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单词 blank
释义 blank noun¹ 1empty space on paper空白verb + blank➤fill in填空◆in the test, we had to fill in the blanks.考试的时候我们不得不做了些填空题。➤leave留下空白◆if you don't know the answer, just leave a blank.如果你不知道答案就空着。blank noun² 2cartridge for a gun空弹verb + blank➤fire发射空弹◆soldiers fired blanks into the sky.士兵向天空放空弹。blank adjective¹ 1with nothing written, recorded, etc. on空白verbs | adverb verbs➤be空白▸➤go变空白◆the screen's gone blank.屏幕变成一片空白。➤remain保持空白▸➤leave sth使⋯空着◆i left the third column blank.我第三栏空着没有填。adverb➤completely, entirely完全空白blank adjective² 2without emotion/interest/understanding没有感情;没有兴趣;没有领会verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look茫然;看起来茫然◆gina looked blank; then understanding dawned.吉娜看起来很茫然,然后突然明白了。➤go, turn (especially name) 变得茫然◆what if my mind goes completely blank with panic?如果我惊慌得脑子一片空白怎么办?◆kevin's expression turned blank.凯文的表情变得茫然。➤remain仍然茫然adverb➤completely, totally完全茫然▸➤studiously故作茫然◆his expression remained studiously blank.他的表情仍是那种故作茫然状。 blank adjectiveblank ♦︎ expressionless ♦︎ impassive ♦︎ flat ♦︎ inscrutable ♦︎ glazed ♦︎ bland ♦︎ unreadable ♦︎ unemotionalthese words all describe a person, their expression or voice which doesn't show any emotion.这些词均表示没有表情的、不动声色的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a blank / an impassive / an inscrutable / a glazed / a bland / an unreadable expression◆a blank / an expressionless / an impassive / an inscrutable / a bland / an unreadable face◆blank / expressionless / inscrutable / glazed / unreadable eyes◆an expressionless / a flat / a bland tone◆a flat / a dry / an unemotional voice◆a blank / an inscrutable / a glazed look■ blank not showing any feeling, understanding or interest没表情的;不理解的;不感兴趣的◆her explanation was met with blank looks.对她的解释,大家报以茫然的表情。◆steve looked blank and said he had no idea what i was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在讲些什么。◆suddenly my mind went blank (= i could not remember anything).我脑子里突然一片空白。▸ blankly adverb◆she stared blankly into space.她两眼发直。■ expressionless not showing feelings or thoughts无表情的;呆板的◆his expressionless gaze followed her every move.他木呆呆的眼神追随着她的一举一动。opp expressive ⓘ something that is expressive shows sb's feelings and thoughts clearly. * expressive 指富于表情的、有表现力的◆she has wonderfully expressive eyes.她有一双会说话的眼睛。◆the expressive power of his music他的音乐的表现力■ impassive /ɪmpæsɪv/ not showing any feeling or emotion无表情的;无动于衷的;不动声色的◆the two men remained impassive throughout the trial.这两个男人在审讯期间自始至终都面无表情。opp animated → lively ▸ impassively adverb◆the accused listened impassively as the judge sentenced him.法官宣判时被告漠然地听着。■ flat (of a voice) not showing much emotion; not changing much in tone(嗓音)平淡的,单调的◆her voice was flat and expressionless.她的声音平淡而呆板。◆he spoke in a flat midlands accent.他操一口平板的英格兰中部腔。■ inscrutable /ɪnskruːtəbl/ if a person or their expression is inscrutable, it is hard to know what they are thinking or feeling, because they do not show any emotion难以捉摸的;难以理解的;神秘莫测的◆he was wearing that inscrutable look again.他又流露出那种难以捉摸的表情。■ glazed (especially of the eyes) showing no real emotion or awareness(尤指眼睛)木然的,呆滞的◆with glazed eyes he was staring into the middle distance.他双眼无神,凝视着不远处。■ bland showing no strong emotions or excitement; not saying anything very interesting沉稳的;无动于衷的;言语乏味的◆he stared back at her with a bland expression.他表情淡然地回视着她。◆after the meeting, a bland statement was issued.会后发布了一条乏味的声明。■ unreadable if sb's face or expression is unreadable, it is hard to know what they are thinking or feeling(面部表情)揣摩不透的,难以捉摸的◆his eyes were unreadable as he led her into the office.他领她进办公室时眼神让人捉摸不透。■ unemotional not showing your feelings不露感情的;不动声色的;平静的◆she seemed very cool and unemotional.她显得十分冷静。opp emotional → intense blanknot showing any feeling, understanding or interest没表情的;不理解的;不感兴趣的◆her explanation was met with blank looks.对她的解释,大家报以茫然的表情。◆steve looked blank and said he had no idea what i was talking about.史蒂夫显得很迷惑,说他不知道我在讲些什么。◆suddenly my mind went blank (= i could not remember anything).我脑子里突然一片空白。▸ blankly adverb◆she stared blankly into space.她两眼发直。blank¹/blæŋk ||; blæŋk/adj1. empty, with nothing written, printed or recorded on it 空白的: ◇a blank video/cassette/piece of paper/page 未经录像的磁带;未录音的盒式磁带;白纸;空白页 2. without feelings, understanding or interest 木然的;茫然的;没兴趣的: ◇a blank expression on his face 他面无表情◇my mind went blank when i saw the exam questions (= i couldn't think properly or remember anything). 我见到考试题目时脑袋一片空白。 ➔blankly adv ◇she stared at me blankly, obviously not recognizing me. 她茫然地瞪着我看,显然认不出我。 blank²/blæŋk ||; blæŋk/noun [c] an empty space 空白处: ◇ fill in the blanks in the following exercise. 以下的练习是填充题。 (figurative 比喻) ◇i couldn't remember his name -- my mind was a complete blank. 我记不起他的名字,我的脑子一片空白。 draw a blank→draw¹blanksee ⇨ empty 4 ⇨ expression on sb's face 3 ⇨ ignore 2     • • •• ⇨ draw a blank• ⇨ your mind goes blank☞ blank¹☞ blank²




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