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单词 good at
释义 good at1 able to do something well2 very good at doing something3 good at something because you have experience or training4 having a natural ability to do something well5 likely to become good at something6 good at doing a lot of different things7 the ability to do something well8 something that you are especially good atrelated wordsoppositebad at doing sth,see alsogood at,can/can't,know/not know,best,better,1. able to do something well 能做好某事的 be good at /biː ˈgʊd æt/ [verb phrase] to be able to do something well 善于,擅长 when she was at school she was good at art. 她上学时很擅长艺术。 she loves her job, and she's very good at it. 她热爱自己的工作,干得也很好。be good at doing something you've never been much good at lying. 你从来都不善于说谎。 robson is particularly good at dealing with people, and should make an excellent manager. 罗布森特别擅长跟人打交道,应该能成为一名出色的经理。 good /gʊd/ [adjective] able to do something well 能干得好的,不错的 the school orchestra is surprisingly good. 学校的管弦乐队奏得出奇地好。good singer/player/teacher etc frank had always been a good football player, and it was no surprise when he was chosen for the team. 弗兰克的足球一直踢得不错,他入选球队不足为奇。 i can refer you to a good dentist. 我可以给你推荐一名好的牙医。be good with somebody/something be good at dealing with someone or something 擅长与某人打交道/使用某物 mrs. hill is very good with children. 希尔夫人很会和孩子打交道。 the two drew girls are unusually good with animals. 那两名德鲁女孩非常会照顾动物。be good with your hands be good at making or repairing things with your hands 手巧 jeremy's good with his hands - he built our kitchen cupboards. 杰里米手很巧—我们厨房的柜子是他做的。 proficient /prəˈfɪʃənt/ [adjective] formal having reached an acceptable standard in something, by learning or practising it 【正式】精通的,熟练的 proficient in before you can study at a british university, you have to be proficient in english. 你得精通英语才能入读英国的大学。proficient skier/climber/actor etc the black runs are for proficient skiers only. 黑色滑道只供技术熟练的滑雪者使用。 proficiency [uncountable noun] once children have achieved a certain proficiency in reading, they prefer to read silently rather than aloud. 儿童一旦达到了一定的阅读程度,他们就喜欢默读,不喜欢朗读了。 able /ˈeɪbəl/ [adjective usually before noun] good at doing something, especially at doing a difficult or important job that involves a lot of responsibility 能干的[尤指善于处理需承担责任的困难或重要的工作] mrs thomas is a very able teacher. 托马斯夫人是位很能干的教师。 she was widely regarded as one of the most able members of the president's staff. 她被普遍认为是总统最能干的参谋人员之一。 capable /ˈkeɪpəbəl/ [adjective] someone who is capable can be trusted to do a job or piece of work well and without needing other people's help or advice 有能力的,能胜任的 mr. young is a very capable attorney. 扬先生是一位很有才能的律师。 the team desperately needs a capable quarterback. 这支球队急需一名有能力的四分卫。 competent /ˈkɒmpɪtənt, ˈkɒmpətəntǁˈkɑːm-/ [adjective] someone who is competent has enough skill and knowledge to be able to do something to a high or satisfactory standard 有足够技能[知识]的,能胜任的 competent skiers should find no difficulty with the course. 有水平的滑雪者对这条滑道不应该觉得困难。 though the country is poor, the doctors and nurses are qualified and competent. 这个国家虽然贫穷,但其医护人员都是合格称职的。highly competent very competent 非常能干的 tomita is a highly competent translator. 富田是一位非常称职的翻译员。competent in new students are expected to be competent in mathematics. 希望新来的学生在数学方面有出色的表现。2. very good at doing something 非常擅长做某事 great /greɪt/ [adjective only before noun] great actor/player/scientist etc one of the best actors, players etc in the world, and famous and respected because of this 伟大[杰出]的演员/球员/科学家等 olivier was a great actor. 