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单词 head
释义 head noun¹ 1part of the body身体部位adjective | verb + head | head + verb | head + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤bare光头▸➤bald秃头▸➤shaved剃光的头▸➤blonde, dark, fair, grey/gray, greying/graying长着金发的头;长着深色头发的头;长着浅色头发的头;长着灰白头发的头;白发渐多的头▸➤bent, bowed低下的头◆she sat with bowed head.她低头坐着。➤throbbing头一抽一抽地作痛▸➤severed割下的头颅◆the city gates were adorned with severed heads.几座城门上都挂着割下的头颅。➤crowned (figurative) 君主◆the message was sent to all the crowned heads (= kings and queens) of europe.已向欧洲各君主发送了通知。verb + head➤poke, pop, put, stick探头;伸头◆he put his head around the door.他从门后探出头来。➤bob, cock, crane, incline, jerk, tilt, turn频频点头;抬头;伸长脖子;点头;猛然扭头;侧头;转头◆she jerked her head in the direction of the door.她朝门口猛一扭头。➤lift, raise抬头▸➤bend, bow, drop, duck, hang, lower低头◆he hung his head in shame.他羞愧地低下了头。➤swing, throw back, toss来回摇头;头后仰;甩头◆he threw his head back and laughed out loud.他仰头大笑。➤nod, shake点头;摇头◆they nodded their heads in agreement.他们点头同意。◆she shook her head in disbelief.她怀疑地摇摇头。➤scratch挠头;苦苦琢磨◆he scratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。◆detectives have been left scratching their heads over the stolen painting. (figurative) 画作被盗令警探们百思不得其解。➤bang, hit用头撞;打中头部▸➤pat, rub轻拍/按摩头部▸➤clutch, hold抱紧头;抱头◆he lay writhing on the ground, clutching his head in pain.他痛得两手抱头在地上打滚。➤bury埋头◆she buried her head in the pillow.她用枕头捂住脑袋。➤cover遮住头部▸➤lay, lean, rest头部搁在/倚在/靠在⋯上◆she rested her head on his shoulder.她把头靠在他肩膀上。➤shave剃头◆he shaved his head and became a monk.他剃度出家了。head + verb➤ache, pound, throb头痛;头砰砰地疼;头抽痛➤bob, jerk, nod, tilt, turn点头;猛然扭头;侧头;转头◆her head tilted to one side as she considered the question.她歪着头思考着问题。➤droop, drop, fall, hang down, hang low头低下◆his head drooped and tears fell into his lap.他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落到了大腿上。➤rest头靠在⋯上➤hit sth头碰在⋯上◆i'm normally asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.通常我头一碰到枕头就能睡着。head + noun➤injury头部受伤▸➤cold头伤风preposition➤above your head在头顶上◆the thunder burst with a grand crash above our heads.一声惊雷在我们头顶上方轰然炸响。➤over your head头顶上方◆the soldiers were ordered to fire over the heads of the crowd.士兵们奉命朝人群的上方开枪。phrases➤from head to foot, from head to toe从头到脚◆we were covered from head to foot in mud.我们从头到脚都沾满了烂泥。➤a fine, full, good, thick, etc. head of hair (= a lot of hair) 一头秀发、满头蓬发等◆a woman with a beautiful head of chestnut hair长着一头漂亮的栗色头发的女人➤have, hold, put, etc. your head in your hands双手抱头◆he put his head in his hands, exasperated.他恼怒地用双手抱着头。➤head first头朝下;未经深思◆he dived head first into the water.他一头扎进水里。◆she got divorced and rushed head first into another marriage. (figurative) 她离婚后不久又匆忙再婚了。➤a nod of the head点头◆the ambassador dismissed him with a curt nod of the head.大使敷衍地点了一下头,示意他离开。➤a shake of the head摇头◆she declined with a brief shake of the head.她轻轻摇头,表示谢绝。head noun² 2mind头脑adjective | verb + head | head + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤clear, cool, level清醒的头脑;冷静的头脑◆she needed to keep a clear head if she was to remain in control.她要想继续控制局势就必须保持清醒的头脑。➤good才智◆i have a good head for figures.我很有数学头脑。verb + head➤use动脑筋◆i wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying something).我希望你能动动脑子。➤enter想起◆it never entered my head that he might be lying.我从未想过他会是在撒谎。➤pop into突然想起◆it was the first name that popped into my head.那是我脑海中浮现的第一个名字。➤get it into理解;认为◆when will you get it into your head (= understand) that i don't want to discuss this any more!你什么时候才能明白我再也不想讨论这个问题了!◆for some reason she got it into her head (= started to believe) that the others don't like her.由于某种原因,她觉得别人都不喜欢她。