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单词 select
释义 select verbadverb | verb + select | preposition | phrases adverb➤carefully仔细挑选▸➤specially, specifically特意/专门挑选▸➤deliberately谨慎挑选▸➤arbitrarily, at random, randomly任意挑选;随机选择◆the winning entry will be selected at random by computer.获胜者将由计算机随机选出。➤automatically自动选择◆the program automatically selects and stores the most frequently used data.程序会自动筛选并贮存最常用的数据。➤manually手工挑选▸➤personally亲自挑选verb + select➤allow sb to, enable sb to允许某人挑选;使某人能够选择preposition➤according to根据⋯选择◆students select modules according to their interests.学生根据个人兴趣选择学习模块。➤as挑选为⋯◆they were selected as finalists for this year's awards.他们成为今年最终的获奖人选。➤for为⋯选择◆she has been selected for the team.她已入选该球队。➤from从⋯中选择◆you can select goods from our catalogue.您可从我们的商品目录中挑选商品。phrases➤be selected on the basis of基于⋯入选◆they were selected on the basis of size.他们靠规模入选。➤well selected精挑细选◆this anthology is well selected and presented.这部选集的文章经过精挑细选,而且编排颇具匠心。 select /sɪlekt/ verbselect sb/sth (as/for sth) | select sb/sth (from sth) to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things, usually according to a system 选择;挑选;选拔◆four candidates have been selected for interview. 四位应征者获选进入面试。◆this model was selected as the best-value digital camera on the market. 这款数码相机当选最具市场价值的数码相机。◆customers can select from thousands of products. 有上千种商品可供顾客选购。◆this service is available at selected stores only. 仅部分商店提供这项服务。2. (it 信息技术) [transitive] to mark sth on a computer screen; to choose sth, especially from a list (menu) (从计算机屏幕选单中)选择◆select ‘new mail’ from the ‘send’ menu. 从“发送”选单中选择“新邮件”。 select /sɪlekt/ adjective [only before noun] carefully chosen as the best out of a larger group of people or things 精选的;优等的◆a select group of customers/investors 精心挑选的一批顾客/投资者◆investors have been buying select technology stocks. 投资者一直在购买优质科技股。☞ select☞ selectselect [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to choose sb/sth, usually according to a system, from a group of people or things(根据一套体系)选择,挑选,选拔◆he hasn't been selected for the team.他未能入选该队。◆all our hotels have been carefully selected for the excellent value they provide.我们的所有旅馆都是精心挑选的,并最为合算。◆a randomly selected sample of 23 schools随机抽选的 23 所学校◆selected poems of t.s. eliott.s. 艾略特诗选◆select 'new mail' from the 'send' menu.从“发送”选单中选择“新邮件”。 ➡ see also selection → range 1 select(of a society, club or place) used only by people who have a lot of money and/or a high social position(社团、俱乐部或地方)有钱有地位的人使用的◆they live in a very select area.他们住在一个高档住宅区。◆it is a select restaurant with fine italian food.那是一家高级意大利美食餐馆。select¹/sɪˈlekt ||; səˈlɛkt/verb [t] to choose sb/sth from a number of similar things 挑选;选择: ◇the best candidates will be selected for interview. 最优秀的申请人将被挑选参加面试。 ☞ select is more formal than choose and suggests that a lot of care is taken when making the decision. 与choose相比,select多用于正式场合,表示作出决定时十分小心谨慎。 select²/sɪˈlekt ||; səˈlɛkt/adj (formal 正式) 1. carefully chosen as the best of a group 仔细挑选的;精选的: ◇a university education is no longer the privilege of a select few. 大学教育不再是少数精英的特权。 2. used or owned by rich people 富人使用或拥有的 selectsee ⇨ choose 1,4 ⇨ computers/internet/email 4☞ select¹☞ select²




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