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单词 infectious
释义 infectious adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be有传染性adverb➤highly, very传染性极强;很容易传染▸➤potentially有传染可能infectious/ɪnˈfekʃəs ||; ɪnˈfɛkʃəs/adj (used about a disease, illness, etc) that can be easily passed on to another person (指疾病等)传染的: ◇flu is very infectious. 流感极易传染。 (figurative 比喻) ◇infectious laughter 很有感染力的笑声 infectious diseases are usually passed on by the air that we breathe. contagious diseases are passed from one person to another by touch. 通过呼吸传染的疾病叫做infectious diseases,通过接触传染的疾病则叫做contagious diseases。infectioussee ⇨ spread 3 in·fec·tious /ɪn`fɛkʃəs; ɪnˈfekʃəs/adj 1. an infectious disease can be passed from one person to another [疾病]传染性的 2. someone who is infectious has a disease that could be passed to other people [病人]有传染性的 3. infectious feelings or laughter spread quickly from one person to another [情绪、笑声等]有感染力的 ☞ infectious




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