➤put sth into把⋯塞进脑袋◆who's been putting such weird ideas into your head?是谁向你灌输这些怪念头的?➤get sth out of, put sth out of忘掉⋯◆i can't get that tune out of my head.我无法忘掉那首曲子。◆try to put the exams out of your head for tonight.今晚尽量别去想考试的事。➤bother操心◆don't bother your pretty little head with things like that!别让你那可爱的小脑袋为那样的事费神了!➤clear清醒一下头脑◆i decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。head + verb➤spin头眩晕◆he could feel his head spinning after only one drink.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转了。preposition➤in your head凭脑力◆i can't work it out in my head-i need a calculator.我心算算不出来,需要使用计算器。➤inside your head在脑海里◆it was an accident, said a voice inside his head.一个声音在他脑海里说,那是一场意外。phrases➤can't get your head round sth (= can't understand sth) (bre, informal) 无法理解⋯◆she's dead. i can't get my head round it yet.她死了,可我还是不能接受这一事实。➤need your head examined头脑不正常◆he looked at me as if i needed my head examined (= as if i were crazy).他看着我,好像我脑子出了毛病似的。➤your thick head (used to show that you are annoyed that sb does not understand sth用于表示因某人不理解某事而厌烦) (informal) 你这个木头脑瓜◆when will you get it into your thick head that i don't want to see you again!你那木头脑瓜什么时候才会明白我不想再见到你呢?head noun³ 3heads side of a coin钱币正面verb + heads | phrases verb + heads➤call要正面◆i called heads and it came down tails.我要了正面,可落下来却是反面朝上。➤come down, come up (especially name) 结果是正面phrases➤heads or tails?要正面还是反面?head noun⁴ 4of a group, organization, school, etc.团体;组织;学校adjective | head + noun | phrases adjective➤assistant, deputy主管助理;副校长▸➤department, departmental部门领导▸➤nominal, titular有名无实的领导;名义上的领导◆he is only the nominal head of the company.他只不过是公司的挂名领导罢了。◆the queen is titular head of the church of england.英国女王是英国国教名义上的领袖。➤former以前的领导head + noun➤coach, gardener, teacher, waiter主教练;首席园艺师;校长;侍者领班▸➤boy, girl (= in a school) (both bre) 男班长;女班长phrases➤a head of department部门主管➤the head of the family, the head of the household一家之主;户主▸➤a head of government, a head of state政府首脑;国家元首◆a summit meeting of heads of state国家元首峰会➤the head of the group小组组长;集团首领  ➡ note at job head verb¹ 1go行进adverb | preposition adverb➤north, northwards, etc.朝北走等◆we headed west for two days.我们向西走了两天。➤down, off, out, up, etc.前往、离开、向⋯行进等▸➤back往回走◆let's head back home.我们回家吧。➤home回家preposition➤back to回到◆we headed straight back to school.我们直接返回了学校。➤for朝⋯走去◆he turned and headed for the door.他转身朝门口走去。➤towards/toward前往⋯◆she stood up and headed towards / toward the exit.她起身朝出口走去。head verb² 2 (also head up) be in charge of sth主管verb + head➤appoint sb to指定某人领导◆she has been appointed to head up the research team.她奉命领导研究小组。head /hed/ noun [countable, uncountable] the person in charge of a group of people or an organization 负责人;领导人◆i am the head of a small company. 我是一家小公司的负责人。◆a meeting of department heads 部门领导会议◆she resigned as head of marketing. 她辞去了营销部门主管的职务。◆the head buyer of women's wear 女装的头号买手  ➡  see note at responsibility ●a/per headfor each person 每人◆the meal worked out at $50 a head. 这顿饭每个人花费了 50 元。●get your head around/round sthto be able to understand sth 能够理解某事◆once we've got our heads around this problem, we can start to suggest solutions. 我们一旦能够理解这个问题,就可以开始寻求解决办法。●have/get/keep your head downto start/continue to work very hard 继续努力工作◆let's just get our heads down and finish the project. 让我们继续努力把项目完成。●have a head for sthto be good at sth 擅长某事◆a hardworking manager with a good head for business 勤劳的、擅长经商的经理●have/get/give sb a head start (in sth/on sb/over sb)to have or give sb an advantage at the beginning of sth 带来优势;给予某人(做某事的)优势◆this course will give you a head start in your career. 这门课程将可为你的事业带来优势。