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单词 tenacious
释义 tenacious /təneɪʃəs/ (rather formal, written) that does not stop holding sth or give sth up easily紧握的;不松手的;坚持的◆he paused, without releasing his tenacious grip.他停顿了一下,但是没有松开紧握的手。◆the party has kept its tenacious hold on power for more than twenty years.该政党大权紧握已经二十多年。ⓘ collocates of tenacious include grip and hold in both literal and figurative meanings, and defence. * tenacious 的搭配词包括 grip 和 hold 的字面和比喻意义以及 defence。▸ tenaciously adverb◆though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.他虽然病情严重,但仍然顽强地活着。tenacious/təˈneɪʃəs ||; tɪˈneʃəs/adj not likely to give up or let sth go; determined 坚决的;顽强的 ➔tenacity /təˈnæsəti ||; tɪˈnæsətɪ/ noun [u] tenacioussee ⇨ determined 1 te·na·cious /tɪ`neʃəs; tɪˈneɪʃəs/adjvery determined to do something, and unwilling to stop trying 坚忍不屈的,不屈不挠的




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