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单词 market
释义 market noun¹ 1place where people go to buy and sell things买卖场所adjective | verb + market | market + noun | preposition adjective➤open-air, outdoor, street露天集市;街市▸➤covered, indoor (both especially bre) 有顶棚的/室内市场▸➤cattle, fruit and vegetable, etc.牲口、果蔬等市场➤antique, antiques古董市场➤farmers'农贸市场◆she buys her vegetables from the local farmers' market.她从当地农贸市场买蔬菜。➤flea (= that sells old or used goods at low prices) 跳蚤市场verb + market➤hold举办集市◆the market is held on wednesdays.每周三有集市。➤go to去市场▸➤take sth to把⋯拿到市场去卖◆they took the pigs to market.他们把猪运到市场去卖。market + noun➤square集市广场▸➤town (especially bre) 集镇▸➤day集日➤trader (especially bre) 商贩➤stall货摊preposition➤at a/the market, in a/the market在市场◆i want to buy some fresh fish at the market.我想在市场买点儿新鲜的鱼。market noun² 2business/trade生意;贸易adjective | verb + market | market + verb | market + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤competitive竞争激烈的市场▸➤active, booming, bullish, lively, strong, thriving活跃的市场;繁荣的市场;旺市▸➤bull (finance金融) , rising牛市;上涨的行情▸➤depressed, sluggish, weak萧条的市场;不景气的市场;淡市▸➤bear (finance金融) , falling熊市;下跌的行情▸➤steady稳定的市场▸➤buyer's, seller's买方/卖方市场▸➤foreign, global, international, overseas, world国外/全球/国际/海外/世界市场▸➤domestic, home, internal, local国内市场;内部市场;本地市场➤consumer, retail消费/零售市场◆the disks are designed for professional applications, rather than the consumer market.这些光盘是为专业应用而非消费市场设计的。➤single单一市场◆the completion of the european single market in 19921992 年欧洲单一市场的建成➤common共同市场▸➤economic经济市场▸➤free自由市场▸➤open公开市场▸➤black (= illegal) 黑市▸➤bond, capital, commodity, credit, currency, equity, financial, foreign-exchange, futures, money, securities, stock债券/资本/商品/信贷/货币/股本/金融/外汇/期货/短期资金/证券/股票市场➤export出口市场➤housing, property, real estate (name) 住宅/不动产/房地产市场▸➤art, car, computer, etc.艺术品、汽车、计算机等市场▸➤job, labour/labor就业/劳动力市场verb + market➤put sth on将⋯在市场上出售▸➤come on, come onto, hit上市◆a new model has come on the market.新款产品已经上市。➤develop, expand开拓/扩大市场▸➤break into, enter, get into, penetrate冲破障碍进入市场;进入市场;打入市场◆they're hoping to get into the far eastern market.他们希望打入远东市场。➤capture, corner, dominate, monopolize夺取/占领/主宰/垄断市场➤control, drive控制/驱动市场◆a relatively small group of collectors drives the art market.一群数目不多的收藏家驱动着艺术品市场。➤distort, manipulate扭曲/操纵市场◆government attempts to manipulate currency markets tend to backfire.政府操纵货币市场的企图往往事与愿违。➤supply为市场供货▸➤flood, saturate充斥市场;使市场饱和◆lenders have flooded the market with easy credit.贷方的宽松信贷充斥了市场。◆the market was flooded with cheap foreign goods.价廉质劣的外国货充斥市场。➤lose失去市场▸➤depress抑制市场▸➤play做股票生意◆an investor who knows how to play the market-and win懂得如何炒股并获利的投资者➤outperform表现胜过一般市场行情◆he believes oil stocks will outperform the market over the next 12 months.他相信石油股在未来 12 个月会有出色的市场表现。market + verb➤open up市场开放◆the chinese market has opened up recently.中国市场最近开放了。➤boom, grow市场繁荣/增长◆the organic food market is growing at 10% a year.有机食品市场以每年 10% 的速度增长。➤develop, evolve, mature市场发展/演变/成熟◆markets evolve in response to consumer demands.市场根据消费者需求而不断发展。➤pick up, rally生意有起色;市场回升➤decline市场衰退▸➤collapse, crash, slump, tank (informal, especially name) 市场崩溃;市场暴跌➤bottom, bottom out市场探底▸➤be down, be up行情下跌/上涨◆the market was down 15%.市价跌了 15%。➤react, respond市场反应/回应◆the markets reacted quickly to the negative publicity.市场对负面新闻迅速作出反应。➤close收市◆the stock market closed weaker.股票市场下挫收盘。➤open开市market + noun➤price, value市价;市值▸➤conditions市况➤volatility市场波幅▸➤leader市场领导者▸➤position, share市场地位/份额➤penetration市场渗透▸➤sector市场领域▸➤trends市场趋势preposition➤in a/the market, into a/the market在市场中;进入市场◆changes in the uk market英国市场的变化➤on the market在出售◆one of the best car deals on the market市场上可买到的最划算的汽车之一➤market in⋯方面的市场◆a thriving market in second-hand cars繁荣的二手车市场phrases➤be in the market for sth (= be interested in buying sth) 有意购买⋯➤the bottom drops out of the market, the bottom falls out of the market (= the market collapses) 行市暴跌➤a gap in the market (especially bre) 市场空白◆they seem to have identified a gap in the market.