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单词 buyer
释义 buyer nounadjective | verb + buyer | preposition | phrases adjective➤potential, prospective, would-be潜在的买主;可能的买主▸➤first-time初次购买者◆the houses are ideal for first-time buyers.这房子非常适合首次置业者。➤home, house (especially bre) 买房者➤canny, discerning, savvy (name) 精明的/有眼光的/有头脑的买主verb + buyer➤have有买主▸➤find, get找到买主◆they quickly found a buyer for their house.他们很快就为房子找到了买家。➤attract, entice, interest, tempt吸引买家;使买家产生兴趣➤deter阻拦买家▸➤sell sth to卖⋯给买主preposition➤buyer for⋯的买主◆did you find a buyer for your house?你的房子找到买主了吗?phrases➤buyer beware (= the buyer is responsible for checking the quality of the goods) 买方自负责任◆in matters of second-hand cars, your motto should be 'buyer beware'.购买二手车的原则应当是“买方自负责任”。➤a buyer's market (= when prices are low) 买方市场◆in a buyer's market the commodity is plentiful and so its price is not high.在买方市场的情况下,商品丰富,因此价格不高。buyer /baɪə(r)/ noun [countable] 1.a person or company that buys sth, especially something valuable like a business or a home 买主;买方◆the company is trying to find a buyer for its toiletries business. 公司正试图找到一位购买其洗漱用品业务的买主。◆a majority of car buyers browse the internet for information. 大多数的汽车买主浏览互联网查找信息。  ➡  purchaser ⨁ possible / potential / prospective buyers可能的/潜在的/未来的买主 ⨁ car / computer / home buyers汽车/计算机/房子买主 2.the person or company that buys sth, rather than the person who sells it (the seller) 买方◆foreign exchange brokers who link buyers and sellers of foreign currency 为买卖外汇的双方牵线搭桥的外汇经纪人 (commerce 商业) a person in a company who chooses the goods, equipment or materials that the company buys 采购员;办货员◆he works as a buyer for a department store. 他是一家百货商店的采购员。 ●buyer beware (also let the buyer beware) (law 法律) used to say that when you are buying something it is your responsibility to check that there is nothing wrong with what you are buying 买者自负;买者当心(货物出门概不退换,买主须自行当心)ⓘ ‘buyer beware’ is the meaning of the latin phrase ‘caveat emptor’.buyer beware 是拉丁语短语 caveat emptor 的意思。 materials buyer ◇ target buyers ◇ trade buyer ☞ buyer buyer [countable] a person who buys sth, especially sth expensive(尤指昂贵商品的)买主,买方◆have you found a buyer for your house?你的房子找到买主了吗?ⓘ buyer is most often used to talk about a person buying a house or car, or a large amount of goods for a company. * buyer 主要用于指买房、买车,或为某家公司购买大量商品的人。  ➡ see also buy → buy buyer/ˈbaɪə(r) ||; ˈbaɪɚ/noun[c] 1. a person who is buying sth or may buy sth 买主;买方: ◇i think we've found a buyer for our house! 我想我们的房子已找到买主了! 2. a person whose job is to choose and buy goods to be sold in a large shop 采购员 buyersee ⇨ buy 5 buy·er /`baɪə; ˈbaɪə/n [c] 1. someone who is buying something, especially something expensive 购买者,买主:◇we've found a buyer for our house. 我们的房子已找到了买主。 2. someone whose job is to choose and buy the goods that a shop or company will sell 采购员,买手




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