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单词 factor
释义 factor nounadjective | verb + factor | factor + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, important, main, major, relevant, significant极大的/重要/重大/主要/相关/意义重大的因素◆one of the most significant factors最重要的因素之一➤critical, crucial, deciding, decisive, determining, key, vital极为重要的/至关重要的/起决定作用的/决定性的/使人作出抉择的/关键的/极其紧要的因素◆this is regarded as the crucial factor in deciding who should get priority.这被当成是决定谁有优先权的关键因素。◆money proved to be the deciding factor.钱被证明是决定因素。➤contributing, contributory促成因素◆poor organization was certainly a contributory factor to the crisis.组织不善肯定是导致危机的因素之一。➤complicating把⋯复杂化的因素◆a complicating factor is her parents' refusal to cooperate with the police.她的父母拒不与警方合作,这使情况变复杂了。➤limiting限制因素▸➤mitigating可使罪行减轻的因素◆the appeal judges spoke of strong mitigating factors in the case.上诉法官谈到了本案中一些明显可从轻处置的因素。➤aggravating使恶化的因素▸➤additional附加因素▸➤single唯一的因素◆the closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿井的关闭是这个镇衰败的唯一最重要的因素。➤common共通的因素◆look for the common factor in all these cases.寻找所有这些情况的共通点。➤external, extraneous, extrinsic外部因素;外在因素◆external factors in the production of disease include pollution of the environment.引起疾病的外部因素包括环境污染。➤internal, intrinsic内部/内在因素▸➤causal, causative成因▸➤risk危险因素◆studies have established that smoking is a risk factor for cancer.研究表明吸烟有致癌的风险。➤contextual, demographic, economic, environmental, genetic, political, psychological, situational, social上下文/人口统计/经济/环境/遗传/政治/心理/情景/社会因素➤human人的因素◆the human factor is crucial to success in team management.人的因素对团队的成功管理至关重要。verb + factor➤consider, take into account考虑⋯的因素◆a variety of other factors will be taken into account.其他各种各样的因素都将考虑到。➤identify确定因素▸➤depend on取决于⋯因素factor + verb➤be involved, operate因素起作用◆the contextual factors which operate to hinder understanding妨碍理解的上下文因素➤affect sth, be responsible for sth, cause sth, contribute to sth, determine sth, influence sth, predispose sb/sth to sth因素改变⋯/造成⋯/导致⋯/促成⋯/决定⋯/影响到⋯/使⋯易患⋯◆environmental factors which predispose children to middle-ear infections易造成儿童感染中耳炎的环境因素➤explain sth因素说明⋯▸➤constrain sth, inhibit sth, militate against sth因素制约⋯/阻碍⋯/妨碍⋯◆one of the factors that influenced his decision影响他作出决定的因素之一➤interact因素相互作用◆we examine how economic and social factors interact.我们考察经济和社会因素如何相互起作用。➤include sth因素包括⋯➤be at play因素在起作用◆there are several factors at play here.这里有好几个因素在起作用。preposition➤factor behind⋯背后的因素◆the main factors behind the dollar's weakness造成美元疲软的主要因素➤factor in⋯中的因素◆a key factor in the decision作出这一决定的一个关键因素phrases➤a combination, number, variety, etc. of factors一系列因素、若干因素、各种各样的因素等◆the outcome will depend on a number of factors.结果将取决于若干因素。 factor /fæktə(r)/ noun1. [countable] one of several things that cause or influence sth 因素;要素◆you need to take economic factors into account. 你必须考虑经济因素。◆training is a big factor in the success of a company. 培训是公司成功的重要因素。⨁ a big / critical / crucial / an important / a key / significant factor重要的/十分重要的/至关重要的/非常重要的/关键/主要因素 ⨁ the deciding / decisive / determining / main / major factor决定性的/重要/主要因素 ⨁ factors affect / cause / contribute to / influence sth影响/造成/促成/影响(某事)的因素 2. [singular] the …factor a quality or feature that has an important influence on whether sb/sth is popular, successful, etc. 对…产生重要影响的特性◆the hassle factor of extra security checks has stopped many business people from flying. 额外安全检查带来的麻烦使许多商人放弃乘坐飞机。3. [countable] the amount by which sth increases or decreases (增或减的)数量,倍数◆the real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten (= by more than ten times) in the last 70 years. 近 70 年来工人的实际工资平均增长了十倍以上。 (finance 金融) [countable] a business that buys the right to collect payments that are owed to a manufacturer 保理商◆a factor can take anything between two and eight per cent of an invoice as their fee. 保理商可以提取发票金额的 2% 至 8% 作为他们的手续费。