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单词 downsize
释义 downsize /daʊnsaɪz/ verb [intransitive, transitive] (hr 人力资源) to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs 裁员;精简◆several of their smaller offices are being downsized. 他们的几个小办事处正减员。◆the company has downsized to eight employees. 这家公司已经将员工缩减为 8 人。◆downsized organizations/workers 精简过的机构;裁减后的工人  ➡  see note at dismiss (especially name) to make sth smaller; to produce sth in a smaller size 以较小尺寸生产;缩小产品的尺寸◆downsized cars 体积缩小了的汽车 ▸ downsizing noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the downsizing of the manufacturing division 制造分部精简◆he lost his job in a corporate downsizing. 他在公司裁员时失业了。◆the downsizing of food portions 食品分配减少☞ downsize☞ getting rid of employeesdownsize /daʊnsaɪz/ [intransitive, transitive] (business商业) to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of jobs in it, in order to reduce costs(公司或机构)裁员,精减◆the worsening situation forced the company to downsize from 39 employees to 7.日益恶化的状况迫使那家公司将员工人数从 39 个裁减到 7 个。◆the larger companies are all planning to downsize their us operations.较大的公司都正计划精减在美国的运营。ⓘ downsize is often used by people who want to avoid saying more obvious words like 'fire', 'dismiss', 'lay sb off' or 'make sb redundant' because they sound too negative.用 downsize 常是为了避免说 fire、dismiss、lay sb off 或 make sb redundant 等更直白的词,因为这些词听起来过于负面。downsize/ˈdaʊnsaɪz ||; ˈdaυnˌsaɪz/verb [i,t] to reduce the number of people who work in a company, business, etc in order to reduce costs (公司、企业等)减少人员,压缩编制 down·size /`dansaɪz; ˈdaʊnsaɪz/v [i,t]to reduce the number of people working in a company in order to cut costs [公司为减少开支而]削减(…的)员工人数




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