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单词 establish
释义 establish verb¹ 1start/create sth建立adverb | verb + establish | phrases adverb➤initially, originally最初建立◆the internet was originally established by scientists to share information.最初,科学家创立因特网是为了能共享信息。➤formally正式成立◆the league was formally established in 1920.该联盟正式成立于 1920 年。verb + establish➤attempt to, seek to, try to试图创建;试图建立◆we try to establish links with schools.我们努力与各学校建立联系。➤help (to), help sb (to)有助于建立;帮助某人建立▸➤agree to同意建立◆the two countries agreed to establish full diplomatic relations.两国达成建立全面外交关系的协议。➤be able to能够建立▸➤be important to建立⋯很重要phrases➤an attempt to establish sth, an effort to establish sth建立⋯的尝试/努力▸➤newly established, recently established新建立的;最近建成的◆he was appointed to the newly established department for safety.他被派到新成立的安全部工作。establish verb² 2make sth known and accepted使获认可adverb | verb + establish | preposition | phrases adverb➤firmly, securely牢固地确立◆his position in the organization is now firmly established.他在组织中的地位现已牢固确立了。➤fully完全确立◆by the 7th century buddhism was fully established in japan.到 7 世纪,佛教的地位已在日本得到确立。➤effectively有效确立➤clearly明显确立◆we have now clearly established ourselves as the leader in the market.我们现已明显确立了自己在市场中的领导地位。➤successfully成功确立◆we have successfully established clear rules that most students accept.我们成功制订了为大多数学生接受的明确规定。verb + establish➤attempt to, seek to, try to试图确立▸➤help (to), help sb (to)有助于确立;帮助某人确立◆the exhibition helped her establish herself as an artist.这次展览有助于确立她作为画家的地位。preposition➤as确立为⋯◆he has now established his reputation as a popular musician.他现在已经成为广受欢迎的音乐家。phrases➤become established, get established得到确立◆the festival has become established as an annual event.这个节日已经被确立为年度盛事。➤previously established先前确立的◆a previously established formula先前确立的公式establish verb³ 3make certain of sth证实adverb | verb + establish | phrases adverb➤conclusively, definitely, definitively, unequivocally最终证实;明确证实▸➤empirically, scientifically用实验的方法/以科学的方法证实◆the effectiveness of the new drug has not yet been scientifically established.这种新药的效果尚未得到科学证实。verb + establish➤attempt to, seek to, try to试图证实◆police are still trying to establish the identity of the dead man.警方仍然在尽力确认死者的身分。➤help (to)有助于证实▸➤be able to能够证实▸➤be possible to有可能证实▸➤be difficult to难以证实▸➤be important to证实⋯很重要phrases➤an attempt to establish sth, an effort to establish sth证实⋯的尝试/努力 establish /ɪstæblɪʃ/ verb [transitive] start or create an organization, a system, etc. that is meant to last for a long time 建立;成立;设立◆the group was established in 1934. 这个集团成立于 1934 年。◆the treaty established a free trade zone across europe. 这一条约在整个欧洲设立了一个自由贸易区。establish sb/sth/yourself (in sth) (as sth) to become successful, especially in a new business 确立;使立足◆it has quickly established itself as one of the top computer systems companies. 这家公司已很快确立了自己作为最大的计算机系统公司之一的地位。☞ establish establish verb  ➡ see also the entry for begin另见 begin 条establish ♦︎ set sth up ♦︎ form ♦︎ foundthese words all mean to start or create an organization or system.这些词均表示建立、创立。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to establish / set up / form / found a / an group / society / club / party / company / institute / movement / colony / republic◆to establish / set up / form a / an relationship / partnership / alliance / government / committee / team / network / database◆to establish / set up / found a business / firm / programme◆to establish / set up a / an fund / initiative / project / scheme / procedure / monopoly / regime / monarchy◆to establish / found a / an dynasty / empire / church■ establish [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to start or create sth, such as an organization or system, that is meant to last for a long time; to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another person, group or country建立;创立;创建(尤指正式关系)◆the new treaty establishes a free trade zone.新条约设立了自由贸易区。◆let's establish some ground rules.我们来制订一些基本原则吧。◆the school has established a successful relationship with the local community.这所学校和当地社区建立了良好的关系。 ➡ see also establishment → introduction 1 ■ set sth up phrasal verb(setting, set, set)to start or create sth, such as an organization or system建立;创立;开办◆i'm planning to set up my own business.我正打算自己创业。◆a fund will be set up for the dead men's families.将为死者家属设立一项基金。◆the company has set up its european headquarters in the uk.