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单词 along¹
释义 a·long¹ /ə`lɔŋ; əˈlɒŋ/prep 1. from one place on a line, road, river etc to another place on it 沿着,顺着[线、路、河等]:◇we took a walk along the river. 我们沿着河边走。◇she looked anxiously along the line of faces. 她焦急地扫视着那一排脸孔。 2. in a line next to or on something long 沿着…之旁,沿着…成一行:◇they've put up a fence along the road. 他们沿着马路搭起了栅栏。◇photographs arranged along the shelf 排放在架子上的照片 3. at a particular place on a line, road, river etc 在沿[线、路、河]的某个地方:◇the house is somewhere along this road. 那房子在这条路的某个地方。




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