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单词 damage
释义 damage noun¹ 1harm/injury危害;损伤adjective | verb + damage | damage + verb | damage + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, enormous, great, heavy, massive, serious, severe, significant, substantial, untold重大的损害;严重的损害;不可估量的损害◆the power plant will cause untold damage to the local environment.电站将会对当地环境造成不可估量的损害。➤minimal, minor, slight最小的/较小的/轻微的损害▸➤extensive, widespread大范围的破坏;大面积的损害▸➤irreparable, irreversible, lasting, long-term, permanent不可弥补的/无法挽回的/持久的/长期的/永久的损害◆the incident did permanent damage to relations between the two countries.这起事件对两国关系造成了永久的损害。➤potential潜在的损害▸➤criminal, malicious, wilful (all bre, law法律) 刑事损害;蓄意损毁◆he was prosecuted for criminal damage to a vehicle.他被控对汽车存在刑事损害。➤accidental意外损害◆the insurance policy covers the building for accidental damage.这份保单承保这座建筑的意外毁损。➤emotional, environmental, mechanical, physical, psychological, structural感情伤害;环境破坏;机械损伤;身体伤害;精神伤害;结构损坏▸➤brain, liver, nerve, etc.脑部、肝脏、神经等损伤◆she suffered serious brain damage at birth.她出生时脑部严重损伤。➤property财产损失▸➤collateral附带伤害verb + damage➤cause, do, inflict引起损害;造成损伤;加以伤害◆the earthquake caused widespread damage to property.地震造成了大范围的财产损失。◆they inflicted severe psychological damage on their opponents.他们给对手造成了极大的心理伤害。➤suffer, sustain遭受破坏;蒙受损失▸➤repair弥补损失▸➤pay for赔偿损失▸➤assess评估损失▸➤avoid, prevent避免/防止损失▸➤limit, minimize, reduce限制/最大限度减少/减少损失damage + verb➤occur, result损失发生/产生damage + noun➤assessment, report损失评估/报告➤control, limitation (especially bre) 损失控制/限制◆serious damage control was needed after the information was leaked to the papers.信息泄露给报界后,需要采取严格的损失控制措施。◆the attempt at stopping the floods turned into a damage-limitation exercise.阻止洪水的奋战变成了一场尽可能控制损失的演练。preposition➤damage by由⋯引起的损害◆the building suffered extensive damage by fire in 1925.这座建筑在 1925 年因火灾遭到了大面积的损毁。➤damage from来自⋯的伤害◆crops are sprayed with chemicals to prevent damage from insects.庄稼喷上了农药预防虫害。➤damage to对⋯的破坏◆lasting damage to the environment对环境的持久破坏phrases➤the cost of the damage损失的代价◆the cost of the damage is estimated at around $2 billion.损失估计约有 20 亿美元。➤the damage is done事已至此(已无法挽回)◆don't try to apologize-the damage is done.别道歉了 - 已于事无补了。➤the extent of the damage损害的程度◆at the moment it is difficult to assess the extent of the damage.损毁程度目前还很难估计。damage noun² 2damages money you can claim from sb损害赔偿金adjective | verb + damages | damages + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤civil民事赔偿金▸➤substantial巨额赔偿金➤punitive惩罚性损害赔偿金verb + damages➤incur, suffer引发/遭受损害赔偿◆damages incurred by the unfairly sacked workers不公平解雇工人引发的损害赔偿➤claim, seek, sue (sb) for索赔;寻求赔偿;起诉(某人)要求赔偿◆he decided to sue the company for damages.他决定起诉这家公司要求赔偿损失。➤assess确定赔偿额◆the court will assess the damages.法庭将会评定损失赔偿额。➤award (sb)判给(某人)损害赔偿金▸➤pay (sb)赔偿(某人)损失▸➤obtain, receive, recover, win获得损害赔偿金;收到损害赔偿金▸➤be liable for, be liable in (bre, both law法律) 有责任赔偿损失◆if goods are lost in transit, the carrier will be liable for damages.货物若在运输途中丢失,承运人有责任赔偿。damages + noun➤action, claim损害赔偿诉讼;索赔◆a woman is to bring a civil damages claim against the two men.一名女子要对这两名男子提起民事赔偿诉讼。➤award损害赔偿金裁决preposition➤in damage以赔偿金形式◆they are claiming $5 million in damages.他们索赔 500 万美元损失费。