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单词 court/trial
释义 court/trial1 the place where crimes or legal problems are judged2 the parts of the legal process3 the people in the legal process4 to bring someone to court to be judged5 to be judged in a court of law6 when a legal case is judged in courtrelated wordssee alsocrime,punish,accuse,prove,prison,law,judge,guilty,innocent,1. the place where crimes or legal problems are judged 罪案或法律问题审理之场所 court also courthouse especially american /kɔːʳt, ˈkɔːʳthaʊs/ [countable noun] a building where legal cases are officially judged 法院 a group of photographers and reporters gathered outside the court. 一群摄影师和记者聚集在法院门外。 the united states supreme court 美国最高法院appear in court/appear before a court benton appeared in court yesterday on three charges of assault. 本顿面临三项袭击指控,昨日出庭受审。go to court officially ask to have a legal problem dealt with in a law court 提出诉讼 she says she will go to court to try to prove that she was unfairly dismissed from her job. 她声称自己会告到法院,以证明开除她是不公平的。 courtroom /ˈkɔːʳtrʊm, -ruːm/ [countable noun] a room where legal cases are officially judged 法庭 a fight broke out in a london courtroom yesterday. 昨天,伦敦一个法庭上爆发斗殴。packed courtroom full of people 挤得满满的法庭 roberts told a packed courtroom of the events that occurred on the night of the murder. 罗伯茨向挤满法庭的人讲述凶杀案那夜发生的事。2. the parts of the legal process 司法程序的部分 trial /ˈtraɪəl/ [countable noun] a legal process in a court, in which people try out find out whether or not someone is guilty of a crime 审判 the trial is due to take place next month at wood green crown court. 该审判安排在下个月于伍德格林刑事法庭进行。be on trial (for something) to be judged in a court 受审 a man from seattle is on trial for the murder. 一名来自西雅图的男子因谋杀而受审。go on trial to begin being judged in a court 开始受审 a man was due to go on trial at liverpool crown court later today accused of murdering his wife. 一名男子被控杀妻,今天晚些时候审判将在利物浦刑事法庭展开。awaiting trial to be waiting for your trial to start 候审 drake is in a federal prison in houston, awaiting trial on charges of cocaine trafficking. 德雷克被关押在休斯顿联邦监狱,因贩卖可卡因而候审。face trial wait for your trial to start 候审 perelli faces trial later in the year on corruption and perjury charges. 今年晚些时候,佩雷利因受贿和作伪证面临审判。murder/rape/robbery etc trial on tuesday, a judge rejected requests to televise the murder trial of robert caine. 星期二,一位法官驳回了对罗伯特·凯恩杀人案审判电视直播的请求。 case /keɪs/ [countable noun] a particular crime or legal problem that is judged in court 案件,讼案 they lost their case in the high court and had to pay damages. 他们在高等法院败诉,必须支付赔偿金。murder/robbery/rape etc case mathers called it the worst multiple murder case in the city's history. 马瑟斯称这是该市历史上最严重的连环杀人案。 charge /tʃɑːʳdʒ/ [countable noun] an official statement made by the police, saying someone has done something illegal 指控 criminal charges official statements saying that someone has done something illegal 刑事指控 criminal charges were filed in october against sorvino by the district attorney's office. 10月,地区检察官办公室对索尔维诺提出刑事指控。file charges (against somebody) start a legal process against someone 提出指控 on tuesday, the police officially filed charges against jeffers. 星期二,警方正式对杰弗斯提出指控。murder/burglary/rape etc charges san francisco police have arrested a 39-year-old man on murder charges. 旧金山警方已逮捕了一名39岁男子,并控以谋杀罪。 evidence /ˈevɪdəns, ˈevədəns/ [uncountable noun] the information, objects, documents etc that are used in a court to help to prove what really happened in a legal case 证据 prosecutors believe they have enough evidence to convict smith. 检察官认为他们有足够证据将史密斯定罪。 the government's case was based on evidence gathered over a two-year investigation. 该政府依据两年调查收集的证据提出起诉。 the evidence proves clearly and beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty. 证据明显地证明,被告毫无疑问是有罪的。piece of evidence the most important piece of evidence, the murder weapon, has not been found. 最重要的证据—凶器尚未找到。give evidence tell a court what you know about a crime 作证 his former girlfriend was called to give evidence. 他的前女友被传来作证。give evidence against somebody tell the court things that help to prove someone is guilty 作证指控某人 husbands and wives cannot be forced to give evidence against each other. 配偶不能被迫作出于对方不利的证词。 verdict /ˈvɜːʳdɪkt/ [countable noun] the decision that a judge or jury makes about whether someone is guilty of a crime or not 裁决,裁定 guilty/not guilty verdict the jury's not guilty verdict was criticized all over the country. 