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单词 hammer²
释义 hammer²v 1. [i,t] to hit something with a hammer 锤击 2. [i] to hit something several times, making a lot of noise 砰砰地敲打:◇mike was hammering on the door with his fists. 迈克用拳头砰砰地敲门。hammer sth into sbto continue repeating something in order to force people to remember it 反复向…灌输; 反复教导:◇mom hammered the message into us: don't talk to strangers! 妈妈不停地向我们灌输: 不要和陌生人说话!hammer out sthto finally agree on a solution, contract etc after arguing about details for a long time 反复讨论出[解决办法等]; 仔细敲定[合同等]:◇it took several days to hammer out an agreement. 花了好几天时间才敲定了协议。




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