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单词 businesslike
释义 businesslike adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, sound高效;听起来讲求实际▸➤become变得务实▸➤remain保持高效▸➤keep sth将⋯维持在公事关系◆i'd rather keep the relationship strictly businesslike.我情愿保持一种纯粹的公务关系。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常务实◆a very businesslike manner非常务实的态度➤strictly完全公事公办 businesslike /bɪznəslaɪk/ adjective(about a person) working in an efficient and organized way and not wasting time or thinking about personal things (指人)效率高的,有条不紊的◆she has a brisk and businesslike manner. 她的作风是自信干练而务实。⨁ a businesslike approach / manner / voice / way一种务实的方式/态度/语气/方法 ☞ businesslike businesslike /bɪznəslaɪk/ (of a person) working in an efficient way, not wasting time or thinking about personal matters(人)效率高的,井然有序的,工作认真而有条理的◆wearing the suit made him feel more businesslike.穿上套装让他觉得自己更干练了。◆she adopted a brisk, businesslike tone.她用了一种公事公办的口吻,说话干脆利落。businesslike/ˈbɪznəslaɪk ||; ˈbɪznɪsˌlaɪk/adj dealing with matters in a direct and practical way, without trying to be friendly (处理问题)务实,利落,不讲情面: ◇she has a very businesslike manner. 她的作风相当务实。 businesslikesee ⇨ efficient/not efficient 3 ⇨ organize 5 busi·ness·like /`bɪznɪsˏlaɪk; ˈbɪznɪs-laɪk/adjsensible and practical in the way you do things 处事务实的:◇a businesslike manner 务实的态度




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