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单词 collusion
释义 collusion /kəluːʒn/ noun [uncountable] (formal) secret agreement especially in order to do sth dishonest or harmful 密谋;串通;勾结◆the airline suspects collusion between insurance companies in setting the new rates. 在制订新费率时,航空公司涉嫌与保险公司相互勾结。 ▸ collusive /kəluːsɪv/ adjective◆a collusive agreement to reduce production 降低生产的合谋协议☞ collusion collusion /kəluːʒn/ [uncountable] (formal) a secret agreement, especially in order to do sth dishonest or to deceive people秘密约定;勾结;串通◆the police were operating in collusion with the drug dealers.警察与那伙毒贩互相串通。 ➡ see also collude → plot verb collusion/kəˈlu:ʒn ||; kəˈluʒən/noun [u] (formal 正式) secret agreement, especially in order to do sth dishonest 共谋╱勾结╱串通﹙尤指为了干不正派的事﹚: ◇the drugs were brought into the country with the collusion of customs officials. 在海关官员的同谋下,毒品运进了这个国家。 collusion• ⇨ in collusion with col·lu·sion /kə`luʒən; kəˈluːʒən/n [u]formal when someone secretly agrees with someone else to do something dishonest or illegal 【正式】 勾结,串通,共谋:◇collusion between politicians and mafia leaders 政客与黑手党头目的勾结




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