◆the competition had a one-year head start on us (= they produced the product one year before we did). 这竞争对手比我们拥有一年的优势(他们比我们早一年生产这产品)。●heads will roll (informal) used to say that some people will be punished because of sth that has happened 有些人(将为某事)受到惩罚●(be) in over your head(be) involved in sth that is too difficult for you to deal with 卷入棘手的事◆after a week in the new job, i soon realized that i was in over my head. 在新岗位上工作了一周之后,我很快意识到自己被卷入了棘手的事情之中。●keep your head above waterto deal with a difficult situation, especially one in which you have financial problems, and just manage to survive 设法生存;勉强逃脱困境◆the french company is struggling to keep its head above water. 这法国公司正在勉强挣扎求存。●over sb's head1.too difficult or complicated for sb to understand 过于复杂;难以理解◆much of the technical information was over my head. 许多技术资料对于我来说都太复杂。 a higher position of authority than sb 职位比某人高;超过某人◆i'm not happy that you went over my head to ask for this time off. 你越过我向上级请假,我很不满。●put our/your/their heads togetherto think about or discuss sth as a group 集思广益●two heads are better than oneused to say that two people can achieve more than one person working alone 两个脑袋总比一个强;三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮  ➡  idiom at block noun, turn verb head-to-head head /hed/ verb 1. [transitive] to lead or be in charge of sth 领导;带领◆she has been appointed to head a team of 50 sales staff. 她获委任领导 50 名销售人员组成的团队。◆a committee headed by an outside lawyer 由一位外部律师领导的委员会 syn head up sth 2. [intransitive] (also be headed, especially in name ) (used with an adverb or a preposition 常与副词或介词连用) to move in a particular direction 朝某方向行进◆can you forecast where the economy is heading? 你能够预测经济会朝哪个方向发展吗?◆the manufacturing sector may be heading back towards recession. 制造业部门很可能会倒退到衰退阶段。◆prices are already headed higher. 价格已经上涨。◆100 000 copies of the new game are headed for the us. 这款新游戏有十万套已经运往美国。 3. [transitive] (usually be headed) to put a word or words at the top of a page or section of a book or an article as a title (在页面或书籍、文章的章节之前)加标题◆a section of the report headed ‘strengths and weaknesses of the company’ 报告中题为“公司的优势与劣势”的一章◆print the letter on headed paper (= paper with the company's name and address on it). 用公司信头纸列印这封信。 ●head north/south(about share prices, currencies, etc.) to rise/fall in value (股票、货币等的价格)价值上升/下降◆the country's currency headed south for the second day, weakening 1.4%. 这国的币值连续两天下跌,跌幅达 1.4%。 ●head sth offto take action in order to prevent sth from happening 防止某事发生◆trying to head off job losses 设法避免失业●head up sthto lead or be in charge of a department, part of an organization, etc. 领导;主管◆they are searching for someone to head up the new department. 他们正在寻找一个可以领导这新部门的人。help a noun must always follow up, but a pronoun comes between the verb and up 名词必须总是放在 up 之后,但是代词应放在动词和 up 之间。 syn head verb (1)  ➡  see note at responsibility ☞ head☞ headhead [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move in a particular direction; to start going to a particular place朝(某方向)前进;启程(前往某处)◆where are we heading?我们要往哪里去?◆she headed for the door.她朝着门走去。◆the boat was heading out to sea.那条船正在出海。head [transitive] to be the head of sth; to be in charge of sth领导;主管;掌管◆she has been appointed to head the research team.她受命主管研究小组。◆the committee will be jointly headed by two men.该委员会将由两人共同领导。note 辨析 lead or head?these two verbs can be used in very similar ways. however, a person who heads sth is the person who has the official position of being the head of it: for example, a government is headed by a prime minister, an enquiry might be headed by a judge, etc. it is usually an individual who heads sth. sb who leads sth may also have an official position as the leader, but the verb lead emphasizes their leadership qualities. sb who leads is the person who makes the important plans and decisions, and who other people follow. a group of people, such as an organization or a country can also lead sth.