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单词 extort
释义 extort /ɪkstɔːt; name ɪkstɔːrt/ verb [transitive] to make sb give you sth, especially money, by threatening them 敲诈;勒索◆some people have tried to extort money from companies for a domain name. 有些人企图用域名向公司敲诈钱财。 ▸ extortion /ɪkstɔːʃn; name ɪkstɔːrʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆she was arrested and charged with extortion. 她遭拘捕并被控犯有敲诈罪。☞ extortextortverb [transitive] ◆the gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses.这帮歹徒向当地 30 多家商户勒索过钱财。extortverb [transitive] ◆the gang extorted money from over 30 local businesses.这帮歹徒向当地 30 多家商户勒索过钱财。extort/ɪkˈstɔ:t ||; ɪkˈstɔrt/verb [t] (formal 正式)extort sth (from sb) to get sth by using threats or violence 强夺;敲诈;勒索: ◇the gang were found guilty of extorting money from small businesses. 那团伙敲诈小企业的钱财,被判有罪。 ➔extortion noun [u] extortsee ⇨ get 10 ⇨ threaten 2 ex·tort /ɪk`stɔrt; ɪkˈstɔːt/v [t]to force someone to give you money by threatening them 敲诈,勒索[钱财]:◇he was accused of trying to extort money from business associates. 他被控企图对生意合伙人进行敲诈。




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