➤damage for为⋯的赔偿◆he received damages for personal injury.他拿到了人身伤害赔偿金。➤damage of⋯的赔偿金◆she was awarded damages of £90 000.她得到 9 万英镑的赔偿金。phrases➤an action for damages, a claim for damages索赔诉讼;索赔◆the judge upheld her claim for damages against her former employer.法官支持她向以前的雇主索赔。damage verbadverb➤badly, heavily, seriously, severely严重破坏◆the building was badly damaged by fire.这座建筑遭到大火严重破坏。➤slightly轻微破坏▸➤irreparably, permanently不可弥补地破坏;永久性地破坏◆she may have damaged her health irreparably.她可能已经对自己的健康造成了不可弥补的伤害。damage /dæmɪdʒ/ noun1. [uncountable] physical harm caused to sth which makes it less valuable or for which sb can claim money from an insurance company (有形的)损坏,损失◆the storm didn't do much damage. 暴风雨并未造成很大损失。◆the cost of the damage is estimated at $30 million. 损失的费用估计为 3 000 万元。◆the policy covers the building for accidental damage. 这份保险单承保了这栋大楼的的意外损坏险。⨁ to cause / do damage (to sb/sth)对(某人/某事)造成损害 ⨁ to suffer damage遭受损失 ⨁ to assess / prevent / repair damage评估/防止/弥补损失 ⨁ considerable / extensive / irreparable / permanent / serious / severe damage相当大的/广泛的/无可挽回的/永久性的/重大的/严重的损害 ⨁ accidental / environmental / structural damage意外/环境/结构性损害 ⨁ bomb / fire / flood / smoke / storm damage炸弹毁坏;火灾损失;洪水毁坏;烟雾熏坏;暴风雨破坏 2. [uncountable] harmful effects on sb/sth 损害;伤害◆damage to a person's reputation 对个人名誉的伤害◆this could cause serious damage to the country's economy. 这可能会对国家经济造成严重损害。⨁ to cause / do damage (to sb/sth)对(某人/某事)造成伤害(损害) ⨁ inflict damage (on sb/sth)使(某人/某事)蒙受伤害(损害) ⨁ to suffer damage遭受伤害 ⨁ to assess / repair damage评估/修复损害 ⨁ considerable / irreparable / long-term / serious damage相当大的/无可挽回的/长期的/严重的伤害 ⨁ financial / political damage金融上的/政治上的损害 (law 法律) damages [plural] money that a court orders a person, company, etc. to pay to sb, because they have caused them harm, injury or loss 损害赔偿金◆he was ordered to pay damages of €50 000. 他被责令支付 5 万欧元的损害赔偿金。◆the jury awarded the plaintiff $505 million in damages. 陪审团判给原告 5.05 亿元的损害赔偿金。⨁ to be awarded / receive / recover / win damages被判予/得到/收回/获得损害赔偿金 ⨁ to claim / seek / sue for damages索取/寻求/起诉要求损害赔偿金 ⨁ a damages action / award / claim损害赔偿诉讼/裁决/索赔 actual damages ◇ apparent damage ◇ civil damages ◇ compensatory damages ◇ liquidated damages ◇ nominal damages ◇ non-economic damages ◇ punitive damages damage /dæmɪdʒ/ verb [transitive] to harm or spoil sb/sth 伤害;损害;损坏;破坏◆the fire badly damaged the offices. 火灾严重毁坏了办公室。◆investor confidence has been seriously damaged by the scandal. 投资者信心已经受到这则丑闻的严重损害。◆her strategies are damaging the company. 她的策略正使公司受损。☞ damage☞ damage☞ damage/damages damage noundamage ♦︎ harm ♦︎ detrimentthese are all words for the bad effects on sb/sth of an accident, crime, disease or other unfortunate event.这些词均表示不幸事件造成的伤害、损害。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆damage / harm / detriment to sth◆damage / harm from sth◆great / serious / severe / lasting / long-term / environmental damage / harm / detriment◆real / irreparable / permanent / physical / bodily / personal / emotional / psychological damage / harm◆to cause / do / inflict / suffer / escape / prevent damage / harm◆damage / harm results from sth■ damage [uncountable] the fact of sth being broken or spoiled, or the pain or suffering felt by sb, as a result of an accident, crime, disease or other unfortunate event破坏;损害;伤害◆the earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $60 million.