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单词 break²
释义 break²n 1. [c] a short time when you stop what you are doing in order to rest or eat 小憩,中间休息:◇take a break we're all getting tired. let's take a break for ten minutes. 我们都累了。让我们休息十分钟吧。◇lunch/coffee/tea break (=when you stop to have lunch, coffee etc) 午餐时间的休息/喝杯咖啡[茶]休息一下: what time is your lunch break? 你什么时候吃午饭? 2. [c] a short holiday 短暂的假期:◇are you going anywhere over the easter break? 复活节假期你会去什么地方吗? 3. [c] a pause or space in the middle of something 停顿,间歇; 缝隙:◇a break in the conversation 谈话中的停顿◇a break in the clouds 云层的缝隙 4. [c] a chance to become successful 机遇; 好运:◇the band's big break came when they sang on a local tv show. 该乐队的好运来了,在当地的一个电视节目演唱。 5. [singular 单数] a change that ends a relationship or tradition [关系的]断绝; [对传统的]摒弃:◇+ with a break with the past 摒弃过去 6. [c] a place where something has been broken 破裂处,裂缝:◇it's a nasty break — the bone has splintered. 骨折很严重 — 骨头已经裂成碎片了。 7. break of day literary the time when it first becomes light at the beginning of the day 【文】 黎明,拂晓




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