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单词 gloomy
释义 gloomy adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, look, seem, sound消沉;感到失望;看上去很忧郁;似乎很悲伤;听起来很沮丧▸➤become, get变得消沉◆now, don't start to get gloomy.嗨,别发愁。➤remain一直很忧郁adverb➤very很忧郁◆the future looked very gloomy.前景很暗淡。➤far from (especially bre) 远非悲观◆the committee's view was in fact far from gloomy.委员会的观点其实一点儿也不悲观。➤pretty, rather颇为灰暗;相当沮丧preposition➤about对⋯感到悲观◆many businesses remain gloomy about the prospects for the economy.许多公司对经济前景一直很悲观。 gloomy /gluːmi/ adjective (gloomier, gloomiest) without much hope of success for the future 前景暗淡的;悲观的◆retail stores said sales were down in january and the outlook was gloomy as customers were staying at home. 零售商说一月份销售量下降且前景暗淡,因为顾客都待在家里不出门购物。  ➡  buoyant ☞ gloomygloomyunhappy and without hope, especially when you show this in your expression and behaviour忧郁的,沮丧的,无望的(尤指在表情和行为中表露出来)◆don't look so gloomy. things aren't that bad.不要这么沮丧,事情还没糟糕到那种地步。◆he mopes around all the time with that gloomy expression on his face.他总是闷闷不乐地闲逛,满脸愁容。opp cheerful → cheerful  ➡ see also gloom → gloom ▸ gloomily adverb◆he stared gloomily at the phone.他满脸愁容地盯着电话。gloomynearly dark, or badly lit in a way that makes you feel sad昏暗的;阴暗的;幽暗的◆the gloomy weather showed little sign of lifting.那阴沉的天气一点也没有放晴的迹象。◆the house is very grand, but rather gloomy when you're alone.那座房子十分堂皇,可当你一人待在里面时会显得很幽暗。opp bright → bright  ➡ see also gloom → darkness gloomy(of an attitude or situation) without much hope of success or improvement in the future(态度或状况)不乐观的,无望的,暗淡的◆the committee's view was in fact far from gloomy.委员会的看法事实上一点也不悲观。◆we're quietly confident despite the gloomy predictions.尽管预测并不乐观,我们心里还是很自信。  ➡ see also gloom → gloom note 辨析 bleak or gloomy?in many cases you can use either word.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆suddenly, the future didn't look so bleak / gloomy after all.突然感到前途似乎并非如此暗淡。◆to paint a bleak / gloomy picture of the situation把情况描绘得很不乐观however, bleak is used especially to describe a situation or the future.不过,bleak 尤用于描述某一状况或前景◆the future / outlook is / looks bleak.前景暗淡。 gloomy can be used in this way too, but it is more often used to describe sb's view of the situation or future. * gloomy 亦有此种用法,但较常用于描述某人对状况或前景的看法 (view)◆a gloomy forecast / prognosis悲观的预测◆gloomy predictions / prospects / thoughts悲观的预测;暗淡的前景;悲观的想法gloomy/ˈglu:mi ||; ˈglumɪ/adj (gloomier;gloomiest) 1. dark in way that makes you feel sad 阴暗的;黑沉沉的: ◇this dark paint makes the room very gloomy. 这种深色油漆把房间搞得死气沉沉。 2. sad and without much hope 忧愁的;沮丧的: ◇don't be so gloomy -- cheer up! 别垂头丧气─打起精神来! ➔gloomily advgloomysee ⇨ dark 1 ⇨ expect 6 ⇨ hope 9     • • •• ⇨ glum/gloomy gloom·y /`glumɪ; ˈɡluːmi/adj 1. making you feel that a situation will not improve 令人沮丧的:◇a gloomy sales forecast 悲观的销售预测 2. feeling sad because you do not have a lot of hope 沮丧的,阴郁的:◇the gloomy faces of the rescue workers 营救人员沮丧的脸 3. dark, especially in a way that seems sad 阴暗的,幽暗的:◇they were led through the gloomy church by an old priest. 他们由一个年老的牧师领着穿过阴暗的教堂。




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