估计地震造成 6 000 万元的财产损失。◆we assessed the storm damage.我们估算了暴风雨所造成的损失。◆he was hit by a car and suffered severe brain damage.他被汽车撞了,脑部严重受伤。◆i insist on paying for the damage.我坚持要赔偿损失。◆i'm going-i've done enough damage here already.我走了,我在这里造成的损害已经够多了。  ➡ see also damaging → harmful ■ harm [uncountable] damage or suffering caused to sb/sth伤害;损害◆the accident could have been worse; luckily no harm was done.这次事故本来可能糟糕得多,所幸没有造成损伤。◆the treatment they gave him did him more harm than good.他们的治疗反而使他病情加重了。◆hard work never did anyone any harm.努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。◆he may look fierce, but he means no harm.他也许看上去很凶,但并无恶意。◆don't worry, we'll see that the children come to no harm.别担心,我们会保证孩子们安然无恙。◆i prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way.我比较喜欢让孩子在花园里玩耍,因为那里安全。  ➡ see also harmful → harmful note 辨析 damage or harm?use damage to talk about the effects of storms, floods, fire, etc. on buildings and other objects.表示暴风雨、洪水、火灾等给建筑物或其他物体造成的破坏用 damage◆storm / flood / fire / smoke / bomb / structural damage暴风雨/洪水破坏;火灾损失;烟雾熏坏;炸弹毁坏;结构破坏use damage to talk about the physical state of unhealthy organs in the body.表示体内器官受损用 damage◆liver / kidney / lung / brain damage肝/肾/肺/脑损伤use damage or harm to talk about mental or emotional suffering.表示精神或感情上受伤害用 damage 或 harm◆emotional / psychological / social damage / harm感情/心理/社会伤害use harm in a number of fixed phrases (see above) to express opinions about what or who may cause harm, or whether harm has been caused. * harm 用于一些固定短语(如上),表达认为什么(或谁)可能造成伤害,或是否已经造成伤害等。■ detriment /detrɪmənt/ [uncountable, countable, usually singular] (formal) the act of causing harm or damage; sth that causes harm or damage伤害;损害;造成伤害(或损害)的事物◆wood accounts for 90% of energy production in some countries, with consequent environmental detriment.有些国家 90% 的能源产自木材,因而给环境造成了破坏。◆he was engrossed in the job to the detriment of his health.他全力投入工作,结果损害了健康。◆the tax cannot be introduced without detriment to people's living standards.该项征税势必会影响到大众的生活水平。 ➡ see also detrimental → harmful damage verbdamage ♦︎ hurt ♦︎ harm ♦︎ impair ♦︎ compromisethese words all mean to have a bad effect on sb/sth.这些词均表示伤害或损害某人或某事物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to damage / hurt / harm / impair / compromise sb's chances◆to damage / hurt / harm / compromise sb's reputation◆to damage / hurt / harm sb's interests / image◆to damage / harm / impair / compromise sb's health◆to seriously damage / hurt / harm / impair / compromise sb / sth◆to greatly damage / hurt / harm / impair sb / sth◆to severely / badly damage / hurt / impair sb / sth■ damage [transitive] to cause physical harm to sth, making it less attractive, useful or valuable; to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success破坏;毁坏;损害;伤害◆several vehicles were damaged in the crash.数辆汽车在撞车事故中损毁了。◆smoking seriously damages your health.吸烟严重损害健康。◆the allegations are likely to damage his political career.这些指控很可能损害他的政治生涯。◆he works with emotionally damaged children.他的工作是帮助有情感创伤的儿童。  ➡ see also damaging → harmful ■ hurt (hurt, hurt) [transitive] (rather informal) to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success损害;伤害;打击◆many people on low incomes will be hurt by the government's plans.很多低收入者将会受到政府这些方案的打击。◆hard work never hurt anyone.努力工作对任何人都绝无害处。◆high interest rates are hurting the local economy.高利率正在损害本地经济。■ harm [transitive] to hurt sb/sth伤害;损害◆pollution can harm marine life.污染会危及海洋生物。◆these revelations will harm her chances of winning the election.这些揭露的事实将削弱她在选举中的胜算。  ➡ see also harmful → harmful note 辨析 damage, hurt or harm? hurt is slightly less formal than damage or harm, especially when it is used in negative statements.与 damage 或 harm 相比,hurt 稍显非正式,特别是用于否定陈述时◆it won't hurt him to have to wait a bit.等一小会儿对他不会有什么损害。◆these prices won't hurt your wallet.这些价格不会令你的荷包大出血。◆it won't damage/harm him to have to wait a bit. ◆these prices won't damage/harm your wallet. harm is also often used to talk about ways in which things in the natural world such as birds, animals, wildlife and the environment are affected by human activity; people also talk about how an action may harm an unborn child/baby or a foetus. * harm 后常接 bird、animal、wildlife 和 environment 等词,表示人类活动对自然界中生物和环境的影响,也可接 unborn child/baby 或 foetus 等词,表示某种行为危害胎儿。■ impair /ɪmpeə(r); name ɪmper/ [transitive] (rather formal) to damage sb's health, abilities or chances损害;削弱◆there are a number of factors which can directly impair memory.有一些因素会直接损害记忆力。◆even one drink can impair driving performance.即使喝一杯酒也足以影响驾驶操作。opp improve → improve 1 ▸ impaired adjective (used in compounds用于复合词) ◆the problems faced by people who are visually / hearing impaired视力/听力受损的人所面临的问题■ compromise /kɒmprəmaɪz; name kɑːmprəmaɪz/ [transitive] to bring sb/sth/yourself into danger or under suspicion, especially by acting in a way that is not very sensible(尤指因行为不很明智)使陷入危险,使受到怀疑◆she has already compromised herself by accepting his invitation.她接受他的邀请,已经使她的声誉受到损害。◆defeat at this stage would compromise their chances of reaching the finals of the competition.在这个阶段受挫会降低他们进入决赛的机会。damage [uncountable] the fact of sth being broken or spoiled, or the pain or suffering felt by sb, as a result of an accident, crime, disease or other unfortunate event破坏;损害;伤害◆the earthquake caused damage to property estimated at $60 million.估计地震造成 6 000 万元的财产损失。◆we assessed the storm damage.我们估算了暴风雨所造成的损失。◆he was hit by a car and suffered severe brain damage.他被汽车撞了,脑部严重受伤。◆i insist on paying for the damage.我坚持要赔偿损失。◆i'm going-i've done enough damage here already.我走了,我在这里造成的损害已经够多了。  ➡ see also damaging → harmful damage [transitive] to cause physical harm to sth, making it less attractive, useful or valuable; to have a bad effect on sb/sth's life, health, happiness or chances of success破坏;毁坏;损害;伤害◆several vehicles were damaged in the crash.数辆汽车在撞车事故中损毁了。◆smoking seriously damages your health.吸烟严重损害健康。◆the allegations are likely to damage his political career.这些指控很可能损害他的政治生涯。◆he works with emotionally damaged children.他的工作是帮助有情感创伤的儿童。  ➡ see also damaging → harmful damage¹/ˈdæmɪdʒ ||; ˈdæmɪdʒ/noun1. [u] damage (to sth) harm or injury caused when sth is broken or spoiled 损害;损毁: ◇earthquakes can cause terrible damagein urban areas. 地震可以使城区遭受重大破坏。◇it will take weeks to repair the damage done by the vandals. 破坏公物者所损毁的地方要花几个星期才能修好。 