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单词 central
释义 central adjective¹ 1most important最重要verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be重要adverb➤very非常重要▸➤absolutely极其重要◆this distinction is of absolutely central importance.这一差别极为重要。➤increasingly日益重要preposition➤to对⋯是重要的◆these facts are central to the case.这些事实对案情至关重要。central adjective² 2easily reached容易到达verbs | adverb verbs➤be在中心adverb➤fairly, quite, very近中心;正中心◆our house is very central, so we can easily get around.我们的房子地处正中心,所以我们出行很方便。 central (rather formal) most important; having power or control over other parts最重要的;首要的;起支配作用的;主导性的◆the central issue is that of widespread racism.最重要的问题是种族主义泛滥。◆she has been a central figure in the campaign.她一直是这场运动的首要人物。◆reducing inflation is central to (= is an important part of) the government's economic policy.降低通胀是政府经济政策的重点。◆the central committee (= of a political party) 党中央委员会◆the organization has a central office in new york.该组织在纽约设有总部。ⓘ central is used in a similar way to key, but is more formal. it is most frequently used in the phrase sth is central to sth else and has a slightly smaller range of noun collocates than key. these mostly relate to the part sb/sth plays in sth ( character, component, feature, figure, motif, part, role, theme, topic), what sb is trying to achieve ( aim, focus, issue, preoccupation, problem, recommendation) or ideas that sb has about sth ( belief, concept, doctrine, truth). * central 与 key 用法相似,但更正式,最常用于短语 be central to 中。与 key 相比,central 可搭配的名词范围略小。这些搭配词大多与某人或某事物所起的作用 (character、component、feature、figure、motif、part、role、theme、topic)、某人努力想完成之事 (aim、focus、issue、preoccupation、problem、recommendation) 或某人对某事物的看法 (belief、concept、doctrine、truth) 相关。centraladjective◆central london / america伦敦中心区;中美洲◆the central area of the brain大脑中枢◆the apartment is very central-just five minutes from princes street.这套公寓位于市中心,去王子街只需五分钟。◆the offices are in a central location.那些办公楼处于中心位置。centraladjective◆central london / america伦敦中心区;中美洲◆the central area of the brain大脑中枢◆the apartment is very central-just five minutes from princes street.这套公寓位于市中心,去王子街只需五分钟。◆the offices are in a central location.那些办公楼处于中心位置。central/ˈsentrəl ||; ˈsɛntrəl/adj1. in the centre of sth 处于中心的;中央的: ◇a map of central europe 中欧地图◇our flat is very central (= near the centre of the city and therefore very convenient). 我们那套公寓离市中心不远。 2. most important; main 主要的;首要的;核心的: ◇the film's central character is a fifteen-year-old girl. 影片的中心人物是个十五岁少女。 3. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) having control over all other parts 起支配作用的: ◇central government (= the government of a whole country, not local government) 中央政府(代表全国的政府,有别于地方政府)◇the central nervous system 中枢神经系统 centralsee ⇨ basic 1 ⇨ middle 2 cen·tral /`sɛntrəl; ˈsentrəl/adj 1. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] in the middle of an object or area 中心的,中部的:◇central asia 中亚◇the prison is built around a central courtyard. 监狱围着一个中心院子而建。 2. [only before noun 仅用于名词前] making all the important decisions about how a country or company is managed and organized 中央的:◇central government (=government of a whole country, at a national rather than local level) 中央政府 3. more important than anything else 最重要的,主要的:◇owen played a central role in the negotiations. 欧文在谈判中扮演了最重要的角色。 4. convenient because of being near the centre of a town or area 靠近中心区的; 便利的 ☞ central




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