奥利维尔是位杰出的演员。 some of the world's greatest athletes will be competing in the olympic games. 世界上一些最杰出的运动员将参加奥运会的比赛。 mcenroe was possibly the greatest tennis player of all time. 麦肯罗或许是历史上最伟大的网球运动员。 the greats [plural noun] fitzgerald is one of the all-time jazz greats. 菲茨杰拉德是有史以来最杰出的爵士乐大师之一。 brilliant /ˈbrɪljənt/ [adjective] extremely clever and skilful at something, so that people admire you a lot 卓越的;才华横溢的 have you seen her dance? she's absolutely brilliant. 你看过她跳舞吗?她技艺超群。 paganini was a brilliant violinist, famous for his technical skill in both playing and composing music. 帕格尼尼是一位卓越的小提琴演奏家,演奏和作曲技巧都享有盛名。brilliant at especially british she's brilliant at handling difficult clients. 她在处理难应付的客户方面非常出色。 brilliance [uncountable noun] hendrix's brilliance as a rock guitarist remains unsurpassed, even to this day. 直至今天,亨德里克斯作为一名摇滚乐吉他手的卓越才华仍是无与伦比的。 excellent /ˈeksələnt/ [adjective usually before noun] extremely good at something 优秀的,极好的 andrew had always been an excellent student. 安德鲁一向是个优秀的学生。 she's enthusiastic and hardworking and has the potential to be an excellent teacher. 她充满热情、工作勤奋,具有成为一名优秀教师的潜质。 outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ [adjective] so good at doing something that you are noticeably much better than other people who do the same thing 杰出的,出众的 woods is an outstanding golfer. 伍兹是一名杰出的高尔夫球员。 the book is a series of interviews with outstanding artists and writers. 这本书是对杰出艺术家和作家的一系列专访。 a lot of my teachers were good, but farley was outstanding. 我的许多老师都很好,而法利则是非常出众。3. good at something because you have experience or training 因为有经验或受过训练而擅长做某事 skilful british /skillful american /ˈskɪlfəl/ [adjective] someone who is skilful does something very well because they have had a lot of training or experience 有技巧的,熟练的 the artist's skillful use of color 画家对颜色的巧妙运用 success in business depends on skilful management. 企业的成功有赖于有技巧的管理。 skilful and confident, donaldson should become one of the game's best players. 唐纳森球技精湛,又有自信,应该能成为这项运动最优秀的球员之一。 skilled /skɪld/ [adjective] someone who is skilled at a particular job has the training and skill to do it well 有技术的,熟练的 there is a demand for carpenters and other skilled craftsmen. 市场上对木工等有技术的工匠有需求。skilled job/work requiring special skill, especially when you use your hands 需要技能的工作 shoeing a horse is a skilled job, and no unskilled person should try it. 给马钉蹄铁是一项需要技术的工作,没有技术的人就不应该去尝试。highly skilled very skilled 技术精湛的 keeping highly skilled sailors in the navy is a priority. 把老练的水手留在海军里是首要任务。skilled at doing something our advisors are skilled at dealing with financial problems. 我们的顾问很善于解决财务问题。 expert /ˈekspɜːʳt/ [adjective] extremely skilful at doing something because you have gained a lot of knowledge or experience of this particular subject or activity over a long period of time 老练的;专家的,内行的 students learn to cook french food with the help of expert chefs. 学生在名厨的指点之下学习烹饪法国菜。 my grandmother was an expert dressmaker. 我祖母是个手艺很好的裁缝。expert at/in politicians are usually expert at turning a crisis to their advantage. 政客们通常都擅长把危机转化为优势。expert help/advice/opinion etc given by someone who knows a lot about it 专家的帮助/意见等 tennis coaches will be available to provide expert advice. 将有网球教练为您提供专家意见。 expertly [adverb] the campaign was well-publicised and expertly co-ordinated. 这场运动得到了大力的宣传和精到的协调。 