他们似乎已经找到了一处市场空白。➤the bottom, lower, top, upper, etc. end of the market底端、低端、顶端、高端等市场▸➤price sb/yourself out of the market要价太高致使⋯被挤出市场◆rising mortgage rates will price some people out of the market.抵押率的上涨将使一些人退出市场。market noun³ 3people who want to buy sth潜在的购买者adjective | verb + market | market + verb | market + noun | preposition adjective➤big, broad, good, huge, large大市场;广阔的市场;不错的销路;巨大的需求➤mass大众市场◆their books were geared to a mass market.他们的书面向大众市场。➤commercial商业市场◆there is not a broad commercial market for these prints.此类版画没有广阔的商业市场。➤poor, small滞销;小量的需求➤emerging新兴市场◆emerging markets in asia and latin america represent the best export opportunities for us.亚洲及拉丁美洲的新兴市场是我们最好的出口机遇。➤expanding, growing不断拓展的销路;持续增长的需求▸➤shrinking不断萎缩的需求▸➤ready现成的销路▸➤niche(有特定消费群的)利基市场➤target目标市场◆the young, health-conscious female consumer is our target market.年轻而注重保健的女性消费者是我们的目标市场。➤lucrative赚钱的市场◆single professionals with no children are a lucrative market.没有孩子的单身专业人士是个赚钱的市场。verb + market➤create开拓市场◆the company has created a niche market for itself.这家公司自己开创了一块利基市场。➤target瞄准市场◆both products are targeting the same market.两种产品都瞄准同一市场。➤reach, tap, tap into进入市场;发掘市场◆giving away free toys is a popular way to tap the family market.派发免费玩具是开拓家庭市场的普遍方法。➤serve服务市场◆organic product lines have expanded from serving a small niche market.有机产品系列已经不再仅仅服务于小众市场。market + verb➤expand, grow销路拓展▸➤shrink需求萎缩▸➤collapse需求暴跌▸➤bear sth市场承受⋯◆we will charge whatever the market will bear (= as much as people can be persuaded to pay).我们将按市场的最大承受能力定价。market + noun➤segment市场划分▸➤niche市场定位▸➤research市场调研➤researcher市场调研者➤demand市场需求◆the market demand for greener housing is growing.对更加绿色环保型住房的市场需求在不断增长。preposition➤market for⋯的市场◆the market for new cars新车市场market noun⁴ 4the free market自由市场verb + market | market + noun verb + market➤leave sth to让⋯任由市场调节◆some services cannot be left to the market.有些公共事业不能任由市场调节。➤regulate调控市场◆he believes that regulating the market is a good thing.他认为市场调控是好事。➤deregulate解除对市场的调控market + noun➤forces市场力量(指市场自身调节价格的原动力)▸➤economy市场经济➤economics市场经济学➤reforms市场改革◆the government embraced anglo-american style market reforms.政府欣然接受英美模式的市场改革。market verbadverb | preposition adverb➤commercially商业营销◆the first commercially marketed rice harvester首次商业化销售的水稻收割机➤heavily大张旗鼓地营销▸➤effectively, successfully有效地/成功地营销▸➤cleverly巧妙地营销▸➤aggressively咄咄逼人地推销▸➤actively积极地推销➤directly直接销售◆many farmers have taken steps to directly market their meat to consumers.许多农民已采取措施把肉直接出售给消费者。➤exclusively, specifically专门销售◆the low-alcohol wine is being marketed exclusively to women.这种低度葡萄酒专供女士。➤online在线销售◆all her products are marketed online on her website.她所有的产品都通过她的网站在线销售。preposition➤as作为⋯销售◆it will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly.这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。➤through通过⋯销售◆the product is being marketed through the existing sales force.这种产品正通过现有的营销力量在市场上销售。➤to卖给⋯◆the company is not actively marketing its products to schools.这家公司并没有积极地向学校销售其产品。market /mɑːkɪt; name mɑːrk-/ noun1. [singular] business or trade; the amount of trade in a particular type of goods, services, investments, etc. 市场◆the world market in coffee 世界咖啡市场◆the advertising/insurance/telecoms market 广告/保险/电讯市场◆the shares market 股票市场◆the hardware market is severely depressed. 硬件市场极度萧条。◆the company performed well despite difficult market conditions. 尽管市场形势严峻,这家公司业绩仍然很好。  ➡  market share ⨁ to break into / enter / come into / go into the market打入/进入市场 ⨁ to capture / dominate the market (in sth)占有/控制(某)市场 ⨁ the domestic / global / international / local / world market (in sth)国内/全球/国际/当地/世界(某)市场 ⨁ an active / a booming / rising / steady / strong market活跃的/繁荣的/上升的/稳定的/强劲的市场 ⨁ a competitive / tough market竞争性/严峻的市场 ⨁ a depressed / dull / falling / weak market萧条的/呆滞的/下滑的/疲软的市场 ⨁ market conditions / prices / rates市场条件/价格/利率 2. [countable] a particular area, country or section of the population that might buy goods or services 市场(可能购买产品或服务的特定地区、国家或人群)◆we produce this version for the japanese market. 我们生产这一款式专供日本市场。◆they hope to break into the teenage market. 他们希望打入青少年市场。◆our product is aimed at the corporate market. 我们的产品面向企业市场。◆the internet is opening up new markets for companies. 互联网为企业开辟了新市场。◆the eu has become chile's largest export market. 欧盟已经成为智利最大的出口市场。⨁ to enter / find / open up / operate in / penetrate a market进入/寻找/开辟/经营/打入某市场 ⨁ to break into / go into / move into a market打入/进入某市场 ⨁ the domestic / home / international / local market国内/国际/本地市场 ⨁ a developed / developing / growing / growth / mature market发达/发展中/增长中的/成长型/成熟市场 ⨁ an important / a key / large / main market重要/关键/大/主要市场 3. [countable] a demand for a product; the number of people, businesses, etc. who buy it or want to buy it 市场需求◆there is no longer a market for tin. 锡已经不再有市场需求。◆retailers have created a market for organic food. 零售商开辟了有机食品市场。◆a slump in the global market for pcs 全球个人电脑市场的萎缩⨁ to build / create a market建立/开辟市场 ⨁ a big / good / large / poor / small market (for sth)(对某物的)大规模的/充足的/贫乏的/小规模的市场 ⨁ an expanding / a growing / shrinking market正在扩张的/日益增长的/日益缩小的市场 ⨁ the annual / domestic / global / world / worldwide market for sth(对某物的)年度/国内/全球/世界/世界范围的需求 (economics 经济学) (usually the market) [singular] an economic system in which the price of goods and services is affected by supply and demand rather than controlled by government 市场(由供求决定价格而非政府控制的经济制度)◆power supply cannot be left to the market. 能源供应不能任由市场决定。◆the market will decide if the tv station has any future. 电视台是否有前景将由市场决定。◆a crowded market (= a situation where there are lots of competing products) 产品众多的市场⨁ market-based / market-driven / market-led以市场为基础的;市场驱动的;市场引导的 (finance 金融) [countable] = financial market 6. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) [countable] = stock market 7. [countable] an occasion when people buy and sell goods; the open area or the building where they meet to do this 集市◆a cattle/fish/fruit and vegetable/meat market 牲口集市;鱼市;果蔬市场;肉市◆we buy our vegetables at/in the market. 我们在集市上购买蔬菜。◆the traders take their flowers to market early in the morning. 商贩一早就把鲜花运往集市。◆wednesday is market day. 星期三是集市日。⨁ a covered / an indoor market带篷的/室内集市 ⨁ an open-air / outdoor / a street market露天/室外/街道集市 ⨁ market stalls / traders集市摊位/商贩 8. [countable] (especially name) a shop/store, especially one that sells food or one kind of goods 小商店;食品店◆there is a local mini-market only a short distance away. 不远处有一家当地小食品店。 ●be first, quick, etc. to marketto be the first, be quick, etc. to get a product ready to sell 首先打入市场;迅速打入市场◆being first to market does not guarantee success. 首先打入市场并不一定就会成功。●come to (the) market1. (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) (about a company) to offer shares for sale on a stock exchange (公司)挂牌上市◆the retailer is planning to come to market next month. 这家零售商计划下个月上市。 be ready to start selling a new product (新产品)上市◆japanese carmakers are coming to the market with more efficient engines. 日本汽车制造商将更高效能的发动机带入市场。●corner the market (in/on sth)to get control of the trade in a particular type of goods or services; to control the whole supply of sth 囤积居奇;垄断市场◆they've cornered the market in silver. 他们垄断了金属银市场。◆cornering the market on female engineering talent 垄断女性工程人才市场●get, bring, etc. sth to marketto make a product ready to be sold (产品)投放市场◆they are too slow in getting their products to market. 他们将产品投放市场的速度太慢。