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单词 by-law
释义 ☞ bylawˈby-law(also ˈbye-law) noun [c] (brit 英) a law that is made by a local authority and that has to be obeyed only in that area 地方法规 bypassbypass¹/ˈbaɪpɑ:s; us -pæs ||; ˈbaɪˌpæs/noun[c] 1. a road which traffic can use to go round a town, instead of through it (绕过市镇的)旁道,旁路 ☞look at ring road. 参看 ring road。 2. (medical医学) an operation on the heart to send blood along a different route so that it does not go through a part which is damaged or blocked 分流手术,心脏搭桥手术(使血液从别的途径而不是从损坏的或阻塞的途径流过): ◇a triple bypass operation 三叉搭桥手术◇heart bypass surgery 心脏搭桥外科 bypass²/ˈbaɪpɑ:s ||; ˈbaɪˌpæs/verb [t] to go around or to avoid sth using a bypass 绕道而行;迴避: ◇let's try to bypass the city centre. 我们绕过市中心吧。 (figurative 比喻) ◇it's no good trying to bypass the problem. 迴避问题也没用。




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