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单词 harm¹
释义 harm¹ /hɑrm; hɑːm/n 1. [u] damage or hurt 损害; 危害; 伤害:◇do harm modern farming methods do a lot of harm to the environment. 现代农耕方式对环境破坏很大。◇do sb harm i don't think a little wine does you any harm. 我认为喝点酒没什么坏处。◇come to no harm (=not be hurt or damaged) 没有受到损害: they got lost in the fog, but luckily they came to no harm. 他们在大雾中迷了路,所幸没出什么事。 2. there's no harm in doing sth used to suggest that it might be useful to do something 做某事并无害处[用于提建议说做某事可能有帮助]:◇there's no harm in asking. 不妨问问吧。 3. not mean any harm to have no intention of hurting or upsetting anyone 并无恶意:◇i was only kidding — i didn't mean any harm. 我只是开个玩笑 — 并无恶意。 4. no harm done spoken used to tell someone that you are not upset by what they have done or said 【口】 没事儿,不要紧,没关系[用于告诉别人你没有因为他们做的事或说的话而生气]:◇"i'm sorry." "that's okay. no harm done." “对不起。”“没关系,不要紧的。” 5. out of harm's way in a safe place 在安全的地方:◇she was glad the children were at home, out of harm's way. 她很高兴孩子们在家平安无事。




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