2. damages [pl] money that you can ask for if sb damages sth of yours or hurts you 损坏赔偿金;受伤赔偿金: ◇mrs rees, who lost a leg in the crash, was awarded damages of £100000. 里斯太太在车祸中失去一条腿,获判给100000英镑赔偿金。 damage²/ˈdæmɪdʒ ||; ˈdæmɪdʒ/verb [t] to spoil or harm sth, for example by breaking it 损害;损坏;毁坏: ◇the roof was damaged by the storm. 屋顶给风暴毁坏了。 ➔damaging adj ◇these rumours could be damaging to her reputation. 这些谣言可能损害她的名声。 damage1 to damage something2 to damage something deliberately3 when weather/water/chemicals etc slowly damage something4 to damage something by using it5 physical damage caused by somethingrelated wordsto have a bad effect on something 对某事产生不好的影响 harm,to damage something so badly it cannot be repaired 把某物损坏得很严重以至不能修复 destroy,to hurt or injure someone 伤害或弄伤某人 hurt/injure,damage to the environment 对环境的破坏 environment (5),see alsobreak,broken/not broken,spoil,tear,mark,repair,condition (1-6),1. to damage something 损坏某物 damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [transitive verb] to break part of something or spoil its appearance 损坏,毁坏 the goods were damaged during transport. 货物在运输途中损坏了。 don't put any hot things on the table - you'll damage the surface. 别把烫的东西放在桌上,会把桌面烫坏的。badly/severely damaged the building had been severely damaged by fire. 这幢大楼在大火中严重烧毁。 damaged [adjective] i was lucky to escape from the accident with nothing but a damaged windscreen. 我运气好,在车祸中逃过一劫,除了挡风玻璃外什么也没损坏。 do/cause damage /ˌduː, ˌkɔːz ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [verb phrase] if one thing or person does or causes damage to another, it damages that person or thing - use this especially to say how much damage there is 造成损失[尤用于表示损失有多大] the explosion caused over £50,000 worth of damage. 这次爆炸造成了五万多英镑的损失。 in the end, the internet virus did little permanent damage. 最后,这种互联网病毒没有造成多少永久性的破坏。do/cause damage to too much sun can do serious damage to your skin. 太阳光照得太多会对皮肤造成很大的伤害。 break /breɪk/ [transitive verb] to damage a machine or piece of equipment so that it does not work or cannot be used 损坏[机器或设备] leave that clock alone - you'll break it! 别动那个钟,你会把它弄坏的 we used to have a remote control for the tv, but my brother broke it. 我们曾有一个电视机遥控器,可是给弟弟弄坏了。 broken /ˈbrəʊkən/ [adjective] one of the car's rear lights is broken. 汽车的一个尾灯坏了。 scratch /skrætʃ/ [transitive verb] to damage a painted or polished surface by making long thin marks on it with something sharp or rough 擦坏,划破,刮破[漆面等] be careful not to scratch the table with those scissors. 当心点别让剪刀划破桌面。 i scratched the side of the car as i was backing it into the driveway. 我在把车倒入车道时擦破了车身。 scratched [adjective] the kitchen has a beautiful wooden floor, but it's badly scratched. 厨房铺着漂亮的木地板,但划坏得很厉害。2. to damage something deliberately 故意损坏某物 vandalize also vandalise british /ˈvændəl-aɪz/ [transitive verb usually in passive] to deliberately damage buildings, vehicles, or public property 肆意毁坏[建筑物、车辆或公共财产] all the public telephones in the area had been vandalized. 这地区的所有公用电话都被人肆意毁坏了。 no-one is really sure why people vandalize their own neighbourhoods. 没有人能够想明白为何会有人故意破坏自己住的区域。 vandal [countable noun] someone who vandalizes things: 毁坏公物者 vandals broke into the school and wrecked two classrooms. 破坏公物者闯入学校,捣毁了两间教室。 