◆a debt/invoice factor 债务/发票保理商  ➡  factoring (commerce 商业) [countable] a person or business that acts as an agent in particular trades, usually receiving a fee based on the amount of sales achieved. factors hold the goods and sell them in their own name. 代理商  ➡  idiom at feel-good ◇ adjustment factor ◇ critical success factor ◇ load factor ◇ wow factor factor /fæktə(r)/ verb [transitive] (finance 金融) to sell the right to collect payments from customers to a bank, company, etc. 应收账款转让(将收取客户款项的权利售给银行、公司等)◆the company was forced to raise money by factoring its accounts receivable. 这家公司被迫通过转让应收账款筹集资金。◆to factor an invoice 转让应收账款发票  ➡  factoring ●factor sth in ●factor sth into sth (technical 技术) to include a particular fact or situation when you are calculating sth or when you are thinking about or planning sth 把…因素包括进去◆remember to factor in staffing costs when you are planning the project. 规划这个项目时,记得将人工成本这个因素考虑进去。●factor sth out ●factor sth out of sth (technical 技术) to not include a particular fact or situation when you are calculating sth or when you are thinking about or planning sth 不把…因素包括进去◆you have to factor out newly opened or closed stores when comparing sales between one year and the next. 在比较当年和来年的销售额时,应该剔除掉新开业或关闭的商店的销售额。☞ factor☞ factor factor nounfactor ♦︎ point ♦︎ considerationthese are all words for sth that is important or has an effect in a situation.这些词均表示要素、因素。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a factor / consideration in sth◆a / an / the additional / main / major / important / key / vital / chief / crucial / essential / prime factor / point / consideration◆political / practical factors / points / considerations◆economic / environmental factors / considerations◆factors / points / considerations to be taken into account■ factor [countable] one of several things that cause or influence sth因素;要素◆the closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿山关闭是该镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。◆money proved to be the deciding factor.金钱证明是决定性的因素。◆studies have established that smoking is a risk factor for cancer.研究证实吸烟是导致癌症的危险因素。■ point [countable] a fact that sb puts forward as part of an argument论点;观点◆she made several interesting points in the article.她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。◆how long it will last is a moot point (= sth which is uncertain or not agreed).那会持续多久还未有定论。ⓘ sb's point can be their opinion or argument, rather than a simple fact. * sb's point 有时可以指某人的见解或论点,而非单纯的事实。  ➡ see also point → view 1■ consideration /kənsɪdəreɪʃn/ [countable] something that must be thought about when you are planning or deciding sth(作计划或决定时)必须考虑的事(或因素、原因)◆financial considerations will obviously play a big part.财务因素显然是考虑的重点。 ➡ see also concern → issue factor [countable] one of several things that cause or influence sth因素;要素◆the closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.矿山关闭是该镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。◆money proved to be the deciding factor.金钱证明是决定性的因素。◆studies have established that smoking is a risk factor for cancer.研究证实吸烟是导致癌症的危险因素。factor/ˈfæktə(r) ||; ˈfæktɚ/noun[c] 1. one of the things that influences a decision, situation, etc 起因;缘由;因素: ◇his unhappiness at home was a major factor in his decision to go abroad. 在家里郁郁不乐是他决定到国外去的一大原因。 2. (technical术语) (in mathematics) a whole number (except 1) by which a larger number can be divided (数学)因子,因子: ◇2, 3, 4 and 6 are factors of 12. 2、3、4、6都是12的因子。 factorsee ⇨ cause 10 ⇨ part 6 fac·tor /`fæktə; ˈfæktə/n [c] 1. one of several things that influence or cause a situation 因素:◇+ in the weather could be an important factor in tomorrow's game. 天气可能是明天比赛的一个重要因素。 2. technical a number that a larger number can be divided by exactly. for example 3 is a factor of 15. 【术语】 因子,因数〈如 3 是 15 的因子〉




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