know what you're doing /ˌnəʊ wɒt jɔːʳ ˈduːɪŋ/ [verb phrase] spoken use this to say that someone is good at doing something and you admire and trust them because of this 【口】很懂,在行 kids can tell if a teacher doesn't know what he's doing. 小孩子看得出来老师行不行。 you seem to know what you're doing -- i'll leave you to it. 你好像很在行一我就让你去做吧。 adept /ˈædept, əˈdeptǁəˈdept/ [adjective] good at doing something that needs care and skill, for example dealing with people or with difficult social situations 内行的,熟练的[如处理人际关系或应付社会困境] adept at/in of all our staff, peter is the most adept at dealing with difficult customers. 在我们所有职员中,彼得最善于处理难对付的顾客。 mccrea was equally adept in comedy and drama. 麦克雷演喜剧和话剧同样擅长。 accomplished /əˈkʌmplɪʃtǁəˈkɑːm-, əˈkʌm-/ [adjective] someone who is very good at writing, acting, or other artistic skills, especially as a result of a lot of practice and training, but who does not usually have a special natural ability for it [写作、演戏或其他艺术技巧方面]有才华的;有造诣的[尤因经过许多实践和训练,而不是因具有天生的特别能力] his two daughters are both accomplished athletes. 他的两个女儿都是非常出色的运动员。highly accomplished johann sebastian bach had three sons who all became highly accomplished musicians and composers. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫有三个儿子,他们都成了造诣很深的音乐家和作曲家。 have a good command of /hæv ə ˌgʊd kəˈmɑːnd ɒvǁ-ˈmænd-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to know a subject, especially a language, well and be good at it 很好地掌握,精通,擅长[尤指语言] candidates should have good typing skills and a good command of english. 应征者需要有熟练的打字技术,并精通英语。 she has an excellent command of all the facts. 她对所有情况都掌握得非常清楚。 can do something in your sleep /kən ˌduː something ɪn jɔːʳ ˈsliːp/ [verb phrase] informal to be able to do something very easily because you have done it a lot of times before 【非正式】[因已做过多次而]闭上眼睛都能做某事 i've played this piece so often i can practically do it in my sleep. 这首曲子我经常弹,我几乎闭着眼睛都能弹出来。4. having a natural ability to do something well 天生有能力做好某事 talented /ˈtæləntɪd, ˈtæləntəd/ [adjective] very good at doing something because you have a lot of natural ability 有天资的,有才能的 the show has talented actors, but the writing is poor. 这个节目的演员很有天分,但是脚本写得很差。highly talented very talented 天分很高的 the brazilian team includes some highly talented young players. 巴西队里有一些天分很高的年轻球员。 the musicians are talented and enthusiastic about their new venture. 这些音乐家很有天赋,他们对自己的新尝试充满热情。 gifted /ˈgɪftɪd, ˈgɪftəd/ [adjective] very good at doing something, especially art, music, or sport, because you were born with natural ability 有天才的,有天赋的[尤指在艺术、音乐或体育方面] picasso was one of the most gifted artists who ever lived. 毕加索是有史以来最有天赋的艺术家之一。 it's a difficult subject, even for a writer as gifted as mathers. 这是一个很难的话题,即使对马瑟斯这样的天才作家来说亦是如此。gifted children most school systems offer programs for gifted children. 多数学校的体系中都有天才儿童的教育计划。highly gifted very gifted 天赋很高的 he is a highly gifted young singer, who combines a beautiful voice with unusual musical sensitivity. 他是一位天赋很高的年轻歌手,既有优美的歌喉,对于音乐又有非常敏锐的感觉。 a natural /ə ˈnætʃərəl/ [singular noun] someone who has a natural ability to do something and thinks it is easy as soon as they start to do it 天生有某种能力的人;天才 his sense of humor made him a natural for the tv talk shows. 他的幽默感使他天生就擅长主持电视谈话节目。a natural at mcavoy is a natural at public relations. 麦卡沃伊天生就是公共关系专家。 natural/natural-born [adjective only before noun] she is a natural leader. 她是个天生的领导人才。 