vandalism [uncountable noun] the criminal activity of vandalizing things 故意破坏公物的罪行 in recent years, there has been an increase in vandalism in inner-city areas. 近年来在市中心地区故意破坏公物的行为有上升趋势。 smash up /ˌsmæʃ ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] british to deliberately damage a room or building by breaking windows, furniture etc 【英】[故意]撞毁;击毁;捣毁[房间或建筑物的窗户、家具等] smash something up they didn't only rob the house, they smashed it up too. 他们不仅入室抢劫,还把屋子捣毁了。smash up something about 400 rioters had seized control and were smashing up the jail. 约400名暴徒控制了监狱,并大肆破坏。smash the place up some of the men got drunk and smashed the place up. 几名男子喝醉了酒,把那地方砸得粉碎。 trash /træʃ/ [transitive verb] especially american, informal to cause a lot of damage to a thing or place, either deliberately or by using it carelessly 【尤美,非正式】[指故意或不小心使用而]捣毁,破坏 that kid of yours has trashed my vcr. 你那个宝贝孩子故意弄坏了我的录像机。trash the place spoken cause a lot of damage to a room or building 【口】把地方弄得乱七八糟 dad says it's ok to have the party here, as long as we don't trash the place. 爸爸说可以在这儿聚会,只要我们别把这里弄得一塌糊涂就行了。 sabotage /ˈsæbətɑːʒ/ [transitive verb] to secretly damage machines or equipment so that they cannot be used, especially in order to harm an enemy 蓄意破坏,阴谋破坏[敌方的机器或设备] the railway line had been sabotaged by enemy commandos. 铁路已被敌方的突击队员破坏了。 security lighting was sabotaged before the theft took place. 盗窃案发生之前安全照明已遭破坏。 sabotage [uncountable noun] when people secretly damage machines or equipment: 蓄意破坏,破坏活动 armed soldiers patrol the airbase to guard against sabotage. 武装士兵在空军基地巡逻以防止破坏活动。 tamper with /ˈtæmpəʳ wɪð/ [transitive phrasal verb] to deliberately and illegally damage or change a part of something in order to prevent it from working properly 擅自乱动,擅自变动;故意破坏[某物的一部分] someone had tampered with the lock on my door. 有人弄坏了我门上的那把锁。 after the accident, police discovered that the car's brakes had been tampered with. 事故发生之后,警察发现汽车的刹车已被人破坏了。 deface /dɪˈfeɪs/ [transitive verb] to deliberately spoil the appearance of something by writing on it, spraying paint on it etc 破坏…的表面[外观];涂污 several of the gravestones had been defaced and were impossible to read. 有几块墓碑遭人破坏,上面的字已无法辨认。deface something with something the central bank issued a statement warning against defacing bank notes with what it called ‘indecent expressions’. 央行发布了一项声明,指责那种以有伤风化的词语污损纸币的行为。 desecrate /ˈdesɪkreɪt/ [transitive verb] to damage a church or other holy place 破坏;亵渎[教堂或其他圣地] the church had been desecrated by vandals. 教堂已遭到破坏公物者的亵渎。 most of the egyptian tombs were desecrated and robbed. 绝大多数的埃及古墓已遭人破坏和劫掠。 desecration /ˌdesɪˈkreɪʃən, ˌdesəˈkreɪʃən/ [uncountable noun]3. when weather/water/chemicals etc slowly damage something 天气、水、化学物等逐渐破坏某物 wear away /ˌweər əˈweɪ/ [transitive phrasal verb] if the wind, rain, sea etc wears something away, it very gradually destroys its surface until there is nothing left [风、雨、海水等]磨掉,磨损 wear away something the action of the sea is constantly wearing away the cliff face. 大海的波涛在不断磨损悬崖的表面。wear something away environmentalists are concerned that rock climbers are wearing the crags away in some places. 环境保护主义者很担心那些攀岩者在不断损坏这几处峭壁的某些部分。get worn away the cathedral steps were getting worn away by the feet of thousands of visitors. 大教堂的台阶给成千上万的游客践踏得磨损了。 