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单词 ego
释义 ego nounadjective | verb + ego | ego + noun | phrases adjective➤big, bloated, enormous, huge, inflated, large, massive, strong自大;极其自负;膨胀的自我◆a conceited man with a very big ego自高自大的人➤fragile, weak脆弱的/虚弱的自尊心➤bruised, wounded受挫的/受伤的自尊◆he was lucky to escape with just a bruised ego when he fell off his bike.他从自行车上摔了下来,幸好只是伤了点儿自尊心。➤healthy健全的自尊心➤human, male人类的/雄性的自尊verb + ego➤have有自尊心◆he has a huge ego.他有很强烈的自尊心。➤boost, feed, flatter, inflate, massage, stroke增强自尊心;满足虚荣心;使自信心膨胀;抚慰自尊心◆she likes to mix with people who flatter her ego.她喜欢和满足她虚荣心的人在一块儿。➤satisfy满足自尊心➤protect保护自尊▸➤bruise, crush, damage, deflate, dent, hurt, wound挫伤自尊心;打击自信心;伤害自尊心ego + noun➤boost自尊心提升➤gratification (especially name) 虚荣心的满足➤trip自我表现phrases➤a blow to sb's ego对某人自尊心的打击◆it was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.发现自己如此不受欢迎严重伤害了他的自尊心。➤a boost to sb's ego增强某人的自尊心➤check your ego (at the door) (name, informal) 保持谦逊◆professionals need to check their egos (= be less egoistic) and change their techniques.专业人员需要保持谦逊,同时改进技术。 ego /iːgəʊ, egəʊ; name iːgoʊ/ (plural -os) [countable, uncountable] (sometimes disapproving) the opinion that you have of your own importance and value自我价值感;自信心◆he has the biggest ego of anyone i've ever met.他是我所见过的最自负的人。◆winning the prize really boosted her ego (= made her feel more confident).获得这个奖项大大增强了她的自信心。◆it was a huge blow to his ego to find out he was so unpopular.发现自己这么不受欢迎对他的自我价值感是个巨大打击。 ➡ see also egoism → pride ego /iːgəʊ, egəʊ; name iːgoʊ/ (plural egos) [countable] (psychology心理) the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are自我◆freud introduced the idea that a part of the ego is unconscious.弗洛伊德创立的理论认为人的自我有一部份是处于无意识状态的。 ➡ see also self → identity ego/ˈegəʊ; us ˈi:gəʊ ||; ˈigo/noun [c] (plural egos) the (good) opinion that you have of yourself 自负;自尊心: ◇it was a blow to her ego when she lost her job. 她丢了工作,自尊心大受打击。 ego• ⇨ boost sb's ego e·go /`igo; ˈiːɡəʊ/n [c] 1. the opinion that you have about yourself 自我,自尊:◇that award was a real boost for my ego. 那次得奖大大地增强了我的自信心。◇have a big ego (=think that you are very clever or important) 自高自大: politicians with big egos 自高自大的政客 2. ego trip informal something that someone does because it makes them feel important 【非正式】 自我表现




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