这两个动词用法非常相似,但 head 指担任正式领导职务,例如政府由首相来领导,调查可能由法官来领导,等等。head 的主语通常是某一个人。lead 也可指担任正式领导职务,但它更强调领导素质,领导者制订重要计划或作出重要决定并得到其他人的追随。lead 的主语还可以是群体,比如某个机构或国家。head [countable] the person in charge of a group of people or an organization负责人;领导人◆the bishop is head of the church in kenya.在肯尼亚,主教是教会的领导人。◆she resigned as head of department.她辞去了部门主管的职务。◆it is a parliamentary democracy with a president as head of state.这是一个议会民主政体,以总统为国家元首。  ➡ see also headship → management head [countable] the mind头脑;大脑◆i sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours.我有时搞不懂你脑子里都想些什么。◆i wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth).我希望你凡事多动动脑子。◆i can't work it out in my head-i need a calculator.我没法心算出来,我得用计算器。◆i can't get that tune out of my head.那个曲调在我头脑中挥之不去。◆when will you get it into your head (= understand) that i don't want to discuss this any more!你何时才能明白我不想再谈论这件事了!◆for some reason she's got it into her head (= believes) that the others don't like her.由于某种原因,她认定别人都不喜欢她。note 辨析 mind or head? head is slightly more informal than mind in this meaning and is used especially to talk about thoughts and ideas that get into your head or that you can't get out of your head.表达此义时,head 较 mind 略非正式,尤用于短语 get sth into one's head 和 can't get sth out of one's head 中。head (also head) [countable] (bre, rather informal) the person in charge of a school or college校长;院长◆i've been called to see the head.我接到通知去见校长。◆she is deputy head of greenlands comprehensive, a struggling inner city school.她是格林兰斯综合学校的副校长,那是内城区一所苦苦支撑的中学。 ➡ see also headship → management head [singular] the time when you are forced to deal with a situation quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad紧要关头;危急关头◆the chairman's resignation finally brought matters to a head.主席的辞职最终使事情到了紧要关头。◆things came to a head when several of the nurses made a formal complaint.一些护士正式投诉后,事情到了非处理不可的地步了。ⓘ in this meaning head is only used in the phrases bring sth to a head or come to a head.表达此义时,head 只用于短语 bring sth to a head 或 come to a head 中。head¹/hed ||; hɛd/noun[c] 1. the part of your body above your neck 头: ◇she turned her head to look at him. 她转过头去看他。 ☞picture at body 见body插图 2. -headed (used to form compound adjectives 用于构成复合形容词) having the type of head mentioned 有…的头: ◇a bald-headed man 秃顶的男子 3. a person's mind, brain or mental ability 头脑;才智: ◇use your head!(= think!) 动动脑筋!◇a horrible thought entered my head. 我产生了一个可怕的想法。 4. the top, front or most important part 上端;前端;首要部份: ◇to sit at the head of the table 坐在上座◇the head of a nail 钉子的头◇the head of the queue 队伍的最前面 5. the person in charge of a group of people 负责人: ◇the head of the family 一家之主◇several heads of state (= official leaders of countries)attended the funeral. 几位国家元首出席了葬礼。◇the head waiter 餐厅服务员领班 6. (also head teacher) the teacher in charge of a school 校长: ◇who is going to be the new head? 新校长会是谁? 7. heads the side of a coin with the head of a person on it (硬币上有人头像的)正面: ◇heads or tails? heads i go first, tails you do. 正面还是反面?正面我先去,反面你先去。 8. the white mass of small bubbles on the top of a glass of beer (杯中啤酒上面的)泡沫 9. a head [sing] the height or length of one head 一个头的高度或长度: ◇she's a head taller than her sister. 她比她妹妹高出一个头。 10. the part of a machine for playing tapes or videos(a tape/video recorder)that touches the tape and changes the electronic signal into sounds and/or pictures (录音机或录象机的)磁头 a/per head for each person 每人: ◇how much will the meal cost a head? 