这家公司已经在英国设立了欧洲总部。ⓘ set sth up is often used in business contexts, to talk about starting a business or making financial arrangements. * set sth up 常用于商务语境,指开办公司或设立财务安排◆to set up a business / a company / a firm / a fund / a project / a scheme / a venture / an initiative / a monopoly / a headquarters / a base创业;开公司;成立企业;设立基金;创建项目;设立计划;创办企业;创建新方案;建立垄断;设立总部;创建基地■ form [transitive, intransitive] to start or create sth such as an organization or system; to come together in a group of this kind建立;创立;成立◆they hope to form the new government.他们希望组建新政府。◆we are a newly-formed political party.我们是一个新成立的政党。◆the band formed in 2005.这支乐队成立于 2005 年。ⓘ form is often used in political contexts. * form 常用于政治语境◆to form a government / an administration / a cabinet / a coalition / a committee / a council / an assembly / a party / a league / an alliance / a trade union / a syndicate组建政府;成立行政机构;组阁;成立联合政府/委员会;组建市政委员会;成立议会;组建政党;组织联赛;结成同盟;结成贸易联盟;建立企业联合组织 form is also the most common verb used to talk about starting a band (= a group of musicians). * form 还是最常用来表示乐队成立的动词。  ➡ see also formation → introduction 1 ■ found [transitive] (especially written) to start or create sth such as an organization or institution, especially by providing money; to be the first to start building and living in a town or country(尤指出资)创建,创办;兴建(城镇或国家)◆he founded the company 20 years ago.他 20 年前创办了这家公司。◆her family founded the college in 1895.她的家族于 1895 年创办了这所学院。◆the town was founded by english settlers in 1790.这座城镇是英格兰移民于 1790 年建起的。ⓘ collocates of found include institute, society, company, firm, town, city, church, monastery and convent.与 found 搭配的词有 institute、society、company、firm、town、city、church、monastery 和 convent。  ➡ see also foundation → introduction 1 establish [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to start or create sth, such as an organization or system, that is meant to last for a long time; to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another person, group or country建立;创立;创建(尤指正式关系)◆the new treaty establishes a free trade zone.新条约设立了自由贸易区。◆let's establish some ground rules.我们来制订一些基本原则吧。◆the school has established a successful relationship with the local community.这所学校和当地社区建立了良好的关系。 ➡ see also establishment → introduction 1 establish [transitive] (rather formal) to find or prove the facts of a situation查实;确定;证实◆police are still trying to establish the cause of death.警方仍在努力确定死因。◆they have established that his injuries were caused by a fall.他们已证实他是摔伤的。◆we need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting.我们需要查实枪击发生时她身在何处。establish/ɪˈstæblɪʃ ||; əˈstæblɪʃ/verb[t] 1. to start or create an organization, a system, etc 创立,创办(组织、制度等): ◇the school was established in 1875. 该校创办于1875年。◇before we start on the project we should establish some rules. 在着手这项计划之前,我们应当订立几项规定。 2. to start a formal relationship with sb/sth 建立(正式关系): ◇the government is trying to establish closer links between the two countries. 政府在努力建立两国间更加紧密的关系。 3. establish sb/sth (as sth) to become accepted and recognized as sth 确立: ◇she has been trying to establish herself as a novelist for years. 多年来,她一直努力要成为小说家。 4. to discover or find proof of the facts of a situation. 确定;证明: ◇the police have not been able to establish the cause of the crash. 警方无法确定车祸的原因。 establishsee ⇨ find out 4 ⇨ start 15 es·tab·lish /ə`stæblɪʃ; ɪˈstæblɪʃ/v [t] 1. to start a company, organization etc that will exist for a long time 建立,创立[公司、机构等]:◇the school was established in 1922. 该校创立于 1922 年。 2. to decide something 确定,决定:◇we need to establish our main priorities. 我们需要确定哪些是最先要办的事情。 3. to achieve or give someone a respected position in society or in an organization 确立[地位]:◇she worked hard to establish her position within the party. 她努力要确立自己在党内的地位。◇establish sb/sth as sth guterson's novel established him as one of america's most exciting writers. 古特森的小说使他成为美国最激动人心的作家之一。 4. establish relations/contacts/links etc to start having a relationship or communicating with someone 建立关系/联系/关连等:◇in recent months they have established contacts with companies abroad. 近几个月他们已与外国一些公司建立起联系。 5. to find out facts or prove that something is true 证实,核实:◇we have been unable to establish the cause of the accident. 我们未能证实此次事故的起因。◇+ that doctors established that death was due to poisoning. 医生证实死亡原因为中毒。 ☞ establish




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