erode /ɪˈrəʊd/ [transitive verb] if water, wind, air etc erodes rock, land, soil etc, it gradually damages it over a long time by removing little pieces of it [水、风、空气等]侵蚀[岩石、土地、泥土等] caves are formed by water eroding rock. 流水侵蚀岩石,形成了洞穴。 if the river is not controlled, it will erode its banks as well as the surrounding farmland. 如不对这条河加以控制,它就会侵蚀两岸及周边的耕地。 erosion /ɪˈrəʊʒən/ [uncountable noun] the erosion of the coastline 海岸线的侵蚀 soil erosion on hillsides 山坡上的土壤侵蚀 corrode /kəˈrəʊd/ [transitive verb] if a chemical corrodes something metal, it damages it and makes it gradually disappear or become weaker [化学品]腐蚀[金属] salt corrodes metal. 盐腐蚀金属。 if the batteries leak, they can corrode the case of your flashlight. 电池如果漏液,就会腐蚀电筒的外壳。 the pipework was badly corroded in places. 管道系统某几处已被严重腐蚀。 corrosion /kəˈrəʊʒən/ [uncountable noun] the problem is how to protect the metal surface from corrosion. 问题在于如何使金属表面不受腐蚀。 corrosive /kəˈrəʊsɪv/ [adjective] a bottle of corrosive acid 一瓶具有腐蚀性的酸 rust/rust away /rʌst, ˌrʌst əˈweɪ/ [] if something made of iron rusts, it is gradually damaged by a chemical reaction with water and turns red-brown in colour 锈蚀,锈烂 the iron crosses that marked the graves had rusted badly over the years. 墓地上作标志的铁十字架因年深日久而锈蚀得很厉害。 the underside of the car had virtually rusted away. 汽车底部几乎已经锈蚀光了。 rust [uncountable noun]4. to damage something by using it 因使用而磨损 wear out /ˌweər ˈaʊt/ [transitive phrasal verb] to damage clothes, material, or equipment by wearing them or using them a lot 用坏,磨损[衣服、物料或设备] wear out something after only a month terry had worn out the soles of his shoes. 才一个月,特里就把鞋底穿破了。wear something out if you drive as fast as this all the time, you'll wear the brakes out. 如果你老是把车开得这么快,你会把刹车磨坏的。get worn out the carpet on the stairs is getting worn out. 楼梯上的地毯已开始磨损了。 wear /weəʳ/ [uncountable noun] damage caused by continuous use over a long period 磨损 excessive tyre wear may be caused by faulty brakes. 轮胎过度磨损可能是刹车有故障造成的。heavy wear a lot of wear 严重磨损 dalton said that the machine showed signs of heavy wear and had not been well-maintained. 多尔顿说这部机器有严重磨损的迹象,没有得到妥善保养。 wear and tear /ˌweər ən ˈteəʳ/ [noun phrase] the normal amount of damage that is caused to furniture, cars, pieces of equipment etc, by using them [家具、汽车或设备等在正常使用过程中造成的]磨损,损耗 wear and tear on having a large family obviously increases the wear and tear on your furniture. 家里人多显然会增加家具的磨损。normal/everyday wear and tear the degree of wear and tear you expect 正常/日常磨损 allowing for normal wear and tear, a washing machine should last at least ten years. 在正常损耗的情况下,一台洗衣机至少应该使用十年。5. physical damage caused by something 由某物造成的物质破坏 damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ [uncountable noun] the physical damage that spoils the way something looks or the way it works 损失;破坏 it will take many years to repair the damage caused by the floods. 这场洪水造成的破坏要花很多年才能修复。 the vandals did over £20,000 worth of damage. 破坏公物者造成了两万多英镑的损失。damage to new ways of reducing the damage to the environment are urgently needed. 亟需新措施减少对环境的破坏。severe/serious damage acid rain has caused serious damage to the pine forests of northern europe. 酸雨已对北欧的松林造成了严重破坏。☞ damage¹☞ damage²




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