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单词 execution
释义 execution noun¹ 1killing sb as an official punishment处决adjective | verb + execution | execution + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤public公开处决▸➤mass大规模处决▸➤judicial司法处决▸➤extrajudicial庭外处决➤federal, state (both especially name) 联邦罪犯处决;州罪犯处决◆a senator's request to suspend federal executions一名参议员要求延迟联邦罪犯处决➤state-sponsored (especially name) 由州提出的处决▸➤arbitrary, summary恣意处决;草率处决◆human rights organizations have accused the army of summary executions.人权组织控告军队草菅人命。➤political政治处决▸➤mock模拟处决➤scheduled刑期已定的处决◆the hours before his scheduled execution预定对他行刑前的几个小时➤imminent, impending即将处决➤juvenile (name) 对未成年人的处决◆the supreme court decision to ban juvenile executions最高法院禁止对未成年人执行死刑的决定verb + execution➤order下令处死◆the tribunal ordered the execution of 42 coup plotters.法庭下令处死 42 个政变策划者。➤face面临死刑◆if caught, the men could face execution.如果被捕,这些人可能被处决。➤await等待处决◆prisoners who are on death row awaiting execution等待处决的死刑犯➤suffer (formal) 遭处死◆she was taken prisoner and suffered eventual execution.她被捕入狱,最终被处决。➤escape逃过处决▸➤delay, postpone, stay, suspend推迟处决;暂停行刑;延缓行刑◆the us supreme court refused to stay the execution.美国最高法院拒绝延缓行刑。➤halt, stop停止/中止执行死刑➤oversee监督行刑◆the army oversaw the trial and execution of the king.军队监督了对国王的审讯和处决。➤carry out执行处决◆executions were carried out in the prison yard.死刑在监狱院子里执行了。➤attend, watch, witness出席/观看/目睹死刑执行execution + verb➤go ahead, take place执行死刑◆a bell was tolled when executions took place.执行死刑时会鸣钟。preposition➤execution by以⋯方式处死◆execution by hanging处以绞刑phrases➤a stay of execution缓期执行死刑◆the judge had granted a stay of execution.法官已准予缓期执行死刑。execution noun² 2carrying out a plan/order执行计划或命令adjective | verb + execution | phrases adjective➤effective, successful有效的/成功的执行◆the successful execution of the plan计划的成功执行➤proper恰当的执行◆proper execution of the exercise训练的恰当完成➤flawless, good, perfect, precise无瑕的/良好的/完美的/精确的执行◆great ideas and flawless execution伟大的想法与完美的执行➤poor执行得不好◆the poor execution of the film拍得很差劲的电影verb + execution➤delay, stay (law法律) , suspend (law法律) 延期执行;暂停执行◆the court has discretion to stay or suspend execution of the order. (bre) 法庭可以酌情决定暂时终止或延缓执行命令。phrases➤the execution of your duty履行职责◆she was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duties.她被指控妨碍警察执行任务。 execution /eksɪkjuːʃn/ noun [uncountable] 1.the act of doing a piece of work, performing a duty, or putting a plan into action 实行;履行;执行;实施◆there are doubts about the company's execution of its business strategy. 对这家公司的商业策略的执行存在疑虑。◆the idea was good, but the execution was poor. 这个主意不错,但执行情况有些糟糕。2.the act of achieving a particular business goal or being successful as a business (目标的)实现;(企业的)成功运作◆most ceos fail due to a lack of execution. 大部分首席执行官由于缺乏执行力而失败。 (finance 金融) the act of transferring money and shares, bonds, etc. between buyers and sellers in a market 交易执行(在某市场的买方与卖方之间转移资金、股票、债券等的行为)◆they have set up an online execution service. 他们已设立在线交易执行服务。 writ of execution ☞ execution execution nounexecution ♦︎ the death penalty ♦︎ capital punishment ♦︎ hanging ♦︎ firing squad ♦︎ the electric chair ♦︎ the chair ♦︎ gallows ♦︎ scaffoldthese are all words for the act of killing a person as a legal punishment, or of ways of doing this.这些词均表示处决或处决方式。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a public / mass execution / hanging◆to attend / watch / witness an execution / a hanging◆to face execution / the death penalty / the firing squad / the electric chair / the chair◆to send sb to the electric chair / gallows / scaffold◆to abolish / bring back the death penalty / capital punishment / hanging / the electric chair■ execution [uncountable, countable] the act of killing sb, especially as a legal punishment处决◆she faced execution by hanging for murder.她因谋杀要以绞刑处死。◆over 200 executions were carried out last year.去年执行了 200 多起死刑。  ➡ see also execute → kill ■ the death penalty /deθ penəlti/ [singular] the punishment of being killed that is used in some countries for very serious crimes死刑;极刑◆she spent many years campaigning for the abolition of the death penalty.她多年来一直奔走努力,要求废除死刑。◆this is a crime which carries the death penalty.这种罪行要处死刑的。■ capital punishment [uncountable] punishment by death死刑;极刑◆public opinion was in favour of bringing back capital punishment.公众赞成重新启用死刑。note 辨析 the death penalty or capital punishment?both these terms can be used when you are talking about the existence of this type of punishment in a country's legal system. if you are talking about a particular instance of punishment by death, you should use the death penalty.这两种表达皆可指一国司法体系中的死刑刑罚。但指个别的死刑案例要用 the death penalty◆he faces the death penalty for his crimes.他将因所犯下的罪行被处死。◆he faces capital punishment for his crimes. ■ hanging [uncountable, countable] the practice of killing sb as a punishment by putting a rope around their neck and hanging them from a high place; an occasion when this happens绞死;绞刑◆she was sentenced to death by hanging.她被判以绞刑处死。◆attending public hangings was a popular pastime.过去观看公开执行绞刑是一种大众喜欢的消遣活动。■ firing squad /faɪərɪŋ skwɒd; name skwɑːd/ [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] a group of soldiers who are ordered to shoot and kill sb who is found guilty of a crime(枪决)行刑队◆she was executed by (a) firing squad.她被行刑队执行了枪决。■ the electric chair [singular](especially in the us) a chair in which criminals are killed by passing a powerful electric current through their bodies; the method of execution which uses this chair(尤指美国处决犯人的)电椅,电刑◆he was sent to the electric chair.他被送上电椅处决。◆they face death by the electric chair.他们要被电刑处死。■ the chair --> [singular] (name, informal) the electric chair电椅;电刑◆i can't sit here and see an innocent man get the chair.我不能袖手旁观一名无辜的人受电刑。■ gallows /gæləʊz; name gæloʊz/ [countable] a structure on which criminals are killed by hanging绞刑架;绞台◆it was common to send a man to the gallows (= to send him to his death by hanging) for such crimes.在过去犯下这样的罪行被送上绞刑架是常见的。■ scaffold /skæfəʊld; name skæfoʊld/ [countable] a platform used when executing criminals by cutting off their heads or hanging them from a rope断头台;绞刑架◆he knew he was destined to die on the scaffold.他知道自己注定要被送上断头台。execution [uncountable, countable] the act of killing sb, especially as a legal punishment处决◆she faced execution by hanging for murder.她因谋杀要以绞刑处死。◆over 200 executions were carried out last year.去年执行了 200 多起死刑。  ➡ see also execute → kill execution /ˏɛksɪ`kjuʃən; ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃən/n [u]




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