陪审团无罪的裁定受到全国民众的批评。reach a verdict finally decide whether someone is guilty or not 作出裁决 jurors were unable to reach a verdict after deliberating two hours friday afternoon. 星期五下午,陪审员讨论了两个小时后,仍无法作出裁决。return/hand down a verdict officially say whether someone is guilty or not 作出裁决 the judge will hand down a verdict in january, the newspaper reported. 该报报道说,1月份法官将会公布裁决。 sentence /ˈsentəns/ [countable noun] the official punishment that someone is given by a judge when a court decides that they are guilty of a crime, especially a period of time in prison 判决,判刑[尤入狱一段时间] a 7 year/6 month etc sentence when someone has to go to prison for 7 years, 6 months etc 七年/六个月等的徒刑 neale is finishing a three-month sentence for petty theft. 尼尔因轻微偷窃被判三个月徒刑,正在服刑。maximum/minimum sentence the longest or shortest time that someone can be sent to prison for a crime 最高/最低徒刑 if convicted of the charges against him, blackburn could receive a maximum sentence of 30 years. 如果被裁定有罪,布莱克本将被判最高30年的徒刑。pass sentence officially say what a criminal's punishment will be 宣判刑罚 judge evans will pass sentence on the three men tomorrow. 埃文斯法官明天将对那三名男子作出宣判。life sentence when someone is sent to prison for a very long time or for the rest of their life 无期徒刑 croy is currently serving a life sentence for the 1992 rape and murder of an iowa woman. 克罗伊因1992年奸杀一名艾奥瓦州妇女,眼下正在服无期徒刑。death sentence when the punishment is death 死刑 richardson was convicted of murder and given a death sentence. 理查森被裁定谋杀罪成立,判处死刑。3. the people in the legal process 司法程序涉及的人 judge /dʒʌdʒ/ [countable noun] the person in charge of a court, who knows a lot about the law and makes the official decision about what the punishment for a crime should be 法官 everyone stood up as the judge entered the courtroom. 法官进入法庭时,全体起立。 judge butler gave the defendant a six-month jail sentence. 巴特勒法官判被告监禁六个月。 the judge advised the governor that the law violated the first amendment rights of teachers. 法官告知州长该法律违背了宪法第一修正案赋予教师的权利。 jury /ˈdʒʊəri/ [countable noun] a group of ordinary people, who listen to the people speaking at a trial, and then decide whether or not someone is guilty of a crime 陪审团 the jury was made up of seven women and five men. 陪审团由七女五男组成。 have you ever been on a jury? 你担任过陪审员吗? the jury awarded hayes $3.5 million in damages. 陪审团判给海斯350万美元赔偿金。jury duty/service a period of time during which you must be ready to be part of a jury if necessary 当陪审员的时间 i have been called for jury duty twice. 我已两次被传召担任陪审员。hung jury a jury that cannot make a decision about whether someone is guilty or not [因意见分歧]不能作出裁定的陪审团 broderick's first trial last year ended in a hung jury. 去年,布罗德里克的第一次审判因陪审团意见分歧作不出决定而告终。sit on a jury be a member of a jury 担任陪审员 are people with criminal records allowed to sit on a jury? 有犯罪记录的人能担任陪审员吗? lawyer also attorney especially american /ˈlɔːjəʳ, əˈtɜːʳni/ [countable noun] someone who is trained in the law and who represents people in court 律师 you have to study for a long time to become a lawyer. 当律师必须学习很长时间。 he refused to answer any questions until his lawyer came. 在律师到达之前,他拒绝回答任何问题。defence lawyer british defense laywer american a lawyer who tries to prove that a person is not guilty of a crime 辩护律师 defense lawyer charles grieshammer said he was not surprised by the verdict. 辩护律师查尔斯·格里沙默尔称他对该判决不感到惊奇。 defendant /dɪˈfendənt/ [countable noun] the person in a trial who is being judged guilty or not guilty of a crime 被告 the defendant pleaded not guilty. 被告不认罪。 according to the defendant, the heroin was destined for the new york city area. 根据被告所述,那批海洛因运往纽约市地区。 the accused /ði əˈkjuːzd/ [singular noun] someone who is trying to prove that they are not guilty of a crime that they are on trial for 被告 the accused is being held in the pelham county jail on charges of assault and battery. 被告因被控袭击和殴打正被拘禁在佩勒姆县监狱。 according to the sixth amendment, the accused has the right to a fair and public trial. 根据第六条修正案,被告有权得到公正、公开的审判。 the defence british /the defense american /ðə dɪˈfens/ [singular noun] the lawyers in a court who try to prove that someone is not guilty of a crime 辩护律师,被告律师 the defence plans to call only one witness to testify. 辩护律师计划只传一名证人作证。 today, the defence makes its final presentation to the jury. 今天,辩护律师向陪审团作结案陈词。 peres said the defense team would appeal the sentencing by judge bernardo tirado. 佩雷斯称辩护律师团将对贝尔纳多·蒂拉多法官作出的判决提出上诉。 