a natural-born story teller 天生的讲故事高手 have an aptitude for /ˌhæv ən ˈæptə̇tjuːd fɔːʳ ǁ-tuːd-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to have a natural ability to learn a particular subject or skill very easily and quickly 在…方面有天赋 the school is for children who have an exceptional aptitude for math and science. 这家学校是为数理方面有奇才的儿童开设的。 have a gift for /ˌhæv ə ˈgɪft fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase not in progressive] have a gift for languages/painting/music/dancing etc have a special natural ability to do something very well, especially something artistic 具有语言/绘画/音乐/舞蹈等天赋 mozart had a gift for music even when he was very young. 莫扎特很小的时候就有音乐天赋。 as a director, he has a gift for inspiring his actors to give their best performances. 作为导演,他有天生的能力可以激发演员发挥他们的最佳表现。 born /bɔːʳn/ [adjective only before noun] born leader/teacher/writer etc someone who clearly has a natural ability to lead, teach etc well, so that it seems as if they do not need to be taught how to do it 天生的领袖/教师/作家等 when i read his first essays i knew that he was a born writer. 我看了他最早的几篇文章就知道他是天生的作家。 he seemed to be a born leader, someone who inspired confidence and loyalty. 他好像是个天生的领导人物,能使别人信任他,对他忠诚。5. likely to become good at something 有可能变得擅长某事 promising/shows promise /ˈprɒmɪsɪŋ, ˈprɒməsɪŋǁˈprɑː-, ˌʃəʊz ˈprɒmə̇sǁ-ˈprɑː-/ [] someone who is promising or shows promise, especially someone who is young, is good at something and seems likely to become very good and successful at it 有出息的;有前途[尤指年轻人] the new england team members show a lot of promise. 英格兰队的这些新队员大有前途。promising actor/musician/player etc promising researchers are allowed to take time off teaching and administrative duties. 有作为的研究人员获准减少教学和行政工作的时间。 potential /pəˈtenʃəl/ [uncountable noun] natural ability that could be developed so that you become extremely good at something 潜力,潜能 stephen is a player with real potential. 斯蒂芬是个很有潜力的选手。have/show potential he's young but he shows a lot of potential. 他虽然年轻,但表现出很大的潜力。 she may not be a great violinist yet but she has potential. 她或许还不是伟大的小提琴家,但是她有潜力。potential to do/be something one of their children has the potential to be a brilliant scientist. 他们的一个孩子有潜力成为一名杰出的科学家。 have the makings of /ˌhæv ðə ˈmeɪkɪŋz ɒv/ [verb phrase] to have the qualities or skills needed to become a particular type of person or thing 具有成为…的素质[技能] they have the makings of a good team this year. 他们有条件在今年成为一支优秀的球队。6. good at doing a lot of different things 擅长做许多不同的事情 versatile /ˈvɜːʳsətaɪlǁ-sətl/ [adjective] good at doing a lot of different things and able to learn new skills quickly and easily 有多种技能的,多才多艺的 meryl streep is a wonderfully versatile actress. 梅里尔·斯特里普是个非常多才多艺的女演员。 few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches. 很少有音乐家像他这样多才多艺:演奏、作曲、编曲和教学他都会。 all-rounder /ˌɔːl ˈraʊndəʳ/ [countable noun usually singular] british someone who is good at doing a lot of different things 【英】全能的人,多面手 we're looking for a good all-rounder -- someone who can run the office, deal with customers’ complaints, and so on. 我们在物色一个优秀的多面手——这人既能管理办公室,又能处理顾客投诉等等。 at the school, children were encouraged to be ‘all-rounders’ - they were to aim for success in games as well as study. 这所学校鼓励儿童成为“通才”一他们必须做到学习和运动样样皆能。7. the ability to do something well 把某事做好的能力 skill /skɪl/ [countable/uncountable noun] the ability to do something well especially because you have learned and practised it 技能,技艺,技巧[尤指通过学习和实践获得] most of us learn the knowledge and skills needed to drive a car fairly easily. 开车所需的知识和技能,我们大多数人都很容易就学会了。 