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单词 courtroom
释义 courtroom /kɔːtruːm; -rʊm; name kɔːrt-/ noun [countable] a room in which trials or other legal cases are held 法庭;审判室☞ courtroom courtroom /kɔːtruːm, kɔːtrʊm; name kɔːrtruːm/ [countable] a room in which trials or other legal cases are held法庭;审判室◆the judge came back into the packed courtroom.法官回到了挤满人的审判室。◆she could face a bitter courtroom battle.她可能会面临一场激烈的法庭争斗。courtroom/ˈkɔ:tru:m ||; ˈkɔrtˌrum/noun [c] the place or room where a court of law meets 法庭;审判室 courtroomsee ⇨ court/trial 1 court·room /`kɔrtˏrum; ˈkɔːtruːm/n [c]the room where someone is judged in a court of law 审判室




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