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单词 counselling
释义 counselling noun (bre) (name counseling) adjective | verb + counselling/counseling | counselling/counseling + noun | preposition adjective➤group, individual团体/个人心理咨询▸➤professional专业咨询➤couples, marital, marriage, marriage guidance, premarital (especially name) 夫妻关系指导;婚姻指导;婚前指导➤family家庭生活指导➤college, school, student, youth (especially name) 大学/学校/学生/青年心理辅导➤peer (especially name) 朋辈心理辅导➤abortion, genetic流产心理辅导;遗传咨询◆we provide fertility treatment and genetic counselling for couples trying to conceive.我们为想要生育的夫妇提供不育治疗和遗传咨询服务。➤bereavement, mental-health, psychological, stress丧亲心理辅导;心理健康辅导;心理咨询;精神压力辅导➤career, vocational职业咨询▸➤business, debt商业/债务咨询➤nutritional (especially name) 营养咨询verb + counselling/counseling➤give sb, offer (sb), provide (sb with)给予某人咨询;(为某人)提供咨询◆the survivors were offered counselling.给幸存者提供了心理辅导。➤get, have, receive得到咨询;接受辅导▸➤be in need of, need需要咨询◆many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.那场悲剧的许多受害者仍需要心理辅导。➤seek寻求辅导➤recommend建议咨询◆their doctor recommended professional counselling.他们的医生建议他们接受专业咨询。➤refer sb for, refer sb to让某人去咨询◆he was suspended from school and referred for counselling.他被暂时停学去接受心理辅导。counselling/counseling + noun➤centre/center, service咨询中心/服务◆the new student counselling and guidance service新生咨询指导服务➤session(一次)咨询时间▸➤skills辅导技巧preposition➤counselling for对⋯的辅导◆counselling for parents and children亲子辅导◆counselling for depression抑郁症辅导 counselling (name spelling counseling) /kaʊnsəlɪŋ/ noun [uncountable] professional advice that is given to sb about a problem 咨询;辅导  ➡  mentoring at mentor ◇ career counselling ◇ debt counselling ☞ counselling counselling (bre) (name counseling) /kaʊnsəlɪŋ/ [uncountable] professional advice about what sb should do to deal with a personal or emotional problem(个人或情感问题的)咨询,辅导◆many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.这一不幸事件的受害者中很多人仍然需要心理辅导。counselling/ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ ||; ˈkaυnsḷɪŋ/(us 美 counseling) noun [u] professional advice and help given to people with problems 专业意见;指导;辅导: ◇many students come to us for counselling. 很多学生来找我们辅导。 counsellingsee ⇨ advise 5 coun·sel·ling /bre 【英】, counseling ame 【美】 /`kansḷɪŋ; ˈkaʊnsəlɪŋ//n [u]when people are given advice and help about their problems 辅导; 咨询; 咨询服务:◇a counselling service for drug users 为吸毒者而设的咨询服务




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