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单词 injection
释义 injection noun¹ 1act of injecting sb注射adjective | verb + injection | preposition adjective➤intramuscular, intravenous肌肉/静脉注射▸➤painkilling镇痛注射▸➤tetanus (especially bre) (usually tetanus shot in name) 打破伤风针▸➤insulin, penicillin, etc.胰岛素、青霉素等注射➤botox™, collagen肉毒杆菌毒素/胶原蛋白注射▸➤booster (especially bre) (usually booster shot in name) 加强注射◆can i bring my dog in for his booster injection?我可以带我的狗来打加强针吗?➤lethal(执行死刑的)毒剂注射◆in some states execution is by lethal injection.有些州以注射毒剂方式执行死刑。➤regular定期注射▸➤daily, weekly每天/每周注射verb + injection➤have接受注射◆he had to have a tetanus injection after injuring himself. (especially bre) 弄伤自己后他不得不打了一支破伤风针。➤administer, give sb, perform注射;为某人打针◆they gave her an injection to stop the pain. (especially bre) 他们给她打了一针止痛。➤get, receive接受注射◆the rats received a daily injection of the drug.这些老鼠每天注射一次这种药。preposition➤by injection通过注射◆the best treatment is antibiotics, preferably by injection.最佳的治疗方法是使用抗生素,能够注射就更好。➤injection against防治⋯的针剂◆an injection against whooping cough防治百日咳的针剂➤injection for治疗⋯的针剂◆injections for diabetes治疗糖尿病的针剂➤injection in, injection into注射入⋯◆an injection into the vein静脉注射➤injection with注射⋯的针剂◆both groups received a second injection with the same solution.两组都接受了同样药剂的第二次注射。injection noun² 2money金钱adjective | verb + injection | preposition | phrases adjective➤massive, substantial (bre) 巨额/大笔注资◆the infrastructure requires a massive cash injection.基础设施需要巨额的现金注入。➤much-needed急需的注资▸➤capital, cash资本/现金注入◆an undisclosed buyer will provide a much-needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.一位未公开身分的买主将会注入急需的现金,以帮助公司应对脆弱的财务状况。verb + injection➤need, require需要注资▸➤give sth, provide (sth with)给⋯注资;(为⋯)提供资金▸➤get, receive接受注资preposition➤injection from来自⋯的注资◆a cash injection from the state来自国家的现金注入➤injection into资金注入⋯◆an injection of cash into the economy对经济的现金注资phrases➤an injection of capital, cash, resources, etc.资金、现金、资源等的注入◆the company had reached the size where it needed an injection of capital.公司已经壮大了规模,需要资金注入。injection/ɪnˈdʒekʃn ||; ɪnˈdʒɛkʃən/noun1. [c,u] (an) injection (of sth) (into sb/sth) the act of putting a drug or substance under the skin of a person's or an animal's body with a needle (a syringe) 注射: ◇to give sb an injection 给某人注射◇a tetanus injection 破伤风注射剂: ◇an anaesthetic was administered by injection. 以注射进行麻醉。 [syn] jab 同义词为jab 2. [c] a large amount of sth that is added to sth to help it 投入的大量…: ◇the theatre needs a huge cash injection if it is to stay open. 这家剧院需要投入巨额现金才不致倒闭。 3. [u] [c] the act of forcing liquid into sth 喷射: ◇fuel injection 燃油喷射 injectionsee ⇨ medical treatment 1 in·jec·tion /ɪn`dʒɛkʃən; ɪnˈdʒekʃən/n 1. [c,u] an act of putting a drug into your body, using a special needle 注射 2. [c] the act of putting money into an organization, plan etc [企业、计划等]资金注入:◇the business received a cash injection of $6 million. 这家企业收到了六百万元的注入资金。 ☞ injection




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