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单词 formerly
释义 formerlyadverb◆i learned that the house had formerly been an inn.我得知这所房子以前是家客栈。formerlyadverb◆i learned that the house had formerly been an inn.我得知这所房子以前是家客栈。formerly/ˈfɔ:məli ||; ˈfɔrmḷɪ/adv in the past; before now 过去;以前: ◇the country of myanmar (formerly burma) 缅甸(myanmar,以前叫burma)◇the hotel was formerly a castle. 这家酒店的前身是个城堡。 used to be is a more common way of saying was formerly the hotel used to be a castle. used to be可表示was formerly的意思,且较常用:the hotel used to be a castle.这家酒店原本是个城堡。formerlysee ⇨ before 3 ⇨ past 3 for·mer·ly /`fɔrməlɪ; ˈfɔːməli/advin the past 以前,从前:◇sri lanka was formerly called ceylon. 斯里兰卡以前叫锡兰。




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