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单词 impenetrable
释义 impenetrable adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem不可穿越;似乎难以通过▸➤become变得不可穿越▸➤remain依然不可穿越▸➤find sth发现⋯难以穿越◆they found the jungle virtually impenetrable.他们发现那片丛林几乎无法穿越。adverb➤almost, nearly, virtually几乎无法穿透;近乎费解◆his reports were virtually impenetrable without an explanation.如果不借助解释,他的报告实质上没法读懂。➤seemingly看似不可理解preposition➤to令⋯难以理解◆the language of this document would be impenetrable to anyone except a specialist.这份文件的语言除了专家以外任何人都难以理解。impenetrable/ɪmˈpenɪtrəbl ||; ɪmˈpɛnətrəbḷ/adj1. impossible to enter or go through 不能通过的: ◇the jungle was impenetrable. 这片丛林难以穿越。 2. impossible to understand 费解的: ◇an impenetrable mystery 不解之谜 im·pen·e·tra·ble /ɪm`pɛnətrəbḷ; ɪmˈpenɪtrəbəl/adj 1. impossible to get through or see through 穿不过的,透不过的,看不透的:◇impenetrable fog 迷雾 2. very difficult or impossible to understand 难以理解的:◇impenetrable legal jargon 难懂的法律行话




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