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单词 back sb/sth up
释义 back sb/sth upphrasal verb (rather informal) to say that what sb has said is true; to say or do sth in order to support an opinion, claim or argument证实(某人所言);(以言语或行动)支持(意见、主张或论点)◆i'll back you up if they don't believe you.如果他们不相信你,我会为你作证。◆the writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples.作者没用实例证明他的观点。 back sb/sth up to support sb; to say or show that sth is true 支持某人;证明某事属实: ◇i'm going to say exactly what i think at the meeting. will you back me up? 会议上我会畅所欲言。你会支持我吗?◇all the evidence backed up what the woman had said. 所有证据都证明那个女人所言属实。




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