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单词 abuse
释义 abuse noun¹ 1wrong/bad use of sth错误使用;滥用adjective | verb + abuse | preposition | phrases adjective➤alcohol, drug, solvent, substance (= drugs, etc.) 酗酒;嗜毒;嗜吸胶毒;滥用毒品➤systematic, widespread蓄意/普遍滥用➤flagrant公然滥用verb + abuse➤prevent, stop防止/停止滥用➤investigate, report调查/报道滥用▸➤be open to容易被滥用◆the legal system is open to abuse.这种法律制度容易被钻空子。preposition➤abuse of对⋯的虐待◆abuse of prisoners虐待囚犯phrases➤the abuse of power权力滥用abuse noun² 2bad, usually violent treatment of sb虐待;摧残adjective | ... of abuse | verb + abuse | abuse + verb | abuse + noun | phrases adjective➤emotional, physical, psychological, sex, sexual情感虐待;肉体虐待;心理摧残;性虐待▸➤child, elder, prisoner, spousal (especially name) 虐待儿童/老人/囚犯/配偶◆victims of child abuse虐童案的受害人➤human rights abuses亵渎人权◆allegations of human rights abuses亵渎人权的指控➤alleged, suspected所谓的虐待行为;涉嫌虐待行为... of abuse➤case一件虐待案◆six cases of suspected child abuse6 起涉嫌虐待儿童案verb + abuse➤commit施虐▸➤subject sb to使某人遭受虐待◆she was subjected to regular sexual abuse.她经常遭受性虐待。➤experience, suffer, take经受虐待;遭受虐待;受虐待◆the child had taken a lot of emotional abuse.这个孩子感情上受到了很大的伤害。➤allege, suspect sb of指控/怀疑某人有虐待行为abuse + verb➤happen, occur, take place虐待事件发生abuse + noun➤victim受虐者phrases➤an allegation of abuse对虐待行为的指控◆allegations of child abuse虐童指控➤a perpetrator of abuse施虐者▸➤a victim of abuse受虐者abuse noun³ 3insulting words侮辱性的言辞adjective | ... of abuse | verb + abuse | phrases adjective➤verbal辱骂▸➤personal, racial, racist人身攻击;种族诽谤... of abuse➤stream, torrent一连串辱骂;一通臭骂◆he was subjected to a torrent of personal abuse.他遭到了一连串人身攻击。verb + abuse➤hurl, scream, shout, shower sb with, subject sb to破口大骂;高声谩骂;大声辱骂;把某人痛骂一顿;使某人遭到辱骂▸➤endure忍受辱骂◆they had to endure continual racist abuse.他们不得不忍受针对他们种族无休止的辱骂。phrases➤heap abuse on sb/sth对⋯大肆斥骂◆abuse and scorn were heaped on the proposals.这些建议遭到了痛斥和鄙视。➤a target for abuse, a target of abuse辱骂的对象◆the team who lost became a target of abuse for angry fans.失利的球队成了愤怒的球迷辱骂的对象。➤a term of abuse骂人的话◆calling someone stupid is definitely a term of abuse.说某人愚蠢肯定是一句骂人的话。abuse verbadverb➤emotionally, mentally, physically, sexually, verbally从情感上伤害;从精神上摧残;肉体上虐待;性虐待;谩骂◆all the children had been physically and emotionally abused.所有这些儿童的身心都受到了摧残。➤badly, severely严重虐待 abuse /əbjuːz/ [transitive] (disapproving) to treat sth, especially power or knowledge, as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself; to drink or take so much of sth that it harms your health; to treat a person or animal in a cruel or violent way滥用(权力或所知所闻);滥用(以致危害健康);虐待(人或动物)◆he felt they had abused his trust by talking about him to the press (= deceived him, although he had trusted them).他觉得他们向报界透露有关他的情况是辜负了他的信任。◆people who abuse alcohol over a long period will develop health problems.长期酗酒的人会引发健康问题。◆he systematically abused his body with heroin and cocaine.他因吸服海洛因和可卡因一步一步把身体搞垮了。◆all the children had been physically and emotionally abused.所有这些孩子的身心都受到了摧残。 ➡ see also abuse → rape verb ▸ abuse /əbjuːs/ noun [uncountable, singular] ◆the system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能会被人钻空子。◆alcohol / drug / solvent abuse酗酒;吸毒;嗅吸胶毒◆child abuse虐待儿童 abuse [transitive] to make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb辱骂;诋毁;对⋯恶语相加◆journalists covering the case have been threatened and abused.报道这起案件的记者遭到了威胁和谩骂。▸ abuse noun [uncountable] ◆to scream / hurl / shout abuse高声谩骂;破口大骂;大声辱骂◆a stream / torrent of abuse一连串辱骂;劈头盖脸一通臭骂 abuse [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to treat sb in a cruel or violent way, especially sexually虐待;性虐待;性侵犯◆he had abused his own daughter.他曾性侵犯自己的亲生女儿。ⓘ abuse is used especially when the attacks or cruel treatment are repeated over a period of time and when the abuser is a person in a position of trust or authority, such as a parent, teacher or priest. * abuse 尤指一段时期内多次虐待或性侵犯,且施虐者是被信赖或有权威的人,如父母、老师或神父等。  ➡ see also abuse → exploit verb ▸ abuse noun [uncountable] ◆child / sexual abuse虐童;性虐待abuse /əbjuːs/ noun [uncountable, singular] ◆the system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能会被人钻空子。◆alcohol / drug / solvent abuse酗酒;吸毒;嗅吸胶毒◆child abuse虐待儿童abusenoun [uncountable] ◆to scream / hurl / shout abuse高声谩骂;破口大骂;大声辱骂◆a stream / torrent of abuse一连串辱骂;劈头盖脸一通臭骂abusenoun [uncountable] ◆child / sexual abuse虐童;性虐待abuse /əbjuːs/ noun [uncountable, singular] ◆the system of paying cash bonuses is open to abuse (= might be used in the wrong way).支付现金红利制度可能会被人钻空子。◆alcohol / drug / solvent abuse酗酒;吸毒;嗅吸胶毒◆child abuse虐待儿童abusenoun [uncountable] ◆to scream / hurl / shout abuse高声谩骂;破口大骂;大声辱骂◆a stream / torrent of abuse一连串辱骂;劈头盖脸一通臭骂abusenoun [uncountable] ◆child / sexual abuse虐童;性虐待abuse¹/əˈbju:z ||; əˈbjuz/verb[t] 1. to use sth in a bad or dishonest way 滥用: ◇the politician was accused of abusing his position in order to become rich. 有人指责那个政客以权谋财。 2. to say rude things to sb 辱骂 3. to treat sb badly, often violently 虐待;凌虐: ◇the girl had been sexually abused. 那个女孩子曾经受到性虐待。 abuse²/əˈbju:s ||; əˈbjus/noun1. [c,u] using sth in a bad or dishonest way 滥用: ◇an abuse of power 滥用权力◇the dangers of drug abuse 滥用药物的危险 2. [u] rude words, used to insult another person 骂人的话;粗话: ◇the other driver leaned out of the car and hurled abuse at me. 另一个司机从车子里探出头来开口骂我。◇racial abuse 种族凌辱的话 3. [u] bad, usually violent treatment of sb 虐待;虐害: ◇he subjected his children to verbal and physical abuse. 他打骂自己的孩子。◇a victim of sexual abuse 性虐待的受害者 abusesee ⇨ cruel 4,5 ⇨ insult 1,3 ⇨ use 12     • • •• ⇨ shout/scream/hurl abuse at☞ abuse¹☞ abuse²




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