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单词 germ
释义 germ nounadjective | verb + germ | germ + noun adjective➤deadly致命的细菌◆the epidemic was caused by a deadly germ.这一流行病是由一种致命细菌引起的。➤drug-resistant, resistant有抗药性的细菌;耐药细菌▸➤flu, strep, typhoid, etc.流感病菌、链球菌、伤寒病菌等verb + germ➤carry, spread携带/散播细菌◆children carry all kinds of germs home from school.孩子们把各种细菌从学校带回家中。➤destroy, kill杀灭/杀死细菌◆they used bleach to kill any germs in the sink and drain.他们用漂白剂来杀灭水池和排水沟中的细菌。germ + noun➤warfare细菌战germ/dʒɜ:m ||; dʒɝm/noun1. [c] a very small living thing that causes disease 微生物;病菌 ☞look at bacteria and virus. 参看 bacteria 及 virus。 2. [sing] the germ of sth the beginning of sth that may develop 萌芽: ◇the germ of an idea 一种理念的萌芽 germ /dʒɜm; dʒɜːm/n [c] 1. a very small living thing that can make you ill 病菌 2. the germ of an idea/hope etc the beginning of an idea, feeling etc that may develop and grow 想法/希望等的萌芽 ☞ germ




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