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单词 buffer
释义 buffer nounverb + buffer | buffer + noun | preposition verb + buffer➤act as起缓冲作用▸➤provide提供缓冲▸➤use sth as把⋯作为缓冲buffer + noun➤state, zone缓冲国;缓冲区preposition➤buffer against针对⋯的缓冲◆a family can provide a buffer against stress at work.家庭能够起到缓冲工作压力的作用。➤buffer between⋯之间的缓冲◆the organization acts as a buffer between the management and the union.这个组织在资方与工会之间起缓冲作用。 buffer /bʌfə(r)/ noun [countable] 1. (it 信息技术) a temporary memory in a computer or a device connected to a computer that is used for storing information when data is being sent between two machines that work at different speeds 缓冲区(计算机或连接到计算机上的设备中的临时记忆体,用于两个机器间以不同速度传输数据时存贮信息) 2.a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects sb/sth against difficulties 缓冲物;起缓冲作用的人◆the extra stock acts as a buffer against any problem with supplies. 额外的库存有助于缓和供应方面出现的问题。◆the personnel officer often has to act as a buffer between workers and management. 人事主任常常不得不在工人和管理层之间扮演调解人的角色。  ➡  idiom at hit verb☞ buffer buffer [countable] a thing or person that reduces a shock or protects sb/sth against difficulties缓冲物;起缓冲作用的人◆support from family and friends acts as a buffer against stress.家人和朋友的支持有助于减缓压力。◆peacekeepers have been sent in to establish a buffer zone (= an area that keeps two other areas distant from one another) between the rival forces.已经派遣维和部队在交战双方之间建立缓冲带。buffer/ˈbʌfə(r) ||; ˈbʌfɚ/noun[c] 1. a thing or person that reduces the unpleasant effects of sth or prevents violent contact between two things, people, etc 起缓冲作用的人或物: ◇un forces are acting as a buffer between the two sides in the war. 联合国部队在交战双方之间起缓冲作用。 2. a flat round piece of metal with a spring behind it that is on the front or back of a train or at the end of a railway track. buffers reduce the shock when sth hits them. (火车或铁路轨道末端的)缓冲器 buff·er /`bʌfə; ˈbʌfə/n [c] 1. something or someone that reduces the unpleasant effects of something else 缓冲物; 起缓冲作用的人:◇+ against the trees act as a buffer against strong winds. 这些树木起着缓冲强风的作用。◇support from friends can provide a buffer against stress. 朋友的支持可以缓解压力。 2. one of the two pieces of metal on springs, on the front or back of a train, that protects the train from damage if it hits anything [铁路车辆的]缓冲器 bufferv [t]




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