesting and different from others独特的;与众不同的◆a player's style is almost as individual as his dna.演奏者的风格几乎像他的 dna 一样独特。 ➡ see also individuality → identity individual¹/ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ||; ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒυəl/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) considered separately rather than as part of a group 单个的;个别的: ◇each individual animal is weighed and measured before being set free. 每只动物都磅体重、量高度后才被放掉。 2. for or from one person 给每个人的;属于每个人的: ◇an individual portion of butter 一份黄油◇children need individual attention when they are learning to read. 孩子学习阅读的时候,需要给予个别辅导。 3. typical of one person in a way that is different from other people 独特的;有个性的: ◇i like her individual style of dressing. 她的衣着风格独特,我很喜欢。 individual²/ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl ||; ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒυəl/noun[c] 1. one person, considered separately from others or a group 个人: ◇are the needs of society more important than the rights of the individual? 社会的需求是不是比个人的权利更为重要? 2. (informal 非正式) a person of the type that is mentioned 某种类型的人: ◇she's a strange individual. 她这个人很古怪。 individualsee ⇨ different 3 ⇨ person/people 1☞ individual¹☞ individual²




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