◆the high cost of bringing new drugs to market 将新药品投放市场的高额成本●in the market for sthinterested in buying sth 有意购买◆we're in the market for a new computer system. 我们打算购买一套新的计算机系统。●make a market (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) (about a dealer) to be ready, willing and able to buy and sell particular shares 做市◆the broker will make a market in the shares. 经纪人准备炒作这支股票。  ➡  market-maker ●on/onto the marketavailable for people to buy 供购买;出售◆to put your house on the market 出售你的房子◆it's one of the best laptops on the market. 这是市面上最好的膝上型电脑之一。◆they are preparing to launch a mobile phone onto the uk market. 他们正准备向英国市场推出一款移动电话。  ➡  idiom at play verb, price verb, skim ◇ bear market ◇ black market ◇ bull market ◇ buyer's market ◇ capital market ◇ cash market ◇ closed market ◇ commodities market ◇ commodity market ◇ common market ◇ consumer market ◇ credit market ◇ crowded market ◇ curb market ◇ currency market ◇ depressed market ◇ discount market ◇ exchange market ◇ external labour market ◇ falling market ◇ farmer's market ◇ financial market ◇ flea market ◇ foreign exchange market ◇ free market ◇ futures market ◇ global market ◇ graveyard market ◇ grey market ◇ imperfect market ◇ internal labour market ◇ internal market ◇ job market ◇ kerb market ◇ labour market ◇ main market ◇ mark-to-market ◇ mid-market ◇ middle market ◇ money market ◇ mortgage market ◇ narrow market ◇ niche market ◇ off-market ◇ open market ◇ parallel market ◇ primary market ◇ property market ◇ real estate market ◇ secondary market ◇ securities market ◇ seller's market ◇ shadow market ◇ silver market ◇ single market ◇ social market ◇ soft market ◇ spot market ◇ stock market ◇ target market ◇ terminal market ◇ test market ◇ thin market ◇ time to market market /mɑːkɪt; name mɑːrk-/ verb [transitive] to advertise and offer a product for sale; to present sth in a particular way and make people want to buy it 推销;促销◆the company markets a range of clothing, mainly through independent stores. 这家公司主要通过独立商店推销一系列服装。◆a drink marketed to 18 to 24 year-olds 面向 18–24 岁人士出售的饮料◆many of these funds were marketed as low-risk. 许多这样的基金都是作为低风险基金推销的。  ➡  promote ☞ market☞ marketmarket noun 1➤the japanese market日本市场➤a street market街头集市market ♦︎ audience ♦︎ public ♦︎ clientelethese are all words for a particular area, country or section of the population that buy, or might buy, goods.这些词均表示商品的销售地、行销地区、消费群体。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a market / an audience for sth◆a wide market / audience / public / clientele◆a / an large / small / international market / audience / clientele◆to serve a market / an audience / the ...public / a clientele◆to reach a market / an audience / a wide public◆to attract / build up a market / an audience / clientele◆to establish a market / an audience■ market [countable] a particular area, country or section of the population that might buy goods商品的销售地;行销地区;消费群体◆the jacket is designed for the japanese market.这款夹克衫是为日本市场设计的。◆they supply beef to the domestic market.他们为国内市场供应牛肉。ⓘ the market [singular] is also the economic system in which prices and the supply of goods are controlled by the way and how much people buy. * the market 亦可指商品价格及其供应受人们的购买方式和购买量支配的经济体制◆the market will decide if the tv station has any future.这一电视台是否有前途将取决于市场。◆we now have an unprotected, market-led economy.我们现在的经济体制不受保护,由市场引导。the market can also be the number of people who want to buy sth. * market 也可指有意购买者的人数。  ➡ see also market → demand noun ■ audience [countable] a number of people or a particular group of people who watch, read or listen to the same thing(同一事物的)观众,读者,听众◆an audience of millions watched the wedding on tv.数百万观众通过电视观看了婚礼。◆the target audience for this advertisement was mainly teenagers.这个广告的对象主要是青少年。 ➡ see also audience → audience ■ public [singular + singular or plural verb] a group of people who share a particular interest or who are involved in the same activity志趣相同(或从事同一类活动)的群体◆the show drew 12% of the viewing public.这个节目吸引了 12% 的收视群体。◆she knows how to keep her public (= for example, the people who buy her books) satisfied.她知道如何迎合受众的兴趣。ⓘ in this meaning public often follows an adjective describing a particular activity.表达此义时,public 前面常有一个描述特定活动的形容词◆the book-buying / reading / sporting / theatre-going / travelling / viewing public爱买书/爱阅读/爱运动/爱看戏/爱旅游的群体;收视群体■ clientele /kliːəntel; name klaɪəntel/ [singular + singular or plural verb] all the customers or clients of a shop, restaurant or organization(统称)顾客,主顾,客户◆the facilities appeal to an international clientele.这些设施对国际客户群具有吸引力。 ➡ see also client → customer market noun 2➤the japanese market日本市场➤a street market街头集市market ♦︎ mall ♦︎ shopping centre ♦︎ farmers' market ♦︎ strip mallthese are all words for an area where people meet to buy and sell goods.这些词均表示市场、集市、商场。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆at the market / mall / shopping centre◆a / an covered / indoor market / shopping centre◆to go to the market / mall / shopping centre■ market [countable] an open area or building where people meet to buy and sell goods; an occasion when people meet to buy and sell goods市场;商场;集市◆we buy our fruit and vegetables at the market.我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。◆thursday is market day in poitiers.星期四是普瓦捷的赶集日。◆a fruit market水果市场◆a market stall集市货摊◆it's a busy market town (= a town in britain where a regular market is or was held).这是个繁忙的集镇。■ mall /mɔːl, bre also mæl-->/ (also shopping mall) [countable] (especially name) a large group of shops built together under one roof and closed to traffic购物商场;购物广场◆'where'd you get those earrings?' 'at the mall.'“你在哪儿买到那些耳环的?”“商场。”◆let's go to the mall.我们去商场吧。ⓘ mall is used increasingly frequently in british english. a mall often contains restaurants, a cinema and other public entertainment facilities. * mall 在英式英语中的使用越来越频繁。mall 内常设有餐馆、电影院及其他公共娱乐设施。■ shopping centre (bre) (name shopping center) [countable] a group of shops built together, sometimes under one roof购物中心◆the two children were left unattended in the main shopping centre.那两个孩子被丢在主购物中心无人看管。ⓘ in american english a shopping center usually does not have one roof; if it does it is usually called a mall.在美式英语中,shopping center 通常包含不止一栋建筑。若只有一栋建筑,通常称作 mall。■ farmers' market [countable] (especially name) a market where you can buy fresh food directly from the grower农贸市场;农产品直销市场◆i bought some delicious strawberries at the farmers' market.我在农贸市场买了一些美味的草莓。■ strip mall --> [countable] (name, sometimes disapproving) a small group of shops built in a line, with their own parking area(带停车场的)商店街,购物街◆it's just another of the many strip malls that are taking over the landscape.众多商业街正成为地区面貌的主导景观,那不过是新添的一条罢了。market [transitive] to advertise and offer a product for sale; to present a product, service or idea in a particular way and make people want to buy, use or accept it推销,促销(产品或服务);推广(观念)◆it is marketed as a low-alcohol wine.它作为一种低度酒投放市场。◆school meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food.校餐要以推销其他食品的相同方式推销给孩子。▸ marketing noun [uncountable] ◆he works in sales and marketing.他在市场营销部工作。market [singular] (business商业) the number of people who want to buy goods or services(顾客对货物或服务的)需求;市场◆the second-hand car market is declining.二手汽车市场正在萎缩。◆there's not much of a market for black and white televisions nowadays.黑白电视机现在没多少市场了。  ➡ see also market → market 1 note 辨析 demand or market?these words have the same basic meaning, but demand is a more general term, and market is a more specialist business term.这两个词基本含义相同,但 demand 是较一般的用语,market 是较专业的商业用语。