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单词 doldrums
释义 doldrums /dɒldrəmz; name doʊl-/ noun [plural] a lack of activity or improvement 萧条;无生气◆the media sector remains in the doldrums as companies advertise less. 随着公司广告的减少,媒体行业持续不景气。◆there are signs that the country is climbing out of its economic doldrums. 有迹象显示这个国家正在摆脱经济不景气的状况。☞ doldrums dol·drums /`dɑldrəmz; ˈdɒldrəmz/n be in the doldrums if an activity or situation is in the doldrums, nothing new or exciting is happening or there is no improvement 一潭死水,低潮; 不景气,萧条:◇sales have been in the doldrums for most of the year. 一年中大部分时间销售情况都不景气。




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