the prosecution /ðə ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃənǁ-ˌprɑː-/ [singular noun] the lawyers in a court who try to prove that someone is guilty of a crime 控方[律师] the prosecution's first witness is expected to be one of the defendant's co-workers. 控方律师的第一位证人应该是被告的一位同事。 speaking for the prosecution, lipscomb said that both men should go to prison for the rest of their lives. 利普斯科姆代表控方称,那两名男子该在监狱里度过余生。 witness /ˈwɪtnɪs, ˈwɪtnəs/ [countable noun] someone who tells what they know about a crime in court 证人 police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 警方已呼吁证人站出来。 the witness was asked to identify the defendant in the courtroom. 证人被要求在法庭上指认被告。call somebody as a witness the congressman was called as a witness for the prosecution today. 今天,这位国会议员被传来为控方作证。4. to bring someone to court to be judged 将某人带到法庭受审 prosecute /ˈprɒsɪkjuːtǁˈprɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to officially say that someone has broken the law and bring them to a court of law to be judged 起诉 shoplifters will be prosecuted. 在商店偷东西的人将被起诉。 the prime minister pledged to do everything possible to prosecute those who carried out the bombing. 总理保证要尽一切可能把爆炸案的罪犯绳之以法。prosecute somebody for something baldwin was prosecuted in 1998 for distributing child pornography online. 1998年鲍德温因在网上散布儿童色情作品而受到起诉。prosecute a case american last year, napolitano's office prosecuted 115 child abuse cases, the highest number in the nation. 去年,纳波利塔诺的办公室起诉了115宗虐待儿童的案件,数量达到全国之冠。 prosecution /ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃənǁˌprɑː-/ [uncountable noun] failure to pay the tax may result in prosecution and imprisonment. 不缴税可能会遭起诉、被判入狱。 put somebody on trial /ˌpʊt somebody ɒn ˈtraɪəl/ [verb phrase] to officially bring someone to a court of law to be judged 将某人带上法庭受审 a month after the murder, a man was arrested by police and put on trial. 凶案发生一个月后,一名男子遭警方逮捕并被送上法庭受审。put sb on trial for the couple were put on trial for fraud and found guilty. 夫妇俩因诈骗被送上法庭,被判有罪。5. to be judged in a court of law 在法庭上受审 be tried /biː ˈtraɪd/ [verb phrase] the suspect will be tried within the next few weeks. 嫌犯将在未来几周内受审。 patterson is being tried for the murder of a 30-year-old oakland hairdresser. 帕滕森因谋杀一名30岁的奥克兰发型师而正在受审。be tried for the two women are being tried for drug smuggling. 那两名女子因走私毒品正在受审。 be on trial /biː ɒn ˈtraɪəl/ [verb phrase] if someone is on trial, a court of law is trying to decide whether they are guilty or a crime or not 受审 three men are now on trial after a series of terrorist attacks. 一系列恐怖袭击后,三名男子眼下正在受审。 the accused was extradited to miami earlier this year, and is currently on trial there. 今年早些时候,被告被引渡回迈阿密,目前正在受审。be on trial for three men are on trial for illegally smuggling tropical birds into the country. 三名男子因将热带鸟类走私进该国而受审。 stand trial /ˌstænd ˈtraɪəl/ [verb phrase] formal to be judged in a court of law 【正式】接受审判 the judge ruled that pinochet was too ill to stand trial in spain. 法官裁定皮诺切特病得很重,无法在西班牙接受审判。stand trial for brady stood trial for the killings late last year. 去年晚些时候,布雷迪因这几宗谋杀案而受审。stand trial on an employee of the bank is due to stand trial on embezzlement charges in february. 2月份,该银行一名雇员因被控侵吞公款而将接受审判。6. when a legal case is judged in court 在法庭上审理案件 come to trial /ˌkʌm tə ˈtraɪəl/ [verb phrase] if a serious legal case comes to trial, it is judged in a court of law [案件]提交法庭审理 the case won't come to trial until next summer. 这个案子要到明年夏天才提交法庭审理。 the british press is not permitted to comment on a case until it comes to trial. 案件审理之前,英国媒体不得加以评论。 come/be brought before the court /ˌkʌm, biː ˌbrɔːt bɪˌfɔːʳ ðə ˈkɔːʳt/ [verb phrase] if a legal case or a criminal comes or is brought before the court, they go to a court of law so it can be officially decided what further legal action should be taken [案件、罪犯]上法庭受审 he thinks his case will come before the court within the next few months. 他认为,接下来的几个月中,他的案件将得到审理。 the case was brought before the court by farmer brad morgan. 该案件由农夫布拉德·摩根向法院提出。 be heard /biː ˈhɜːʳd/ [verb phrase] if a court case, a problem, or a complaint is heard, a judge or lawyer listens to it to decide what legal action should be taken 被审理 last year 2,047 cases were heard in the hillbrow small claims court. 去年,希尔布劳的小额索赔法庭审理了2,047宗案件。 yesterday counsel for both parties agreed the case should be heard on march 12. 昨天,双方的律师同意于3月12日审理该案。




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