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单词 inspect
释义 inspect verbadverb | verb + inspect | preposition adverb➤carefully, closely, thoroughly仔细/严密/全面审视➤manually, physically, visually人工/实物/目测检查◆the first step is to visually inspect the ground, looking for rocks and lumps.第一步是对地面进行目测检查,寻找石块和土块。➤annually, periodically, regularly每年检查;定期检查verb + inspect➤allow sb to, be entitled to (bre) 允许某人检查;有权检查◆each party in the case is entitled to inspect the documents held by the other.案件各方均有权查看对方持有的文件。preposition➤for查找⋯◆he inspected the water tank carefully for cracks.他仔细检查水箱是否存在裂缝。 inspect /ɪnspekt/ verb [transitive] look closely at sth/sb, especially to check that everything is as it should be 检查;检验;审查;审视◆make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them. 务必在签收货物之前进行检验。◆samples of the products are inspected for quality and consistency. 产品的样品要接受品质和一致性的检验。 officially visit a factory, restaurant, etc. in order to check that laws are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable 视察◆public health officials were called in to inspect the premises. 公共卫生官员奉召来视察了这场所。☞ inspectinspect [transitive] to look at sb/sth closely to make sure that everything is satisfactory; to officially visit a school, factory, etc. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable检查;审视;视察◆the teacher walked around the classroom inspecting the children's work.老师在教室里走来走去,检查孩子们的作业。◆the tourist board inspects all recommended hotels at least once a year.旅游局每年到所有推荐旅馆视察至少一次。 ➡ see also inspection → inspection , inspector → inspector note 辨析 check, examine or inspect?these words can all be used when you are looking for possible problems, but only check is used about looking for mistakes.这些词均可指检查可能出现的问题,但检查错误只用 check◆examine/inspect your work before handing it in. only examine is used when looking for the cause of a problem.查找问题的原因只用 examine◆the doctor checked/inspected her but could find nothing wrong. examine is used more often about a professional person. * examine 较常指专业人员做检查◆the surveyor examined the walls for signs of damp.房屋鉴定人检查了墙壁,看是否有水渍。 inspect is used more often about an official. * inspect 较常指官方检查◆public health officials were called in to inspect the restaurant.公共卫生官员给召来检视了这家餐馆。inspect/ɪnˈspekt ||; ɪnˈspɛkt/verb[t] 1. inspect sb/sth (for sth) to look at sth closely or in great detail 检查;审视: ◇the detective inspected the room for fingerprints. 侦探检查房间,寻找指印。 2. to make an official visit to make sure that rules are being obeyed, work is being done properly, etc 巡查;巡视;视察: ◇all food shops should be inspected regularly. 所有食品商店都要定期接受检查。 ➔inspection noun [c,u] ◇the fire prevention service will carry out an inspection of the building next week. 消防队下个星期要对大楼巡查。◇ on inspection, the passport turned out to be false. 经检查,发现护照原来是伪造的。 inspectsee ⇨ examine 1,2 in·spect /ɪn`spɛkt; ɪnˈspekt/v [t] 1. to make an official visit to a building or organization to check that everything is of a good enough standard 检查,视察:◇all schools are inspected once a year. 所有学校一年要接受一次视察。 2. to examine something carefully 仔细看,审视:◇sara inspected her reflection in the mirror. 莎拉仔细观察自己在镜子里的影像。 ☞ inspect




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