the australians played with great skill and determination. 澳大利亚队表现出纯熟的技巧和争胜的决心。computer/management/language etc skills you need good communication skills for this job. 这个工作需要很好的沟通技巧。skill in on the course you will develop skills in business management. 修读这门课程可以培养企业管理方面的技巧。with skill price handles the role of the angry wife with great skill. 普赖斯把愤怒的妻子这一角色处理得非常有技巧。 ability /əˈbɪlɪti, əˈbɪləti/ [uncountable noun] the ability to do something well, either because you have learned how to do it or because you are naturally good at it [学会或天生的]能力;才能 maria will be a fine musician; she shows a lot of ability. 玛丽亚会成为一名优秀的音乐家,她很有才华。ability to do something no one doubts his ability to get work done quickly. 他办事迅速的能力无人怀疑。spelling/reading/writing etc ability the level of ability in spelling, reading etc 拼写/阅读/写作等能力 the children are divided into groups according to their reading ability. 这些孩子按阅读能力进行分组。 talent /ˈtælənt/ [countable/uncountable noun] a natural ability to do something very well 天才,天资,天赋 john lennon's talent as a songwriter was matched by mccartney's talent as a composer. 约翰·列侬写歌的天分与麦卡特尼的作曲天赋相辉映。have a talent for doing something porter has a talent for making a difficult subject understandable and interesting. 波特有一种天赋,他可以把一个晦涩难懂的话题讲得有趣易懂。talent for teachers soon recognized and encouraged his talent for sculpture. 老师不久就意识到他在雕塑方面的天分,并加以鼓励。hidden talents ones that people do not know about 隐藏的才华 i never knew you were so good at making speeches. do you have any other hidden talents? 我从来都不知道你那么擅长作演讲,你还有其他什么未展示出来的才能吗? flair /fleəʳ/ [singular/uncountable noun] a special ability to do something very well and in a way that shows a lot of imagination [富有想象力的]特殊才能,天赋 being a good salesman requires skill, flair, and a good knowledge of your product. 要成为一名出色推销员需要有技能、天分和对自己产品的深刻了解。 one of the best new players, he shows flair and creativity at the game. 作为最出色的新球员之一,他显示出了在这项运动方面的天赋和创造力。have a flair for something if you have a flair for languages, there are some good career opportunities in europe. 如果你有语言天分,在欧洲就有一些很好的发展事业的机会。 have a knack /ˌhæv ə ˈnæk/ [singular noun] to have a special skill or ability that you usually gain by practice 有…的本领 have a knack for doing something she has a knack for making everyone feel comfortable and relaxed. 她有本事可以使每个人都感到自在放松。have a knack for the family seems to have a knack for success in business. 这个家族好像掌握着做生意的成功秘诀。 craftsmanship /ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪpǁˈkræfts-/ [uncountable noun] the special skill that someone uses to make something beautiful with their hands 手艺;工艺;技艺 hopi baskets are beautiful in both color and craftsmanship. 霍皮人的篮子色彩和工艺都很精美。 fabergé eggs are famous for their intricate craftsmanship. 法贝热复活节彩蛋以精致的工艺闻名。8. something that you are especially good at 你特别擅长的事情 strength /streŋθ, strenθ/ [countable noun] something that you are particularly good at in your job, in a sport, or in your life in general [工作、体育运动或生活中的]强项,长处 before choosing a career you should spend time identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses. 择业之前应该花点时间认识一下自身的长处和短处。 his ability to charm people is one of his greatest strengths. 他有吸引别人的能力,这是他的最强项之一。 be somebody's forte /biː somebodyˈs ˈfɔːteɪǁ-ˈfɔːrt/ [verb phrase] to be the activity that you are best at 是某人的专长 love songs have become bolton's forte. 唱情歌已经成了博尔顿的强项。 she's much better in the longer races. short distances are not her forte. 她长跑要好得多,短跑不是她的强项。




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