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单词 fulfilment
释义 fulfilment noun¹ 1 (bre) (name fulfillment) doing sth to the required standard符合要求adjective | preposition adjective➤ultimate最终的履行情况➤order (name) 订单执行情况preposition➤fulfilment of⋯的履行◆the fulfilment of a promise承诺的执行fulfilment noun² 2 (bre) (name fulfillment) feeling of satisfaction满足感adjective | verb + fulfilment/fulfillment | preposition | phrases adjective➤great巨大的满足感◆she needed greater fulfilment in her job.她需要从工作中获得更大的满足感。➤complete完全的满足▸➤partial部份的满足▸➤personal个人成就感◆her search for personal fulfilment她对个人成就感的寻求➤human人类的成就感▸➤emotional, intellectual, professional, religious, sexual, spiritual情感满足;学术成就;职业满足感;宗教愿望;性满足;精神满足▸➤wish愿望实现◆most computer games provide some kind of wish fulfilment.大部份电子游戏满足人们的某种愿望。verb + fulfilment/fulfillment➤find, gain, get找到/获得/得到满足▸➤provide (sb with)给(某人)以满足感➤seek寻求满足感preposition➤fulfilment from从⋯中获得的满足◆he gets a lot of fulfilment from his charity work.他从慈善工作中得到了很大的成就感。➤fulfilment in在⋯中获得的满足◆i can't find fulfilment in doing housework.我不觉得做家务活有什么满足感。phrases➤a sense of fulfilment成就感◆they gain a sense of fulfilment from their work.他们从工作中获得成就感。 fulfilment (name spelling fulfillment) /fʊlfɪlmənt/ noun [uncountable] 1.the act of doing what is required or necessary 履行;执行;符合;具备◆the offer is subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions. 报盘须符合一定的条件。 (commerce 商业) the act of supplying the full amount of sth that sb has asked for (订单的)执行◆the software tracks every stage of order fulfilment and billing. 这个软件可跟踪订单执行和记账的每一个步骤。◆he has 20 full-time employees in the fulfillment warehouse. 他有 20 名全职员工在订单执行仓库工作。3.the feeling of being happy and satisfied with what you are doing or have done 满足感;满意◆the most common reason for leaving a job is lack of personal fulfillment. 最常见的辞职理由是缺乏个人成就感。4.the act of doing or achieving what was hoped for or expected 实现◆the fulfilment of expectations 期望的实现☞ fulfilmentfulfilment (bre) (name fulfillment) [uncountable] a feeling of happiness or satisfaction with what you do or have done(对自己所做或完成的事情的)成就感,满足◆her search for personal fulfilment她对个人成就的追求note 辨析 satisfaction, happiness, contentment or fulfilment?you can feel satisfaction at achieving almost anything, small or large; you feel fulfilment when you do sth useful and enjoyable with your life. happiness is the feeling you have when things give you pleasure and can be quite a lively feeling; contentment is a quieter feeling that you get when you have learned to find pleasure in things. * satisfaction 指取得任何成就时的满足感,不论成就大小; fulfilment 指做了有用且令人愉快的事情时的满足感; happiness 指令人欢快愉悦的幸福感; contentment 指学会了从事情中寻求快乐而内心平和的满足。fulfilment/fʊlˈfɪlmənt ||; fυlˈfɪlmənt/(us 美 fulfillment) noun [u] the act of achieving a goal; the feeling of satisfaction that you have when you have done sth 实现;履行;满足: ◇the fulfilment of your dreams/hopes/ambitions 实现梦想╱愿望╱抱负◇to find personal/emotional fulfilment 个人需要上╱感情上得到满足 fulfilmentsee ⇨ satisfied/not satisfied 4 ful·fil·ment /bre 【英】, fulfillment ame 【美】 /fl`fɪlmənt; fʊlˈfɪlmənt//n [u] 1. the feeling of being satisfied, especially in your work because you feel you are using all your abilities [尤指工作中的]满足感:◇ann's work gives her a real sense of fulfilment. 安的工作给她一种真正的满足感。 2. when someone does what they have promised to do, what they should do, or what they have always wanted to do 履行; 实现; 完成:◇his trip to europe was the fulfilment of a lifelong ambition. 他的欧洲之行实现了毕生愿望。




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