这顿饭每人要花多少钱? bite sb's head off→bite¹come to a head;bring sth to a head if a situation comes to a head or if you bring it to a head, it suddenly becomes very bad and you have to deal with it immediately (使)某事达到紧要关头;(使)某事达到非马上解决不可的阶段 do sb's head in (brit 英) (informal 非正式) to make sb upset and confused 使不高兴;使胡涂 get sth into your head;put sth into sb's head to start or to make sb start believing or thinking sth (使)开始相信或考虑(某事) go to sb's head 1. to make sb too proud 使骄傲自满: ◇if you keep telling him how clever he is, it will go to his head! 你老说他聪明,就会冲昏他的头脑! 2. to make sb drunk 使醉: ◇wine always goes straight to my head. 我一喝酒就醉。 have a head for sth to be able to deal with sth easily 有能力处理某事: ◇you need a good head for heights if you live on the top floor! 如果你住在顶层,你就需要有不怕高的本事!◇to have a head for business/figures 有能力做生意;善于计算 head first 1. with your head before the rest of your body 头在前: ◇don't go down the slide head first. 溜滑梯时不要头朝下。 2. too quickly or suddenly 太快;过急: ◇don't rush head first into a decision. 不要轻率作出决定。 head over heels (in love) loving sb very much; madly 完全或疯狂爱上某人: ◇jane's fallen head over heels in love with her new boss. 珍妮的新老板使她神魂颠倒。 hit the nail on the head→hit¹keep your head to stay calm 保持镇静 keep your head above water to just manage to survive in a difficult situation, especially one in which you do not have enough money 凑合着过日子,勉强维持(尤指在钱不多的情况下) keep your head down to try not to be noticed 使自己不引人注目 laugh, scream, etc your head off to laugh, shout, etc very loudly and for a long time (长时间地)高声笑、喊叫等 lose your head→losemake head or tail of sth to understand sth 明白;弄清楚: ◇i can't make head or tail of this exercise. 这个练习把我弄胡涂了。 off the top of your head→top¹out of/off your head(informal 非正式) crazy, often because of the effects of drugs or alcohol 发疯,精神错乱,说胡话(常常是毒品或酒精的作用) put/get your heads together to make a plan with sb 共同商量(制订计划) a roof over your head→roofshake your head→shake¹take it into your head to do sth to suddenly decide to do sth that other people consider strange 突然打算或决定(做别人认为很怪的事): ◇i don't know why kevin took it into his head to enter that marathon! 我不知道凯文干吗心血来潮要参加那个马拉松赛跑! head²/hed ||; hɛd/verb1. [i] to move in the direction mentioned 向…移动: ◇the ship headed towards the harbour. 这艘船驶向港口。◇where are you heading? 你要去哪儿? 2. [t] to be in charge of or to lead sth 主管;领导 3. [t] to be at the front of a line, top of a list, etc 位于队伍的前头;居于名单等之首 4. [t] (often passive 常用于被动语态) to give a title at the top of a piece of writing 冠上标题或题目: ◇the report was headed ‘the state of the market’. 报告上端标有“市场状态”的标题。 5. [t] (in football) to hit the ball with your head (足球)用头顶球 head for to move towards a place 去某处;向…行进: ◇it's getting late -- i think it's time to head for home. 这么晚了,我看该回家了。 headsee ⇨ end 4 ⇨ in charge of 1,2 ⇨ manager 2 ⇨ mind 1 ⇨ position/rank 4     • • •• ⇨ a head• ⇨ at the head of sth• ⇨ be out of your head/be out of it• ⇨ be over sb's head• ⇨ bury your head in the sand• ⇨ can do sth with your eyes shut/standing on your head/blindfolded• ⇨ can't make head or/nor tail of• ⇨ do your head in• ⇨ get your head round• ⇨ hang/bow your head (in shame)• ⇨ have eyes in the back of your head• ⇨ have your head screwed on• ⇨ keep your head• ⇨ keep your head above water• ⇨ let sth go to your head• ⇨ need your head examined/have taken leave of your senses• ⇨ nod/nod your head• ⇨ off the top of your head• ⇨ sb's head is swimming• ⇨ shake your head• ⇨ take it into your head to do sth• ⇨ turn your head☞ head¹☞ head²




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