they have different grammar and collocation patterns: people talk about the housing/labour market and different product markets, but demand for housing/labour/a product. you can create demand/a market, but you meet/satisfy/increase demand and supply/expand the market. you influence/forecast demand but find/identify a market. people talk about a fall/a decline/an increase/growth in demand but a slump/recovery in the market.两者各有不同的语法和搭配模式,可以说 the housing/labour market 和 product markets,但说 demand for housing/labour/a product ;可以说 create demand/a market,但说 meet/satisfy/increase demand 和 supply/expand the market ;可以说 influence/forecast demand,但说 find/identify a market ;可以说 a fall/a decline/an increase/growth in demand,但说 a slump/recovery in the market。when a business has trouble producing enough goods because so many people want them, people talk about demand rather than the market.当企业无法提供足够产品满足顾客的需求时,所用术语为 demand 而非 market◆we're struggling to meet the market. ◆the market exceeds supply. market [countable] a particular area, country or section of the population that might buy goods商品的销售地;行销地区;消费群体◆the jacket is designed for the japanese market.这款夹克衫是为日本市场设计的。◆they supply beef to the domestic market.他们为国内市场供应牛肉。ⓘ the market [singular] is also the economic system in which prices and the supply of goods are controlled by the way and how much people buy. * the market 亦可指商品价格及其供应受人们的购买方式和购买量支配的经济体制◆the market will decide if the tv station has any future.这一电视台是否有前途将取决于市场。◆we now have an unprotected, market-led economy.我们现在的经济体制不受保护,由市场引导。the market can also be the number of people who want to buy sth. * market 也可指有意购买者的人数。  ➡ see also market → demand noun market [countable] an open area or building where people meet to buy and sell goods; an occasion when people meet to buy and sell goods市场;商场;集市◆we buy our fruit and vegetables at the market.我们在市场上购买水果和蔬菜。◆thursday is market day in poitiers.星期四是普瓦捷的赶集日。◆a fruit market水果市场◆a market stall集市货摊◆it's a busy market town (= a town in britain where a regular market is or was held).这是个繁忙的集镇。market [singular] the amount of trade in a particular type of goods(某种商品的)交易量◆they have 20% of the world market in coffee.他们的咖啡贸易占全球市场的 20%。◆we have increased our share of the market by 10%.我们的市场份额增加了 10%。◆there has been a downturn in the property market (= the number and type of houses that are available).目前房地产市场持续低迷。◆they have cornered the market in sportswear (= they sell the most).他们垄断了运动服装的市场。market¹/ˈmɑ:kɪt ||; ˈmɑrkɪt/noun1. [c] a place where people go to buy and sell things 市场;集市: ◇a market stall/trader/town 市场上的货摊;市场上的商贩;集镇◇a cattle/fish/meat market 牲口市场;鱼市;肉市 ☞picture on page c8 见c8页插图 ☞ look at flea market, hypermarket and supermarket. 参看flea market、hypermarket及supermarket。 2. [c] business or commercial activity; the amount of buying or selling of a particular type of goods 生意;商业活动;成交量: ◇the company currently has a 10% share of the market. 这家公司目前拥有10%的市场占有率。◇the property/job market 房地产市场;就业市场 3. [c,u] a country, an area or a group of people that buys sth; the number of people who buy sth 市场;营销地区;销路: ◇the company is hoping to expand into the european market. 公司希望开拓欧洲市场。◇there's no market for very large cars when petrol is so expensive. 汽油这么贵的时候,特大型汽车是没有市场的。 ☞ look at black market and stock exchange. 参看black market及stock exchange。 on the market available to buy 买得着;待售: ◇this is one of the best cameras on the market. 这是市面上出售的最好的照相机之一。 market²/ˈmɑ:kɪt ||; ˈmɑrkɪt/verb [t] to sell sth with the help of advertising (借助广告宣传)销售,营销 marketsee ⇨ advertising 1 ⇨ buy 5 ⇨ shop/store 4     • • •• ⇨ black market• ⇨ on the market• ⇨ price sth out of the market• ⇨ put sth on the market• ⇨ take sth off the market☞ market¹☞ market²




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